How to get rid of excess weight, cellulite and stretch marks


Question: "After the second gods, a" lifebuoy "appeared in the waist and abdomen. Excess volumes are very much interfered. I make procedures, I sit on diets, I get the result, and then everything comes back again. Will the "fat inhibitor" will help? Olga, 42 years old.

Answer: "To date, one of the most effective drugs working with cellulite and extra fat deposits is the" fat inhibitor "from the company" H. Q. B. M. TECHNOLOGIES. The uniqueness of the drug lies in the comprehensive impact on the causes of their occurrence, and most of the funds presented in the market work only with the aesthetic side of the problem.

The possibility of influencing the causes of excess fatty sediments and cellulite is due to powerful main ingredients concluded in it.

First: SlimBuster-L is the ingredient activating and enhancing the level of peptide leptin in the human body. Leptin is a peptide by controlling the level of which we can protect yourself from a set of extra kilograms. The peptide is responsible for the energy exchange in our body. In people with an imbalance between lipogenesis (fat formation) and lipolysis (fat splitting), leptin production is at a very low level or immunity to this peptide appears. By activating leptin, a balance is achieved between lipogenesis and lipolysis, and therefore fat deposits are actively reduced in problem areas, their further education is blocked.

Secondly, a unique complex of clean (without impurities) of extracts of medicinal plants - horses - allows you to effectively deal with such problems as cellulite, loss of skin elasticity after weight loss, reducing the age tone. "

How to get rid of excess weight, cellulite and stretch marks 14750_1

Alexey Paramonov - Dermatologist, cosmetologist, acting coach of the company "Innovation and Beauty"

Question: "I have practically no extra weight, regularly engage in sports, care for the skin, but I still have cellulite. What to do? Is it possible to cope with him? Natalia, 36 years old.

Answer: "Cellulite is a cosmetic flaw that is formed against the background of stagnant phenomena. Cellulite can be both in women with overweight and thin. Many of the problem of excess weight and cellulite are considered separately. In fact, this is not entirely true, as in that, in another case, the leading link of pathogenesis is adipocyte hypertrophy (total in obesity and local cellulite), thickening of the connecting partitions, circulatory disruption, which results in a change in skin relief. Alone, at home, it is quite difficult to cope with cellulite. Using balm for massage "Fat inhibitor" in the salon procedures and "Fat inhibitor Home Professional" in home systemic care, you will achieve the following results: activation of metabolism, improvement of microcirculation in tissues, strengthening collagen framework, considerable skin strengthening and improving its color, level increase Lymphatic drainage, decrease in tissue swelling, removal of inflammatory processes. Impacting comprehensively for the causes of cellulite, you will achieve the effect of smooth elastic skin in just one massage course. "

Question: "After I lost 30 kg, I had ugly stretching. Tell me, can you somehow effectively deal with this problem? Yaroslav, 33 years old.

Answer: "Stretching is a very common ugly skin defect. They appear

Not only during pregnancy, but after a sharp weight loss, as in your case. I can offer a remarkable gel against stretch marks "Stretch" from Hyaluron. It is better to use it in a combination of professional procedures in the beauty salon and home care. The gel effectively eliminates stretching and prevents the formation of new, intensively smoothes their relief. Combines the effect of peeling and active skin restoration. Activates the synthesis of collagen. Softens the skin, gives it elasticity, smoothness and elasticity. "Hyaluron-Stretch" contains a complex of active ingredients that accelerate the process of cell division in the basal layer, as well as activating the processes of the cells of cells located around the Strya, which are in an anabiotic state. Gel provides deep skin moisturizing, improves cellular update and normalizes metabolic processes in atrophic skin. Thus, there is a gradual replacement of lifeless tissue on alive, stretching disappear. "

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