5 dangerous objects you have at home


Central heating

Without this, the benefit of civilization during the cold season in our homes would be very uncomfortable. But precisely because of it, the air in the premises becomes dry. As a consequence, leather will suffer. It begins to hide, peeling, wrinkles appear, and the complexion becomes dim.

Batteries dried air

Batteries dried air


Be sure to use the creams, thermal water, get a humidifier in the apartment.


Modern materials are inexpensive, easily erased, but they have their own cons. Tight cotton is capable of increasing the risk of chances on the skin, which after some time turn into wrinkles.

Buy silk linen

Buy silk linen


Replace cotton on silk. Due to the smooth surface, it damages the skin less, and also prevents the reproduction of bacteria.

Smartphone and computer

We do not part with the technique in the morning to a deep night. In addition to the harm for the eyes, as clarified scientists, blue lights of screens (High Energy VisibleLight) are comparable to the UVA and UVB spectrum solar rays that cause wrinkles.

Rest from computer

Rest from computer


Put a special protective HEV screen, and the market has already appeared protective creams with a litter of Hev. Limit the time spent at the computer, with a TV using a smartphone.


This is a rampant infection in the house, it can become a source of various diseases. If we press the water start button without closing the cover, then all bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms together with drops of water are flying out in the room, getting on the skin. As a result, the occurrence of rash.

Watch out for cleanliness

Watch out for cleanliness


Keep plumbing clean. Keep the cover of the toilet closed, especially during the wash.

Open window

By checking the room in an urban apartment, we harm your skin. Industry, freeways, smoking neighbors and other pollutant factors cause premature aging.

Keep windows closed

Keep windows closed


Purchase the device for cleaning the air in a room, which will not only remove particles of contamination, but also help to control the sootype of humidity.

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