Change your view to the world: TV premieres that can not be missed


What: "Europe from a bird's eye view"


About what: National Geographic Channel presents the second season of the documentary series "Europe from a bird's eye view". This is a series of exciting air travel, in which the audience opens European countries, taken from a bird's eye view. A unique documentary project tells about traditions and technological breakthroughs that continue to form landscapes of countries today. In the new season - six new episodes in which viewers will be able to fly over France, Turkey, Finland, Sweden, Greece and Hungary, seeing exciting views of the cultural and geographic attractions of these countries.

When: The premiere of the second season will be held on February 7 at 21:00. New episodes will leave every Sunday at 21:00.

What: "Month of big cats"


About what: On the National Geographic Wild channel, the "month of large cats" starts - the annual cycle of documentary programs about the largest representatives of feline in nature. Thanks to the stunning video sources filmed on the film around the world, the audience will be able to get closer to lions, tigers, chepadam and leopards, see their triumphs, lesions and epic struggle for survival. In the premiere cycle of viewers, 7 new films about these majestic and strong animals are waiting.

When: The program cycle starts on February 7 at 20:00 on the NAT GEO Wild channel. All February every Sunday at 20:00 spectators are waiting for the premiere of new episodes.

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