It is impossible to silent: sexual violence in Hollywood


James Franco fans shook today's news: Hollywood actor accused of harassment. The application to the court filed two women, former student of Franco. The actor is the creator of the acting school, where women were trained. According to the victims, in the class of Franco and his colleagues did sexy hints and behaved with women inappropriate.

As women stated, Franco promised roles in real films to all students who agree to pass the audition, taking part in bed scenes. However, the word did not restrain. In addition, the actors were previously accused of harassment, but then the scandal quickly jumped.

The real image of the actor, director or any other public person does not always coincide with our ideas. Sometimes the real person may be a person of a complex nature or even pose a danger to society. We decided to remember who from the cultic heroes of the screen in life caused people pain as spiritual and physical.

Roman Polansky

In the distant 1977, the director faced accusations of his address. The story was that Polanski invited a young model to note the signing of a contract in the house to another legend of the movie Jack Nicholsonsus. The director suggested a glass of champagne glad, where he added the sleeping pill. After the girl lost a connection with reality, Polanski bowed her to oral sex.

The director did not deny the guilt, he even agreed to undergo a survey in a psychiatrist. However, this step did not help: the court refused to give a suspended period. Polanski had to run to Europe.

Harvey Winestein

The fact of the famous producer knows, probably everyone. The main actresses of Hollywood were openly admitted that Weinstein forced them to sex, otherwise there would be a fat cross in their career. In the distant 1997, the actress Rose McGouen accused the producer in harassment, but Harvey paid the girl a decent amount, and McGowan himself did not receive support from colleagues.

However, with the advent of Metoo and Timesup movements, the Woman Hollywood felt their strength and hit the wave of hatred of Weinstein, who surrendered under the onslaught.

The producer was fired from its own company, the wife also filed for divorce. Weinstein does not even support Male colleagues, but worst for the producer - they finally became interested in the police.

Marlon Brando

An unpleasant incident is connected with the name of the cult actor: during the filming of the film "Last Tango in Paris", the actress Maria Schneider was subjected to real violence from Brando. To make the scene more realistic, the director, together with Marlon, decided that the sex scene should be real. Without putting his partner on stage, Marlon fulfilled the director, leaving the girl psychological injury for life.

Bill Cosnis

A popular American comedian according to the degree of sexual impairment can compare except with the same Weinstein. All his life, Cosmi did not limit himself in fantasies: after abuse over the girls, he offered to victims of monetary compensation so that they were silent. According to the recognition of the girls themselves, before making violence, Cosby mixed out something into the cocktails, so that his desire's object would give as little resistance as possible.

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