As a woman learn to appreciate yourself and recognize their uniqueness: Psychologist says


The most effective way for a woman is the way to influence your life is to start loving yourself! When a woman loves himself, sow sings, she feels confidence, energy, joy. Men are paying attention to it everywhere. On a date, men are also interested in her personality, and not just the body. When a woman loves himself, she attracts a more "dear" man. More money comes to her life.

The topic of love to yourself is not disclosed in one material. And there are times for which only a specialist can help. For example, children's injuries can be worked with a psychotherapist.

But we will talk about the most important.

Sergey Nechaev

Sergey Nechaev


Woman stops loved by:

1. When trying to be similar to other women.

There are generally accepted standards of beauty in society, and in different years they are different! For example, lips are a clarification, a thin figure or a pope as in Kim Kardashian, shaggy eyebrows, etc. and the woman constantly compares himself with someone who in her eyes is much better than she. And convinces himself that she is somehow not so.

What to do:

Stop comparing yourself with other women. Helps unsubscribe and stop living the life of the heroine from "Instagram"! It is important to understand that 70% on the Internet is a picture, and happy women in the photo in networks are often not happy in life.

Decide which you want to be and what life live. But not because it is fashionable and all the circle is doing. And because you decided that you are and this is your choice!

2. When it does not appreciate what she has and knows how.

Thinks, for example, I draw it well, and the other exhibitions are arranged. On vacation I go 2 times a year, while our other country is visited every month.

What to do:

Start see, appreciate and develop your talents, knowledge, skills, ability. Ask about them from those who know you. For example, you were told friends that you are cool dance or sing. Go to dancing or vocals. And, most likely, find it inspires you and fills with amazing sensations.

Protect your personal borders and get used to pamper

Protect your personal borders and get used to pamper


3. When it allows other people to break their borders. It greatly affects the value of a woman!

For example, a husband can take her phone. Or brother comes at any time, not warning. Or parents give her advice on how to live correctly, and make such a thing.

What to do:

Start denoting the borders - this is a manifestation of love for yourself. For example, decide that you will no longer be a toilet to a girlfriend, which merged on you all the sore life and you had to listen to her, and it was terribly shunken and empty.

4. When a woman leads a lifestyle in which there is little joy and pleasure.

When it works at work, from which it is sick. Although it could find a job that will bring joy, emotions. Or it is annoyed by home furnishings, and she also does not change anything. Or wearing old underwear, God forbid with holes or a long time does not indulge yourself with some little things, I do not please yourself, etc.

What to do:

Start take care of your body, balusing yourself bathroom with rose petals, creams, etc.

Change something in the setting around you. Throw old things.

Right now write a list of 20 small desires for yourself, which do not require high costs, and start implementing them.

And in the final of this article, select a small first step that will respond to you and make it. Make gradually feeling taste and getting joy and pleasure. And you will see beautiful women, how everything will start changing!

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