No worse than a professional: how to effectively clean the salon yourself


Of course, complex stains and serious pollution can only be removed by a specialist, but who said that the car owner is not available to the salon? It is not at all necessary to apply to professional cleaning in the slightest matter, the main thing is to armared the right means that the important parts of the car will not harm. You do not want to combine cleaning with the replacement of parts that drove the cleansing solution? So that this does not happen, we will give some useful tips.

Without scratch

Probably one of the biggest problems when cleaning the cabin are plastic parts of the cabin, and scratches are not yet the worst - incorrectly chosen solution is able to cause significant damage to plastic, especially with a glossy surface. For high-quality cleaning, we need a soft rag without a villion. No means for furniture! We use only solutions that are designed specifically for car care. Another important point: Try to avoid a large amount of fluid, because excess moisture is able to deal with the button on the panel you are going to wipe thoroughly. Be careful!

To the upholstery with tenderness

How did you manage to guess, the easiest to clean the leather seats, almost any contamination we remove with a light soapy solution, but if it does not work, go to heavy artillery - auto chemicals, but in no way three surface, since there is probability to damage the skin. We use a wet sponge and fiber dry material. But the fabric upholstery is cleaned already harder, and the usual soap solution cannot do here: spray an aerosol and wait a few minutes, as indicated in the instructions, and then remove the remains of a dry fiber cloth.

A separate item should be noted the fat stains that are the most difficult to clean. If you accidentally dropped the baking on the seat, you should not immediately look for an aerosol, it may not help, another thing is to wash the dishes. It is perfectly coping with contaminants on any surfaces and with careful cleaning you do not even remember the fatty divorce.

Use special tools

Use special tools


All on the floor!

As for the cleaning of the floor, you can not try to gentle - we take a rigid brush and a composition that is suitable for cleansing a specific type of stains and contaminants, and rub. For greater amenities, use a special vacuum cleaner, and then proceed to wet cleaning.

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