Life Online: Why we fall in love with media personalities


Probably, each familiar is the story when you go to your favorite video hosting and accidentally rush to the pretty video of the artist, which I didn't even hear about it. It happens that the personality of the artist attracts so much that you no longer notice how to revise all clips and interviews. And this is normal. However, problems begin at the moment when you no longer imagine your life without the hour without clicking on the photo of your favorite artist. What is the reason for such a dependence on the media person, with which we, most likely, never meet? We tried to figure out.

Where "legs" grow from

Someone will say that the extreme fanaticism "was born" with the advent of the first rock stars in the last century, but is it? Forced to disagree. The desire to bow before a more influential and strong representative of his society began to develop from the moment people began to unite into communities in order to survive. They needed a leader that will ensure the safety and satiety of the tribe. At the same time, people gradually came to the fact that there are matter that it is impossible to feel, hence the worship of the deities, and often the leaders of the tribe became one row with the deities and it was already difficult to separate one of others. The society has developed rapidly, and continues to develop now, but the desire to choose the leader for himself, and it does not matter - real or intangible - it has not disappeared anywhere, but only acquired another form.

Stalker lives in each of us

Stalker lives in each of us


What is happening now

The social networks gave us the opportunity if not to be close to the celebrity, but at least pretend that you live very close to: every morning you scroll news tape in "Instagram" and stumble on a new photo of the star, which, like you, woke up, begins to seem that you have practically no difference. The social networks make us believe that the star and our neighbor in the landing is about equal - you know what the same is doing. Is it worth saying that all this is an illusion, albeit well-working celebrity in favor of the image.

When it is worth to worry

No, you do not need to run and unsubscribe from Hugh Jackman just because you are afraid of falling into dependence. Stars for that and create accounts to be closer to your audience, albeit through the smartphone screen. We read and put the husky further. But if you feel that you can not and spend an hour without updating the tape, waiting for a new post of your favorite celebrity, or build your life around the media person, in this case it is worth thinking if you need it and how to rebuild your Life so that you have enough time and on the development of my own personality. Sometimes it is not so easy to solve the problem and a specialist consultation is required.

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