Irina Ortman: "It was love at first sight, final and irrevocable"


Ira, what do you think, does love happen at first sight?

- Of course it happens. I know a lot of similar cases.

Do you exactly happen to your husband?

- Yes, our husband had love at first sight - finally and irrevocably. When you understand that here it is, the very feeling about which the most beautiful films are filmed, romantic stories are written ...

Irina Ortman

Irina Ortman

Materials press services

What memories remain from your first date, the first day spent together?

- Listen to my song "Roman", there are answers to all these questions. Of course, all the fact that two people lovers make together for the first time, forever remains in mind, because it will never happen again. First kiss, first confessions, timid steps towards each other ...

When you just started meeting your spouse, what future did you draw for yourself?

"I immediately realized that this was a man of my life, with whom I want to be together once and for all. Create a joint future, meet maturity, love and enjoy every moment.

Irina Ortman

Irina Ortman

Materials press services

What should be male courtship?

- I think everything is individually. The main one sincere.

Is it possible to forgive betray?

- Returning to the past question, I repeat, individually. For someone acceptable, for me there is no. And it's not even physical contact. By changing the beloved person, you, first of all, change yourself, your choice.

Loving people should be similar to each other or necessarily opposite?

- When two people begin to meet together, in the future they will definitely become like each other. Common gestures, movements, words appear in the process of joint life. Being opposite is important, because you draw something from another person, but also should also be - otherwise it can be difficult in the future.

Believe in the "second half"?

- I believe that a person must be self-sufficient and solid. I basically do not like the definition of "halves", but to meet my person, this is a great gift of heaven.

Irina Ortman:

"My husband had love at first sight"

Materials press services

Marriage necessarily or loving people can live without a registry office and a temple all life?

- For me, marriage, wedding. It is important to be married - for her husband - no wonder they say so. Although, in the modern world, these concepts are blurred. As in other areas, each of its own.

Children are a prerequisite for family life?

"Unfortunately, it all depends not only from their desires, but also from God, so the question is rhetorical. For me - yes, but I know the couples that devote your life to each other and at the same time very happy.

How do you feel about children?

- I love children very much and know that it is mutual.

Irina Ortman

Irina Ortman

Materials press services

What makes you happy in your relationship?

- My husband. Now I am preparing for release a few songs "My Lighthouse" and "Hello, happiness." So, my husband is my happiness, my lighthouse.

Did you think that you will be together for a long time?

- I knew about it from the very first sight.

What is most afraid of your relationship with your spouse?

- Fears can not be put on public space and even think about them. I believe that thoughts are material and try to think always positively so that it does not happen.

What do you like most in the spouse?

- Behind him, as behind the stone wall. He is supporting and supporting the whole of our family. Wise, responsible, caring, fair. Roman (Roman Babkin, - approx. Auth.) - The most real embodiment of a man.

What would you like to try, what have not yet tried?

- Go to the army on the sailboat.

Irina Ortman

Irina Ortman

Materials press services

How do you feel about the shortcomings of a loved one? Or how do you need to treat them?

- We are not perfect, we must remember this and take. I never tried to remake my husband and did not try to change it. When a person loves, he himself changes in good harmonious relationship.

Quarrels are the normal phenomenon between loving people? And how to solve this problem, if this is a problem?

- And there are spots in the sun. Everything is smooth and smooth daily? So does not happen. And it should not be otherwise it will be boring. Quarrels are needed to splash emotions, moderately, to solve household problems, for understanding. The best way to solve is a romantic evening. But if the problem is global, of course, it is important to hear and listen to each other and be able to negotiate.

How do you show your love?

- Why show it. The main thing is that we feel it.

Describe in one word your relationship?

- Confidence.

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