Acrobatic tricks on the mattress: what to do if the muscles reduce you after sex


Reducing muscle fibers after sex is a normal phenomenon. Do not think that something is wrong with you, if sometimes shoots a back or starts to whip the thigh. With permanent pains, do not do without a consultation of the doctor, but temporary can be stopped independently. Womanhit tells you what to do.

Take hot souls

Go to the shower after sex is useful not only for the sake of muscles. Under soapy water, you wash off the allocation of the mucous partner, which can cause irritation if you have sensitive skin. Plus, as many advise, protect themselves from cystitis. For muscle relaxation, almost hot water is also useful. The temperature effect relieves the dock and enhances the inflow of blood together with leukocytes to treat damaged areas.

After the soul, the muscles will come to normal

After the soul, the muscles will come to normal


Training vaginal muscles

Some positions require good stretching and skills at the same time to keep the vaginal muscles of the sexual body of the partner. After such a voltage, you can feel unpleasant ripples in the area of ​​the clitoris and small sex. If the cause of this was not an orgasm, then you encountered the overvoltage of the muscles. Recommended peace for a while, and after - regular tinting to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic bottom.

Pelvic DNA Muscle Training Kegel Complex

Pelvic DNA Muscle Training Kegel Complex


Feel free to partner

If you for some reason avoid a prelude, or feel clamped during sex, the muscles will also shrink. Internal discomfort does not give the brain to release control over the situation, and with it - the body relax and warm up. Expansion with your loved one all disturbing you moments. For example, many girls flashed legs and they cannot be liberated until they decide to solve warm socks. Do not hesitate to have such desires - everything is good in intimate life that it is satisfied with both. And each adequate person can take such a feature.

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