Sergey Babaev: "Tie is a very ancient thing"


"A man stands the same as his tie. They covers his essence, his spirit manifests itself, "said Honor de Balzac. Stylish accessory should be able to not only wear, but also to buy. TV presenter of the first channel Sergey Babaev mastered this art perfectly. In his collection about a hundred fifty ties. As a passionate collector, Sergey studied not only a story, but also psychological literature concerning the subject of hobbies.

- Sergey, from what moment you began to assume that you do not just have an enon number of ties that you wear, and already a collection?

- Ties already somewhere about a hundred fifty pieces. As a collection, I began to consider them when the question arose how to store them, because before they hung at home on the hangers with shirts. One of the first ties, not a brand, bought almost immediately, as came to television, on the NTV administrator. And to the correspondent, it was reached in about 1994, then it took a tie. There, naturally, various solemn events occurred, on which it was well present in the tie. I was seventeen years old, and in school ties I have not been needed.

- And what is the active buying tie when started?

- When "other news" appeared on the first channel, which I led eight years. Discussing this idea with Kirill Khamenov, director of information programs, and with Konstantin Lvovich Ernst, we thought not only about the content, but also about the image of the leaders. And they decided, because this is the news, but still others, a kind of official in clothing should be present, but not excessive, that is, the jacket is not needed. They agreed on a shirt with a tie, and since Niza is not visible at all, so sit at least in shorts and in dirty sneakers. Tip You can play any shirt. But when buying should be sure to take into account that it will be visible on the screen. Some drawings, usually small contrasting, ripples. With yellow shirts, any blue ties are well combined, and with pink - lilac, gray and blue tones. I remember that the tie for the wedding I bought in London, because I was on a business trip at the Wimbledon Tennis Tournament. He is a blue with small flower. I decided then to buy there and the outfit for a wedding for travel money. I was only twenty years old, and really it was possible to buy high-quality things cheap enough.

Along with the branded models, Sergey has ties of unknown firms, which nevertheless look elegant and stylish

Along with the branded models, Sergey has ties of unknown firms, which nevertheless look elegant and stylish

Photo: Alice Gutkin

- Are your most interesting recent acquisitions?

- For example, this purple-purple tie, very beautiful, unusual color. I bought it in TsUM, Corneliani, Italy. I really like their ties, they are really beautiful. Quite often I wear Brioni ties: they are incredibly good. Dear but elegant!

- How much are you willing to lay out for the tie like that?

- BRIONI bought the last time before the crisis, three years ago, in old prices, somewhere over eight thousand rubles, that is, about two hundred euros then.

- And today you can look like a non-checked tie?

- Maybe of course. I have ties firms that I do not even know, but on the screen they look worthy. For example, at one of the first ties, Antonio Banderas is written. Maybe it is some kind of Tula "Banderas". (Laughs.) But it looks good.

- Do you buy ties that do not wear, just for the collection? For example, with some kind of national or funny pattern?

- The whole collection is designed for socks. I have one provocative tie. Everyone believes that the drawing is similar to hemp. I do not know all questions to Versace. (Smiles.) And I wear it constantly. There are ties that I bought, because I really liked the texture, for example, similar to mating. I love the classics. Psychologists say that much can be said about the nature of man, based on its choice in clothes. Romance prefers with flowers, in peas - egoers, and proper geometric shapes - very punctual people. But the tie in a wide strip often choose the elderly people.

- Did you read about it?

- Yes, I was specifically interested. It turned out, tie is a very ancient thing. They went almost from an ancient Egypt and Ancient China, even the "terracotta army" had a scarlet, however, they were not classic, they appeared only in the XIX century, and cervical. And even the name "tie" occurred from the German or Dutch word, which denotes the "neck shawl". The French have the word "Kravat". And in general, the fashion on the ties in Europe introduced Louis XIV. He had mercenaries - Croats. They wore cervical scarves for something. From Croats and the word "Kravat" appeared.

In the collection of TV presenter more than one hundred fifty ties

In the collection of TV presenter more than one hundred fifty ties

Photo: Alice Gutkin

- Do you read articles in fashionable magazines about what ties are now worried and what node must be tied up?

- Generally nodes there are about twenty, I can knit five pieces, but I use only one, classic double. I like when the knot is triangular, it comes to the type of my face and to my figure. The only thing, there are problems with Brioni ties, because they are very long, you need to hide a thin tail. There are several firms that, on the contrary, ties are too short. And earlier, Brioni still produced ties with some kind of ruffles, rushes, and not a solid canvas, but it looked very strange, I did not buy. I base on my own taste. For example, I like the combination of a blue shirt, a blue jacket and a red tie. I have a lot of red ties of different shades and drawings. One of my favorite ties is turquoise from Brioni, under the sea wave color shirt. Unlike "other news" now, I need a tie to fit not only to the shirt, but also to the jacket. Therefore, the jackets are usually neutral, gray or blue, less often brown, reddish. This narrows the choice. In addition, your image together with the tie should be combined with a partner image. All pay attention to how harmoniously a couple looks like. And if you wear a vulgar tie, causing a color, which is not combined with anything, then the audience may have a question "And why did he put this?" In this case, they will be distracted from the program itself, we do not need it.

- And you did not notice that in addition, the choice of accessory depends on your mood?

- Naturally. But it comes from my mind - if the mood is bad or I did not sleep (and I didn't sleep on the "good morning" - this is a standard state), then I want something bright, cheerful, so that at least this tie adds sentiment. The color is very affected by the state of the person.

One of them is a provocative color, with a pattern, similar to hemp, - especially love

One of them is a provocative color, with a pattern, similar to hemp, - especially love

Photo: Alice Gutkin

- And going to the theater or visit, tie wear?

- I do not wear it, they wear them at work. If one event or what is called, "in people", then the tie appropriate to wear. In ordinary life, I prefer the style of Casual, and not a strict classic. Many times went by an expert on the program "Fashion sentence". Of course, you think there, how to dress, because Alexander Vasilyev himself puts "sentence", you must not hit the face. And I confess, though indiscreet, after the air, Alexander always notes that I am dressed correctly and elegant.

- Perhaps with some exhibit a special story is connected?

- One of the first ties - Kiton, is also unusually long. I remember when I was approved by "other news", we sent with a certain amount of stateless money to the brand warehouse. I gave me thousands of three hundred, and sellers persuaded me to buy a BRIONI costume. For many years he was small me, and I never put it on it until I lost it. It was then worth a hundred thousand rubles, that is, I rang a third of the amounts on him, but now I am with pleasure I wear, it is quite in trend, because classical and good quality. I think it is wrong to throw ties, because they are not in the trend. If things are good and chosen with taste, then nothing terrible if they are ten years old.

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