5 products that you do not like only because you do not know how to cook them


How many myths appear about the products - in genetically modified vegetables and fruits there are many pesticides, the pork is impossible because of its "dirty" origin, dairy products are not digested by the stomach of adults. And this is only part! Plus, many products that we note due to personal preferences or difficulties in their preparation. Womanhit remembers that he does not like to eat most: try to convince you to diversify the diet.


Tried a rubber squid in ready-made salads from the supermarket and disappointed in this seafood? The truth is that the squid does not need to be prepared for a long time. It is enough to cut off the lower part from it, leaving a carcass, and pour it with boiling water from the kettle. Then you need to remove the film from the surface and pour boiling water once again - it is instantly boiled with boiling water and remains soft. And after it can be chopped into a salad or fry with spices and butter.

Kalmar is preparing in a couple of minutes, and after it you can do anything

Kalmar is preparing in a couple of minutes, and after it you can do anything

Photo: unsplash.com.


When baking eggplants can be patched. The reason for this is either in their noble, or in a variety. Credit with a bitter taste will help soaking in water. Cut the vegetable as you will prepare after it - plates or cubes. Stay in a bowl with ice water, add ice cubes and remove to the fridge for an hour. After you need to drain the water, lay out cutting on a paper towel to glass water, and you can prepare a dish.


To choose a ripe, but did not blame avocado, not everyone can. Always look at the tail, where the remainder of the branch sticks out. It must be elastic to the touch and homogeneous in color with the rest of the peel. A very soft brown tail will indicate that the fruit has rotted. Selecting a good avocado, prepare toast with him, make sauce or add to the paste.


To be honest, we yourself do not love the liver, although we understand how many vitamins contain it. But there is one meal that can eat everything is a chicken liver pate. Wellect it in a saucepan, drain the broth in a separate liquid. Wake up a blender in a puree, add a couple of tablespoons of broth for consistency and spices to taste. Do not forget to salute, and you can serve to the table with crispy rye loaves.

A delicious pate is obtained from chicken liver

A delicious pate is obtained from chicken liver

Photo: unsplash.com.


This is a rather exotic vegetable that many have never tried many in life. The easiest way is to prepare asparagus in a grill or home grilled pan. To do this, lubricate it with olive oil, sprinkle with spices and salt and lay out to roast over parchment paper for 2-3 minutes on each side.

Want us to tell, how are there other products? For example, how to love olives, oysters, boiled onions and carrots - all the fact that children almost never eat.

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