Dina Garipova: "I don't strive to lose weight, I just want to feel like a tone"


Dina Garipova finished work on the clip "You for me." This composition was written specifically for the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty. The singer, who marked the first anniversary of the first anniversary of the wedding, decided to remind his fans about such feelings as love for loved ones, kindness and care. found out the details.

- Dina, was it your idea to create a song to a family holiday?

"I am always preparing for concerts in advance and try to come up with something interesting." In a festive concert in honor of the Day of Family, love and loyalty last year, I presented the song "Russia", which presented her a new life. This year I decided to show something new again. Not so long ago, I tried my hand in creating music and came up with a melody to the poems of the Tatar poet Gabdulla Tuka. It turned out the single "Cunele", which was presented on the day of the celebration of the 130th anniversary of the birthday of the Great Author. The process of creating a song so much stored me that I decided to try to write text and music. And here and such a wonderful reason appeared! So Born the song "You are for me."

- In August last year you have become a married woman. And what is the family for you?

- Family is the most important thing in our life. This is a support that we can become for loved ones. Whatever happens, joy or experiences, you can always know that you are not alone.

- Have your ideas about the family after marriage changed?

- In front of me there was always a picture of my family. And since childhood I imagined what a family would like to see, which I will create. My relatives served as an example. Now I can confidently say that my ideas have not changed.

- Dina, in your opinion, have you changed a lot for this year?

- My glances have changed to many things. I was looking for a team with which it could move on, because one to engage in all matters is quite difficult. Always near people who will be able to share your interests and help their professionalism in achieving common goals. Therefore, I am constantly changing, I study and do some conclusions.

Dina Garipova:

The shooting of the clip "You for me" took place in the manor "Kuskovo", where the singer felt herself with a lady of the last century

- In the clip you appeared in a completely different image - noticeably imprint, more tender, romantic. Did you like this image? Who pested you such beautiful dresses?

- The song inspired such a mood. I like to experiment, so in this song I tried to show the brightest human feelings. The dresses were chosen by the director of the clip by Rustam Romanov and, of course, the stylist Elena Shortieva, who worked on all the images of the heroes of the video. We together were looking for air dresses of pastel tones to emphasize the feeling of lightness.

- All your fans discuss your weight loss. How did you manage to do it?

- There are no secrets here, like special diets. Just changed my rhythm of life. I began to give more time to actively lifestyle and changed my diet for easier food. I do not restrict yourself in anything, I just try to eat some sweets and not very useful products in small quantities and preferably in the morning. I try to devote at least an hour of time every day classes on cardiotrymen and ordinary warm-up.

- Will you continue to lose weight?

- There is no goal so far. Time will tell. I do not strive to lose weight, just want to feel in a tone.

New video Garipova has become the third in her career

New video Garipova has become the third in her career

- The clip was filmed in the "Kuskovo" estate. Why there?

- We were looking for a place in Moscow, where it would be possible to implement a director's idea. In the "Kuskovo" estate, we found all that we needed: a lot of greens, a pond and just romantic summer landscapes with incredible architecture. It was there that our idea embodied in life as we represented her.

- In the estate felt like a young lady from the last century?

- Yes! Being there, I imagined how many years ago, quite different people walked on these places, and there was a completely different life. It's just fantastic feelings!

- Last month of summer remained. In July, you shot the clip. In August, plan to relax?

- The rest is very important. In any profession, even his beloved, a lot of experiences and fatigue accumulates for the year, there is a risk of "to drive" and stop enjoying your business. In my case it is also important to be in a good mood and cheerfulness of the Spirit in order to come true to the viewer of the thoughts that you sing to be sincere. I would like to have time to relax in August so that with new forces and inspiration to return to the creation of new songs, new projects and continue the preparation of my autumn concert in the Hall Hall. There I will present the audience new songs and new images that will probably be a bit unexpected for someone, but necessarily interesting.

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