Online image - business network


For almost four months now we communicate with the platform of the Womanhit Internet portal. It is fast, convenient, allows us to fully with you, with feedback, contact, and not just write texts one way, without hoping to the answer ... It's amazing that with such a format we have not yet talked about an important component of the image - about online image.

"My Page / Mail / Blog is my case, my self-expression, I want to feel here completely free!" - Many will dismiss. And, alas, thereby discovering its short-sightedness, a certain disadvantage of insightness. Why? Let's wonder in detail!

1. Social networks. "You follow you!" - So it would be possible to briefly formulate the idea that it is constantly worth keeping in my head, updating your profile in one of the social networks. No, no, it is not at all about the global conspiracy theory and the paralysis generated by it. It is fairly suspected of viewing your page. You can and need quite real people: employers, real and potential, teachers of your school and university (including from second higher education, "relatives, loved ones and distant. In addition, remember your" former " , sworn girlfriends and so on. It is clear that, if you wish, you can find, on how to brazen and suck, from any person, but at least you can minimize explicit reasons, like dubious photos on the verge of pervolored and containing status maturs. By the way , Do you know that in large companies monitoring online profiles of all employees and candidates for posts - ordinary and approved in the instructions practice of personnel department? ..

2. Postal address. You are an excellent professional. You make your work brilliantly. You have corporate mail, but suddenly you have to send a business message with your personal and your partner receives a news from [email protected] seemingly what difference if the letter text matches all the necessary formal requirements? But in fact there is a difference ... Such an e-mail address in the "Sender" line or, worse, in the summary - the indicator of your inattention to the details, not a thoughtful attitude towards your business image and reputation. If you want to achieve serious posts and orders or bring your own company to leading positions, your e-mail must be appropriate. The safest option is the name and surname. There may also be an indication of the organization with which you are related (but then it is worth writing with it only the relevant business letters, it will not work in personal capacity, and it will be simply necessary to change the address with any changes, such as dismissal). "Nicknames" / Login / Nicknames are used only for the so-called "spam mail", which you plan to receive automatic letters from different resources and thematic newsletters. Write in this box to real people, especially from the working medium, is not worth it.

3. Photocontient. "How many times repeated to the world" that every photo laid out on the Internet is likely to get to the eyes of one who would be better to never see it. And people continue to do the same mistakes ... As a result, see the item first: Your boss admires on your truncier bar, your mom is on candid dancing with an incomprehensible subject, your colleagues and customers - on unnecessary candid Outfits ... Avoid someone to postpone the courageous for your reputation. Frames are not always simple (after all, not every person agrees to constantly control himself and be one hundred percent "painka" ...), but in your power - at least not to compromise your own content itself. . When the hand stretches to the "Download" button, think about: "Why? What will this photo say about me? " If the answer is difficult to formulate or he puts you not in the best light - stop.

4. Blogs. And again - about decency. Your blog also forms your image. Tighten the grammar, "Filter" images, themes and style of presentation, if you want to be seriously perceived and you were not ashamed for the fact that your blog will find someone unexpected. If you want complete freedom - lead entries in "only for yourself" or for a narrow, extremely limited circle of persons. The blog is still not a diary, but mini media, remember this!

So, our online pages make a great contribution to the formation of our image. This is not an isolated "quiet harbor", but an open resource, from which everyone can draw information about you. And it is in your power to form such a online image to be perceived exactly as you need.

Be thoughtful and responsible!

If you have questions about style and image, waiting for them to mail: [email protected]

Katerina Khokhlova, Image Consultant and Life Coach

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