Psychosomatika: why it is profitable for us to hurt


Psychosomatics, that is, a psychological background of the disease, is no longer something from the field of imagination of someone's inflamed imagination, but a whole direction of research and assistance. A number of popularizers of this topic, for example, Liz Burbo, who made a brief overview of the psychological and mental causes of disease, is known for the whole world. When someone next tells that in the summer heat he was blown in air conditioning, or the throat hurts from drinking cold sickness, these stories no longer look convincingly. Of course, there are immune processes, our body is a carrier of a billion viruses and microorganisms, which are activated with the weakening of immunity. And in order not to give in to diseases, it is necessary to tempt, there is a healthy food, rest, play sports ... all this is. And at the same time, our body is an amazing source of signals and symptoms that make sure to reflect us that we are doing to yourself and your soul. Our body has its own "logic." Disease is a testimony recently experienced stress. The basis of stress was contradictory feelings and needs, the satisfaction of which was simultaneously impossible, so the body found a "creative way out" - to get sick. But not just get sick so, and so that the disease clearly reflects the essence of unacceptable feelings and desires.

In further releases of the column, I will give examples of how the disease "reflects", as we are talking about what needs, conflicts or tasks we postponed and unknown forgotten. The body in this sense is angry: it will definitely reflect our negligence in relation to yourself. And it is better to navigate in these topics, it is worth introducing some principles.

one) Angina not from draft . This principle makes it possible to switch from the search for an external "enemy", that inside the body reacted to it. Instead of fighting food that we eat and which "causes" allergies, it is worth contacting the body and explore which processes led to the fact that the body does not have another opportunity to reach the owner, except to sprinkle his body with acne or block the throat To pause, or create inflammation from the inside. All this happens with the aim of attracting attention to a special task that man ignores. And this task lies, mainly in the field of manifest itself in the world, in the field of conscious behavior, is not at all how to choose the right medicine.

2) Benefit of the disease . Sometimes to hurt is more than normal. Absolute health is a myth, like faith in true love - one for life. Despite all the love of each other, there are quarrels, scandals, crises, conflicts between people. Health is the same story. Sometimes we are ill, but even this process gives certain opportunities to us: more relax, pay attention to yourself, others can show more gentle care. Benefits are different. For example, I happened to observe families where children are sick "specially", fearing that with their full health mom and dad divorced. And the disease bonds the family, especially the child's disease. If you are sick for a long time and hard, look for not the most obvious benefit.

3) Organ-target . Our body is a complex mechanism, each body has its own functions. The disease of a particular organ is a message to a certain topic in our lives. The disease is striking that organ, the function of which is broken as a result of behavior or installations in which man believes. For example, problems on gynecology in women who are not in Lada with their femininity. It is known that infertility - by 99 percent only the question of psychological readiness or unaware of becoming a parent.

four) Metaphors of speech . "I don't digest it", "I'm sick of you", "Heart grated", "no legs keep", "breathe full of breasts", "Sit on the neck", "Blood in the veins is still", "sits in liver" "I missed him." Unconsciously in our speech slip metaphors, which indicate the problem zones of our body or systems that are now under the blow: the digestive, respiration organs, the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system - almost all of them are reflected in everyday speech. You should listen to yourself and others to start notify which organ or system requires special attention and care from its owner.

five) Unsatisfied needs and affordable feelings At the heart of each symptom. This is perhaps the most important thing. Our feelings and needs are physically experiencing in the body. Accumulating them, and not expressing, the body begins to adapt to: build a fat, hump, on the contrary, lose weight, lose shape. Feelings have a certain "house" in the body. For example, shame lives in the face, and fear - in the stomach, the anger we feel in the chest, and the guilt is behind the shoulders. Holding feelings and without satisfying your own needs, we risk exactly in these areas to get the most different bouquet of injuries and diseases.

6) Fear to meet with you . Working with people who have varying degrees of the severity of the disease, I discover the fact that many of them do not want to know about themselves what led them to this situation. They are inherent allegedly positive, optimistic attitude to the world, like "do not think about the bad, always smile." It is proved that such thinking, and in other words, ignoring the feelings and denial of the real state of affairs, almost always leads to depression. And depression, which is supplanted, guarantees a bouquet of diseases of different character.

Wait for new issues where you will analyze specific examples, but for now, build a durable contact with the body, it will answer with gratitude!

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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