Why do the stars give birth abroad?


The most international mother of our pop - Christina Orbakayte. Singer has three children, and all of them are born in different cities and countries. The eldest son, Nikita, was born back in 1991, when the birth abroad was in the wonder. The official collapse of the Soviet Union remained literally a couple of months, but the formally "iron curtain" was still present.

It is in London that the baby is to be born in London, the famous grandmother has not yet born Nikita insisted. And who wants to argue with the very alley of Borisov? In addition, as Kristina's mother-in-law tells, Elena Presnyakova, "in those years it's not something to give birth - there was nothing to be, such a terrible setting was in the country." Together with the young mother in London, three months lived and the young dad - Vladimir Presnyakov, and then Elena herself captured the relay when he came to go on tour.

Birth cost the amount equivalent to ten thousand dollars. For those years, money is right and gigantic. As a memory of the event, a video was left - Pugacheva personally removed the moment the grandson appeared on the camera.

The second son of Christina Orbakayte - Denis (from a civil marriage with a businessman Ruslan Baisarov) - Born in Moscow. After all, according to Christina, by that time, clinics with decent service appeared in Russia - approximately as in England.

And the daughter of Claudia, who is now a year and a half, is an American citizen. The place of her birth is Miami, Florida. To give birth to America Christina flew by a simple reason - for her this country has long been practically native. There she has an apartment, so in Miami she lives almost all winter, spring and part of the autumn. And the Father of Claudia, Mikhail Zemtsov, - a US citizen.

In Miami in April of this year, the firstborn of Zhanna Friske - Son Plato appeared. As for Christina, this city has become the second home for her. For the past fifteen years, it is here that the singer spends all his holidays. To prepare for childbirth, Jeanne went to the ocean in advance. And there, forgetting about your star status, went along with other future moms to courses, was engaged in a special gymnastics.

Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev

Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev

Although Zhanna found in Miami long-awaited peace, it did not succeed at all from compatriots. The fact is that it is Miami for an incomprehensible reason that today is some incredible demand among Russians who have decided to give birth abroad. Each week, the flights are delivered here dozens of women in the last weeks of pregnancy, who came to Florida clinics. The case is furnished here at the highest category: it is enough to pay money (back in Russia), and all the rest will make numerous firms open in Miami.

But even recently, Los Angeles was considered the beloved American city of Russian celebrities. To be more accurate, the prestigious CEDARS-SINAI clinic. This place may feel free to call yourself the main blacks of the star personnel. After all, the children of Madonna, Britney Spears, Mill Yovovich, Cindy Crawford, were boring. Birth in this clinic is truly elite, including because prices are simply translated. Only the Chamber (which is something awkward and rather, rather a chic hotel room) costs about three thousand dollars a day. And childbirth together with the design of documents, they cost a decent amount - forty - forty five thousand dollars. But can you save on children?

Svetlana Chorchina. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Svetlana Chorchina. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Cedars-Sinai published his first cry and the son of the famous gymnasts, the deputy of the State Duma Svetlana Khorkina. As shuffled in secular circles, Svetlana had their own reason to escape to the other end of the Earth: she thoroughly hid the name of the father of her child, so to hide in the clinic, where the star rest was already accustomed to the best solution. She gave birth, by the way, under someone else's surname, just in case.

In the Cedars-Sinai clinic, the eldest daughter of the singer Alsu - Safina appeared. "To give birth abroad was a forced step on my part," admitted Alsu. - After all, in Russia, we with my husband literally attacked the yellow press. And at such joyful moments, I still want peace and silence. "

Dasha Zhukova. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Dasha Zhukova. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

And of course, where, if not here, give birth to a spouse of one of the richest people in Russia? Dasha Zhukova, the companion of Roman Abramovich, chose this hospital, because he heard a lot about the skill of the local doctors: she lived in Los Angeles for quite a long time, and this information came to her almost first of mouth. They say that before the birth of the son of Aaron-Alexander, the Russian oligarch, just in case, booted on the ward in different clinics of the world, and then suddenly Daria will change his mind at the last moment. But everything happened as it was planned originally. And the American clinic Cedars-Sinai recorded himself another star patient.

By holy places

The promised land is also popular with Russian celebrities. All the same singer Alsu after childbirth in the US, the second time decided to give birth in Israel. Her daughter Michella was born in Tel Aviv, in the clinic Ichilov. Although the media flashed in the media that the singer was going to find a hospital in Moscow, but in recent months, Alsu realized that they were still calming from the Russian press.

Alsu. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Alsu. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Artist Anton Makarsky and his wife Victoria Morozova for the emergence of his firstborn, too, were also chosen Israel. True, they fled not from paparazzi, but from Russian doctors.

Spouses dreamed of becoming parents long thirteen years. They tried, it seemed that all the ways, but alas ... the couple had already become thought about to adopt the child, as Suddenly Vika learned about his interesting position. At that time she was thirty-eight years old. In Russia, such "young moms" doctors immediately contribute to a special list and called the unpleasant word "akin to". It is this low-incipatible title most of all outraged the future Father. "We will give birth in Israel," he suggested his beloved. The benefit there live Anton's parents.

Victoria became a client of one of the oldest clinics of Jerusalem, which for more than a hundred years. There is no unnecessary pathos, but very homely furnishings - in general, everything is designed for the fact that future mothers and their children felt calmly.

Anton Makarsky with his wife. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Anton Makarsky with his wife. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

On earth promised born and daughter of spouses ukupack. By the way, they also had no children for a long time, and at some point Arkady and Natalia decided that, apparently, they were destined to stame together. And then they went to Israel - Arkady was invited to speak at the birthday of his friend. After some time, Natalia joyfully told his spouse: they flew together from Russia together, but they came back in three. It was decided on the family council that Natasha will go up to the same country.

Arkady Ukupnik with family. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Arkady Ukupnik with family. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

"We looked at the clinic of Israel, and I liked everything," says Arkady. - and attitude towards women in labor, and care for them, and attentive staff. Yes, and the pricing policy was sane. It is three times cheaper to give birth in Israel than in our elite clinics. "

Arkady attended childbirth and personally cut the umbilical cord. He assures that survived incredible emotions: "The appearance of a native creature, which after a minute looks at you with huge eyes, and it seems to you that it is smarter than you once in a hundred times, is one of the strongest impressions that I experienced in my life. You just dive into these pools - and that's it! How to fly to space! "

Daughter, which is a straight-accurate copy of Arcadia, called Sofia. And today without her parents, even from the house do not go out, trying to be near her twenty-four hours a day.

Children of the Sun

Natalia Ionova Places the appearance of his girls (her two of them) chose Sunny Spain. Perhaps she would give birth in Russia, but just the circumstances were so far: long before the birth, Natalia went to Marbella, where her spouse, a businessman Alexander Chistyakova, a luxury home on the seashore. Almost all the first pregnancy she spent in the fresh air, eating fruit, bathing in the sea and enjoying sunny baths.

Singer glucose. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Singer glucose. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Her eldest daughter Lidia was born in the elite Costa Del Sol clinic - there, where and the daughter of the native of these places, actor Antonio Banderas, and his wife Melanie Griffith. Service, the attitude of doctors, and just just like Natalia, that when she found out about the second pregnancy, no questions, where to give birth, she no longer arose. Of course, in that very hospital, as the first time. How much I had to pay the famous singer for childbirth, the story is silent. But on the official website of Costa del Sol these prices are posted: pregnancy - about a thousand euros, childbirth themselves - from three to five thousand, depending on complexity.

Italian mafia

Egor Beroev and Ksenia Alferov for the birth of his daughter approached with all thoroughness. And to prepare for the emergence of a new family member, they became long before childbirth and even ... even before the news of pregnancy. Deciding that their child should be born in Italy (the country in which they both are in love seriously and for a long time), spouses, as they tell their friends, even bought real estate there. So for making pregnancy and childbirth, they did not need to pay. Their daughter of the Danny was born in Sicily, and now the Apennine "boot" this acting couple loves even more.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the TV presenter Zhanna Agalakova chose Italy the birthplace of his daughter. After all, although Jeanne itself lives now in Paris, her husband is a citizen of Italy. Back in 2001, it was combined with a legitimate marriage with Georgio Savon's scientist. At first, the spouses lived in different countries, but then Jeanne decided to sacrifice the career of the TV host and adopted an offer to become the first channel correspondent in France.

But she came to give birth to her homeland to her husband. In addition, she, as a wife, a citizen of Italy, was also not necessary to pay for pregnancy, nor for themselves.

Even before their daughter, Jeanne and Georio decided that they would call the girl with the beautiful name of Alich. What was the surprise of Joan, when, already being in the hospital, she looked out in the window and saw on the wall of the neighboring building a huge inscription paint: "Alice Ti AMO"! This phrase spouses perceived as a sign of fate: it means that the girl will be happy.

From France with love

The daughter of Victoria Boni with the trend name Angelina was born in France. What, of course, is quite explained: After all, its chosen one, businessman Alex Memy, lives in Monaco. However, Victoria itself says that it has forced it to escape from Russia that domestic medicine is in terrifying condition. "The girlfriend of our family had a cleaner who took the cleaner, as no one turned out from the doctors! Better in advance in our country to your Akusutra a bribe to give beautiful! And gifts, so more reliable! She wrote on her page in one of the social networks. - My familiar is no longer the first situation when in the maternity hospital, the foot is turned the leg, then it is chained on the floor. (...) And where would you like to give birth to children in which country? I will definitely not give birth in Russia! "

Victoria Bonya. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Victoria Bonya. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Children's figure skater of Marina Anisina and just handsome men Nikita Dzhigurda appeared in France. On January 7, 2009, their son Mick Angel Crist was born in a private clinic of the seaside town of Biarritz, and a year later - January 23, 2010 - Eva Vlada daughter. However, these events did not remain unnoticed. Nikita Jigurd, who was present in childbirth, took off the process on the camcorder, and then shared frank frames with the whole world. So this family couple certainly did not hide from Dad Razzi!

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