Anna Tsukanova-Cott: "I was worried about my appearance, loop, but then I loved myself"


Anna Tsukanova-Cott's creative way began with a vigor of Yerals. Rusolay, funny, immediately remembered immediately. Surprisingly, the very first shooting at the seven age happened in the graduation work of her future husband Alexander Cotta. When she was eighteen, they became a couple, and a few years later the son of Misha was born. Today, Anna has seventy work. The audience fell in love with Katya from the "eighties", and the heroines of the Brest Fortress, "Major-2", "Excellent" surprised the sincerity and a wide palette of the young actress. By the way, in the paintings of the husband, it is practically not removed, and if it gets there, then on the general reasons, sometimes a surprise for the director. Anna told about this in the March issue of the atmosphere magazine.

"Anya, you are already in Thailand for two months." What is the limited trip: Is it just a rest or something else?

- Rest and hot yoga! It is here, on Phuket, they teach my favorite teachers Simon and Tom. And I do every day.

- What did Yoga get used to you so much and what she gives you?

- Yoga is now so popular that only you can hear: "The best yoga centers of the city," "The best yoga teachers in Moscow", "Yoga for beginners". But all this was not interesting to me, I didn't see it at all in the essence and could not stand in the pose "Dog muzzle down." I first heard the hot yoga from the singer and the composer Oksana Grigorieva, who, being a mother of two children, boasts the perfect body, good skin, correct posture. And I wanted to try, but I was afraid that because of the strong humidity and high temperature, the heart may not withstand or losing consciousness. Before the first lesson I died, morally prepared for difficult sensations and promised myself not to be angry with my body if it could not stand it. When I came to the lesson, it was already hot in the room. Teacher Simon entered the room. The radiant man of forty seven years old, similar to the actor Robin Williams. I immediately understood that this is my teacher. It is like love at first sight. When the lesson began, I was not in myself five minutes later, I barely breathe, my head was spinning, my heart jumped out of my chest, but I trusted Simon, that I had no thought to finish and escape. Every day I was obsessed with thought rather to come to the lesson to achieve the best results. And soon out of a plump girl on the rear rows, not able to keep your body in a triangle pose at least thirty seconds, I turned into a beauty number one. I was rearranged in the first row so that newcomers look at me and repeated me. I am infinitely grateful to the fate for led me to this island. I met my teachers here and found a lesson that makes me happy, flexible, gives a feeling of comfort and self-confidence.

With her husband Alexander Anna familiar from seven years

With her husband Alexander Anna familiar from seven years


- Despite the yoga, you are not tired of being in one place in one place?

- We not only spend time on Phuket, flew to Singapore, have fun and watched local attractions. Besides, I work a lot here. In February, two of my new culinary rollers "Eat Art" came out, I was engaged in installing and setting the sound, and now I am writing scripts for new rollers.

- Who are you relaxing there? After all, the Son is studying at school ...

- Almost all the time with mom and son. For some time, my husband Sasha was attached to us. So managed to relax and the full family makeup. It was very cool! Yes, Misha has already started classes at school, but we hired a teacher here, who passes with him the school curriculum and makes lessons. So, Misha will return to Moscow to be prepared and will not lag behind his classmates. Also on the island with me my friends Alice Starovoitov (the creator of the acting school Reforma) and Anna Chapman (TV presenter and real spy). Girls are also with children, and we spend time together.

- You are a risky and adventure man. And how do you feel about extreme sports or just certain dangers: far to swim, jump into the water, is there a new and wonderful meal, especially in unknown places in Asia?

- I have enough fears. I'm afraid to swim far, I am still afraid of heights and insects, as well as snakes and a strong wind. But I try to get rid of all phobias, so my spontaneity is an attempt to told them. For example, I take a boat and sailing into the open ocean, starring with a snake and even trying insects during exotic travels. All this makes me a little stronger.

The son of Misha inherited the father's papin to the photo and her mother's - to cooking

The son of Misha inherited the father's papin to the photo and her mother's - to cooking

Photo: Personal archive Anna Tsukanova-Cott

- You call yourself a shroud, tell that you can get out of the house for bread and find yourself in New York. Homemade has never been angry with you for any such surprises?

- Yes, I am very easy to rise. And my trait "Do not sit still" like my family. Thanks to her, we travel a lot. I do not remember that at least once my spontaneous solution has become the subject of a dispute or quarrel with loved ones. It seems to me that the lives of people associated with the cinema is unpredictable by itself. My husband is also a very rich schedule, today he is in one place, tomorrow - in another. And I understand this with understanding. For me, the main thing is to know that everything is in order with my loved ones.

- You have repeatedly said that my husband is very different: Sasha is reasonable, soft, unhurried, and you are the energies and unrestrain itself - and that you also differ on a lot. Are there any collisions, misunderstandings on this soil?

- As practice shows, it's just the perfect combination! We are insanely interesting and fun with each other, I always study from Sasha something new. He is sixteen years older than me, and this difference is especially felt in the approach to solving problems. If I periodically start panicing, then the husband belongs to everything with his head, can quickly calm me. I do not remember that we can at least once be able to come together in choosing a film that we will look. This is despite that Sasha shoots serious cinema, with great meaning and for large TV channels, and I make frivolous, funny and provocative videos for the Internet. Probably the most important discrepancy is to dress in the manner. I like stylish things, I follow the trends, and he is generally anyway - the season or not the season, it is fashionable or not. He wears a sweater in which he went to Vgik. What only new jumpers and cardigans I brought him! But he most like the same Orange Vgikovsky sweater. (Laughs.)

- And in matters of education of the son, are you converging with your husband?

- Sasha is more strict in the issue of learning Misha. It is important for him that our son learned well and did lessons in time.

Anna is a risky and adventure man. Maybe absolutely suddenly breaking and go to the distant journey. For example, in Iceland

Anna is a risky and adventure man. Maybe absolutely suddenly breaking and go to the distant journey. For example, in Iceland

Photo: Personal archive Anna Tsukanova-Cott

- You're early became my mother and are still very young, and the son has been nine years old. Are you more friends with him or come moments when you feel a very responsible parent?

- First of all I am Mom. But a friend, of course, too, sometimes even an accomplice. We often underdese something together, love to cook and travel. If I understand that over the whole day we spent a little time together, I can take it with you on shooting or some kind of secular event. He loves it very much and easily finds a common language with people. But in general, the child's upbringing is a responsible task, therefore subordination is present in our relations. When Misha does not listen, I try to explain to him why not do it. We pronounce the situation. In general, parents must show their example what is "good" and what is "bad."

- Misha goes to an ordinary school? And what else does it do now?

- Yes, he is studying in an ordinary school. There, however, there is a volleyball bias, but he decided not to do this sport. His choice fell on karate. And Misha is already champion of St. Petersburg, Moscow and even Europe ... He dreams of a black belt. I am insanely proud of them. His whole room is hung with medals and prizes. Misha also walks on drawing and animation, and I also really like how it takes pictures. This is exactly in dad. Sasha's photos are highly appreciated worldwide. We try to support the Son in all endeavors.

Or to the distant islands of Cuba

Or to the distant islands of Cuba

Photo: Personal archive Anna Tsukanova-Cott

- Do you know his friends? He is more communicating with peers or with adults from your circle, how are you ever?

- Misha has many different friends. He is friends with someone else from the kindergarten, and there are among them and children of my friends, for example Oktavia, daughter Lera Guy Germanica, or Danya, son Yuli Romashina. Misha is a real shower of the company. It is mainly communicating with peers, but also adults with him interesting. He has a good sense of humor, and he often surprises me and my friends with curious information - reads interesting facts on the Internet and then talks about them all the rest.

- So who in your family is the leader, even if the unworn? Maybe for some questions answered Sasha, for others - you? And what homemade duties have Misha?

- Of course, everyone has its own duties. Sasha is engaged in electronics, appliances and light, a light bulb change is to him. I am preparing, and Misha makes garbage and even sometimes washes the dishes!

- How important is the material incentive in work and are you satisfied with your life level? Without what, for example, could not live?

- The material component is definitely important, but I have long decided on myself - if I do not like the role, I will not be removed. I appreciate comfort, beautiful things and, of course, at the current level of employment I can afford something expensive. But it is much more important to me so that it answers my feeling of style. I am pleased to combine mass market clothes with expensive accessories. Probably, could not refuse themselves in high-quality kitchen appliances, because I love to cook very much. Well, perhaps, the car should also be good. But in general, I am for a rational attitude towards everything material.

Trips give a positive energy charge, and sometimes they are useful for work

Trips give a positive energy charge, and sometimes they are useful for work

Photo: Personal archive Anna Tsukanova-Cott

- Could you fully deal with something other than acting profession? I am not about add-ons than your project "Eat Art" ...

- Yes, I could! I dream to open my restaurant! I think one day it will happen. I love cook very much. Food is my passion. I think I know no less about her than about movies. Recently, I even thought about our own culinary online courses. It seems to me that in conditions of constant lack of time, you must be able to quickly build a tasty and useful dish at the same time. By the way, my son Misha loves not only to cook with me, but also invent new original recipes.

- Do your homework agree on gastronomic tastes?

- We have all different tastes in food. Misha loves dumplings and pasta, Sasha Meat, Mom Fish, and I am vegetables. But for me it is not a problem, I am preparing for all different dishes, I like to do it. And we all love pasta in tomato sauce in my recipe and baked potatoes. In general, I believe that the principle "We are what we eat" works a hundred percent, so I follow the quality of products. Actually, the idea of ​​my bright and unusual project "Eating Art" was born out of love for food and healthy diet and the idea of ​​a series of culinary rollers based on their own recipes. I will say with pride that the audience, and journalists, and my colleagues on the workshop have already been appreciated. So, in different rollers, Milos Bikovich, Nikita Efremov, Agrata Tarasova, Yang GE. And I plan to attract famous actors to participate in the shooting. To date, this is my main brainchild, which I dedicate almost all the time-free time.

Anna Tsukanova-Cott:

In the new film "Vacation of the President", Anna performed in New Amplua - played teacher

- You said that they came to a profession by chance, the will of the Fate. But you grew up in the acting family ...

- I think this is fate. Too many coincidences happened so that I start to take off. In a different way, it will not be explained. I often joke, that the profession I found me myself. In the theater school, I was just because it was near the house. There I was selected first for filming a video, then in the graduation work of my future husband, and after the "Yerals" happened. Literally after the first day of filming, I felt the acting - exactly what I want to do. It seems to me that children who are filmed in "Uralash" are very open and liberated. In my opinion, the reason for this is the special gift of Boris Grachevsky. He has a completely special atmosphere on him. It is thanks to this project that I became free, purposeful, confident.

- By the way, often Grachevsky reproaches that he is simply scolding for children and it doesn't have any attitude towards a real creative process ...

- Grachevsky and Uralash only helped me in my creative path. Boris Yuryevich is amazingly talented and workable person who truly loves his work. I am happy that I started with him now. And I am proud of every plot of "Elash" with me! It was there that I learned to relate to this profession easily. Because then ease and the frame appears, it's more fun.

- By the way, why did you graduate from school externally at fifteen years that you were challenged in adulthood?

- Shooting ... I did not have time to learn. He was on domestic training, at times everything was not easy, I wanted to turn the page soon.

Anna Tsukanova-Cott:

"We are very different with Sasha, but, as practice shows, this is the perfect combination. We have fun and interesting with each other, I study in my husband something new"

Photo: Personal archive Anna Tsukanova-Cott

- Why after the end of the institute you did not find yourself in the theater?

- I did not accept me. I have shown along with my classmates. But since I had films in the movies, I am not very upset. But now I want to try myself in the theater. Waiting for an interesting invitation! And I believe that one day the theater bursts into my life.

- Which of your paintings are you most expensive than the process and results?

- I was lucky with the movie. I always came to me the roles that I wanted, and the directors with whom I dreamed to work. I do not remember at least once agreed to shoot just because of money. Every role was so much like that did not seem to me work, despite the heavy moving and flights.

- How do you feel about frank scenes? Is it all ready if you understand that it is dictated by an artistic necessity, or still resort to Dublershi services?

- The frank scene does not differ from any other, although, of course, she has its own characteristics. But I do not know a single self-respecting artist who would completely refuse to participate in such scenes. Different there are situations, but in general, everyone understands that this is the work that needs to be performed. In general, it should be noted that all the frank episodes are very funny. Therefore, to give them a double - it means at least to deprive themselves positive emotions.

Anna Tsukanova-Cott:

The project "Eat Art" is a favorite brainchild of Anna. In one of her rollers, an actress Aglaya Tarasova appeared with her

- The screen comes out the picture "President's Vacation". What did you find in it for yourself as an actress? Who is your heroine and whether some very bright or very difficult shooting days for you?

- "President's vacation" for me special work. First, this is an intellectual comedy about the journey not anyone, but the heads of our state. Secondly, it is Road-Movie: all the shooting were very rich, because they went through the way. We drove from Moscow to the Crimea by car. I first visited Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don, and also from Kerch we sailed on the ferry. Voronezh was remembered by its biggest reservoir - the Voronezh Sea, as he is often called it. Of course, this is not a real sea, but a reservoir, but the scale is impressive. Rostov-on-Don conquered his hospitality and food. There I tried the real Cossack ear. Thirdly, this is a completely new role for me! I never played a teacher. She herself was always rather in the position of the student. Although, I confess, I love English very much, I am quite free to communicate and trying to teach him from time to time. (Laughs.)

- You guided the program "Kings of the Day" - the truth is not basically, but the cable channel. How did you feel before the camera in the new capacity?

- To be honest, always dreamed of becoming a TV host. The transmission format is very interesting, scenery bright and positive, so good mood of the audience was guaranteed. A visit to me was usually popular bloggers with a huge number of subscribers in social networks, and I have learned the secretions about how to repeat their success. But it turned out that the television program is not so simple. I had no second for rest! But experience, of course, is invaluable! I got acquainted with a huge number of very interesting people. With someone even made friends.

Anna Tsukanova-Cott:

"In adolescence, I comprehended because of my appearance"

Photo: Personal archive Anna Tsukanova-Cott

- In general, you are a company, love to be in the spotlight? Or in ordinary life still prefer to go into the shadow and stay some time some time?

- I love to periodically go to the shadow. I need a balance between being the center of attention and solitude. My trip to Thailand is just the opportunity to switch and recover after a very active year. I love my culinary project very much that I spend a lot of work on him myself. I like it to retake and work alone. I even want to build a small studio at home, where I can implement my ideas. But I also need work in the team. I am very sociable person! I love to joke and lead people. Every person who works with me is a real diamond, my find. For me, all of them are members of my family.

- Do you like to change and transform or all this only for the red tracks and photo sessions that you, in my opinion, love very much?

- Transfiguration inspires me. Just all my videos are built on the fact that I have a new image everywhere. I am most interesting to see myself another on the part. I love changing hairstyles and hair color. I like to be photographed and taking pictures. I probably inborn fashion model. (Laughs.) But my height one hundred and sixty centimeters never allowed to do this professionally. Although, if there is objective, it is not so critical, in our time the individuality is valued, rather than some standards.

- And how did you relate to your appearance in childhood and youth?

- In childhood and adolescence, I complexed because of my appearance, burdens, worried that not enough ... But over time I loved myself and learned how to emphasize my beauty. I realized that heels corrected growth, and I never hide your ears! And they really like them. They emphasize my individuality. I love myself what I am. I like to receive compliments from my friends and subscribers! They are encouraged me and charge energy. And I myself do not hesitate to talk compliments. It's so nice!

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