Andrei Gaidulanu and Diana Sean not easy to build family relationships


Diana Ohovov

Andrei Gailulan

Your first meeting?

In club. I did not recognize Andrei, and the girlfriends suggested: "This is the guy who was filmed in the" University "series.

What was Andrei dressed in?

Black polo, jeans, sneakers, cap.

And you?

I had a yellow dress.

Your first date?

Two days later, he called me to give a visit to his friends.

Who was the first confessed in love?

This made Andrei while traveling to Turkey.

First gift for Andrei?

Ring. I was looking for it all over the apartment with notes. And finally found in the sink with dirty dishes, there was an inscription: "Please break the plates."

And your first gift to him?

Honestly, I do not remember.

Who is the first usually take a step towards reconciliation?

I think that I. Andrei believes that he. In general, whatever happens, we have a special "day truce" - Monday.

What makes the husband most in you?

Honesty, loyalty and ability to cook - I bought it.

Are you in it?

He is a faithful person - this is the main thing.

Favorite lesson your second half?

Prepare kebabs and pizza, read books, play sports.

And yours?

Cooking is my favorite hobby.

Unloved lesson Andrei?

Clean up the apartment.

And yours?

Wash and wash the dishes.

The habit of which you refused when they began to live together?

I love parties, and Andrei Domosed. I arrange parties at home.

The habit from which Andrei refused?

He learned to close the refrigerator and stopped wearing what he fell.

Your home nicknames?

My bunny, and his poke.

What thing Andrey would you be happy with pleasure?

His terrible old T-shirts.

Who brings some coffee to bed?

We had such a ritual before.

Your first meeting?

Happened three years ago in one of the clubs. I allocated Diana from a group of girls crowded at a bar counter. It came up, met, we talked to six in the morning.

What was dressed Diana?

In a dark dress.

And you?

Probably in T-shirt and jeans.

Your first date?

I invited her to a movie for some horror.

Who was the first confessed in love?

A month after the acquaintance, we went to Turkey, rested gorgeous, and I said: "It seems, I love you."

First gift Diana?

I can not remember. Whether the bag is or shirt.

And your first gift to her?

Ring with diamonds.

Who is the first usually take a step towards reconciliation?


What do you think most appreciates the wife in you?

I guess my generosity

and kindness.

Are you in it?

Honesty, devotion, the ability to cook well.

Favorite lesson your second half?

Travel, walk around the city.

And yours?

Work and read.

Her unloved occupation?

She does not like what I like, is to sit at home and read.

And yours?

Walk and walk around clubs.

The habit of which you refused when they began to live together?

I almost learned to leave a blank package from under the milk in the refrigerator. And also changed his style in clothes.

The habit from which Diana refused?

Previously, she was not soap floors, but now it does it.

Your home nickname?

Pesk. This nickname was terribly irritated.

What kind of Diana would you hate with pleasure?

There is no such.

Who brings some coffee to bed?

Not coffee. Sometimes I cook breakfast.

Commentary Family Psychologist:

"Andrei steals trays from McDonalds, and as a child tormented the unfortunate cats ... It would have been writing any woman in shock. But only not Diana, which is a hooligan itself, and can easily be launched in an innocent passerby with a rotten egg. It can be seen that this young couple is not so easy to build family relationships. With regard to domestic issues, they have a lot of mutual complaints. You have to re-educate each other. Regarding how to spend your free time, their views also diverge. But while Diana and Andrei even like to discover the "other universe". Well, and the movement inherent in our heroes allows them to quickly forget the breakdown and quarrels. "

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