Anastasia Vedenskaya: "My marriage destroyed a close girlfriend"


Three years ago, Anastasia Vedenskaya was already our heroine. In that difficult period, her relationship with her husband Vladimir Epifantsev gave a crack, everything was Zyibko ... Now, Anastasia has a new life, new TV projects, the popularity that has come especially with the TV series knows everything, "and ... New love. And, as it turned out, this is not an actor Sergey Gubanov, who confessed in sympathy for Anastasia on the pages of many publications. And the other colleague on the workshop - Maxim Onishchenko. The fact that these relationship is valuable for it is in an exclusive interview with the atmosphere magazine.

"Nastya, recently, a TV series" Paradise knows everything "passed on television screens. In theory, this is not your role at all, but the result turned out to be awesome. What did you think by reading the script, and is it pleased with what happened?

- Today we went with an orfeit shopping, and suddenly the woman literally rushed on the street with words: "Thank you! I have so many difficulties in life, parents are sick, and I review the "Rai" series and rest soul. " I still can not get used to this attention: and hug, and kiss, and be photographed together asking. I understand that our viewer lacks normal human cinema. So I am very glad that our film got such a response. We had a stunning director Anatoly Artamonov, the fact that he saw Paradise in me, knowing that train of dramatic and hard roles, which stretches for me, I still amazed. In fact, few of the producers and directors can afford to go for such a risk - entrust the main role of the actress, which has never been seen in such an amplua. Therefore, I am terribly grateful to Artamonov Tol, with whom we have absolute love, and, of course, producers Sergey Melkumov and Natasha Kolkova. They are amazing people, with incredible little. My tension in the first shooting days was colossal: I was double responsibility. Not only that I thought I could not cope with the role, I was still afraid to bring the director who believed me. I was scared, I confess.

- I saw you in the "duck hunt", you and there was a characteristic heroine, and in life, in my opinion, your some sharpness and rudeness - only an external laying, and inside you are different ...

- I do not agree with you about rudeness. Straightforward - yes, many I seek sharp because of our statements. But I say, as I think, not what people want to hear, nothing can be done here. And if you noticed, I always do it with irony. And rudeness - when in the forehead and seriously. Therefore, I will not say that I have been in life. After reading the script, I saw that she was absolutely not like me. So you need to do? To find at least some hook, hinting on the heroine, to understand what we can have in common, and work on each line in detail, exaggerating and enlarging. I decided to go from the external to the inner and use my wrong appearance to my hand on my hand. I invented her bows, colored dressings, curls, red lipstick, false nails ... Single Walt Disney is a bit. The sample was at full parade. (Laughs.) When I was approved, I deliberately began to recover and gained twelve kilograms. Well, can not be wilay!

Jacket, Sublime Julia Kiseleva; Earrings, Exclaim

Jacket, Sublime Julia Kiseleva; Earrings, Exclaim

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Photographer's assistant: Anna Kaganovich

- During the shooting process, did you find another features of Rai?

- Max, my young man (actor Maxim Onishchenko. - Approx. Auth.), Believes that I am paradise. I disagree with him. (Laughs.) Although, in truth, I sometimes exude as the same funny, immediate and mad. It is good that these are only the closest people. And also - Paradise in the soul of the child. Therefore, looks at all open eyes, very wounded and kind. I like that she is not liar, always says what he thinks. This, probably, our main coincidence. True, I can silent, and she - no, will say when she is not asked. Probably, she lacks a beat, but it is also a child feature. I, like she, hate lies, and, just like her, I did terribly hurt. Jealousy, treason, comprehension ... I don't care about it all, but the lie just physically I do not fail.

- And we spoke you in the previous interview that the main reason for your parting with Vladimir Epifantsev was not in the treasures, but in lies ...

- Yes! If you lie to a person, you do not respect him. So, he loses its value for you. Then why should we communicate, and even more live together? I am generally a fan of concrete solutions and straight pathways, so I do not understand why everything is complicated by deception. In this sense, I have a male brain, I just leaving it, no matter what. If my conditions or borders are broken, I'm leaving overnight, and that means everything, and not "I will return to me."

- In the "Autumn Marathon", the wife of Buskin says to him: "I'm always waiting for you to match. From the same you can go crazy ... "

- Yes, it's terrible. I never control Max, maybe this is a mental laziness, but I don't care where he, I believe in the word. I feel sorry for women who are always "on the striking," they want to constantly be aware of where their man is. I just know for sure that if something is wrong, the truth will come to me. We are not in kindergarten to arrange surveillance. Although, maybe I say so because the nature of jealousy is not clear to me, I didn't understand what it is, I do not feel. In any case, if a person is a bastard, then life brings me to himself with him.

- You are with Max for two years together. This relationship is not a compromise for you after hard parting with Epifantsev?

- No, on the contrary, I just like to be alone. We are two years together, and for me is a serious time, the highest pilot of what is called. I never sought to find someone, new and interesting people arose near themselves. When I warned that I do not plan a serious relationship and I could disappear one day, for some reason, the men were sure that it was jokes. And when I actually disappeared or explained that it was not ready to devote my time to them, horrible offended. Thus ended, for example, my relationship with the cult American musician Lazaro Pina from Il Niño. The Epifantsev, by the way, was amazed when I learned that we meet, because the fanatel from his music. Laz did not understand our strange relationship with Volodya. He told that in America there can be no such thing to be that people officially dispel, although they no longer live together. He was incomprehensible to all these difficulties and why I should persuade the former husband to give me a divorce. It seemed to him that I could not be trusted to the end, since I was formally married. In general, I realized that these relationships begin to strain me ... I don't know how it happened that we were so far together. I think it's because he is a very comfortable person, with him easy. And since I have no simpleness, this ease is important to me.

Dress, Alena akhmadullina; Earrings, Bracelet, Exclaim; Shoes, BRULLOFF.

Dress, Alena akhmadullina; Earrings, Bracelet, Exclaim; Shoes, BRULLOFF.

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Photographer's assistant: Anna Kaganovich

- Maxim has no such popularity and demand in cinema, like yours. Is it normally tolerating it?

- He is now three large parallel projects. One historical - "Russian slave". I see how Max is changing, develops in the profession, this is my greatest joy. Volodya called it a kind of addict. I was never interested in "ready-made" people, I have never had a novel with a millionaire, I have an interesting person who has already formed.

- You're just Higgins from Pygmalion, only in the skirt ...

- Yes, probably. (Laughs.) But with Volodya was the same story. I am all around, including mom, said: "You're stuck, this is a poor punk, he is thirty-three years old, and he has nothing." I replied that he was cool, talented, felt his potential. My favorite story in the cinema is the transformation of an ordinary person, the average backstage, in a superhero. This is absolute magic. Each one needs to find this point of warrior. Confidence man can give a woman. Do not say that he is the best, it's not about me at all, I, on the contrary, I specify more often for disadvantages. True, I have different methods of exposure, so simply not to explain. There is a certain energy around me, you know that I am preserved on this, I go to the place of power, to my monks in the jungle, in Cambodia, they make real wonders. I also have a certain dedication, all my life, how much I remember, engaged in spiritual practices. Volodya, by the way, perfectly used my knowledge and always consulted on all issues. I was so homely oracle. (Laughs.) Well, in general, an atmosphere is important in which a person suddenly appears. I help him know myself, and sometimes through very hard methods. I encounter it with your own fear. It goes without saying that people are irrevocable, and not to say that the process of metamorphosis is pleasant, it is a breaking sometimes. But if you want to come to your goal, you should know who you really are, and not invent some kind of mythical image of yourself.

I recently starred for Netflix in the film about the brain, and it was terribly interesting to get acquainted with the concept of self-awareness of Professor Ramacandrane, the head of the Center for Studying the Brain and Cognitive Activities of the University in California, to which it is impossible to break through and talk. He first in the world carried an operation to remove the phantom hand. In his concept, everything is from human connections with interstellar space until the opportunity to look into the past and predict the future. I was amazed that scientists with world name speak of all that I always knew and drew from such sources as the book of Mahabharata, the ancient Indian epic, and just knew from birth, and that's it. The brain defines and forms our identity and reality, which is actually in question, we are not a slave of circumstances.

- The same, criticizing a person, not overdo it, not to deprive faith in itself ...

- Sure. Selfaronia, humor - important qualities for a person next to me, otherwise it will go crazy from discoveries. (Laughs.) Max with a sense of humor, so it will never be offended. When Volodya, at the thirty-four years, there was no work, no money, he felt the king, and it did not inspire him, he was self-sufficient, just his potential, the power I saw was not revealed. And if a person is compacted, nothing to do with it. I'm not interested in me.

- When a publication appeared in the press about your novel with Sergey Gubanov, Max has reacted somehow?

- No, just laughed. I reacted it. In one journal read very unpleasant interview for me. I will never cooperate with them, because they wrote: "Ex-wife of Epifantsev left for her husband," and I actually have a name, not to mention that this is a lie. Sergey said that the journalist turned his words. True, I saw that he was lying comments in Instagram, where they were "married", maybe it confuses people? We have never had a novel. I generally hate novels on the set.

Dress, Alena akhmadullina; Earrings, Bracelet, Exclaim; Shoes, BRULLOFF.

Dress, Alena akhmadullina; Earrings, Bracelet, Exclaim; Shoes, BRULLOFF.

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Photographer's assistant: Anna Kaganovich

- And you and Max did not meet there?

- No, through common friends.

- How is your family life built?

"He helps me a lot in everything." Maybe children to take children to school, and accompany me. I lose things at home, I ask where my dress, for example, and he laughs and begins to search. He knows that I am a rebellious man and finely feeling everything so much that it can affect me to affect me, so trying to defend everything from everything. At least now so. What will happen next, I'm not interested.

- Your boys are friends with Maxim?

- Yes. Especially junior.

- But they still have dad?

- There are no dads in their lives.

- In the past interview, you told Volodya came to you, I wanted to communicate ...

- Now everything is different. He does not come to us and indignant that I do not give him children. What, of course, not true. He just removes the room on the territory of the plant, where, in my opinion, far from the best conditions and in which there is a bunch of his friends. They have a party and fun there, he lays out a photo and video of his cargo parties in instagram, goes to sleep in the morning and wakes up for the night. With this mode with children there are no coincidences.

- And I read that he had a personal life that he would again become a father ...

- Volodya is a stormy personal life. Everyone can join by writing it in social networks. Girls are changing all the time, but there is a basic fan, which has long been with him. Although I do not follow the life of his fans, so I can not say anything.

- He did not try to return you during this time?

- No, we don't even have it in thoughts. In the spring, he wrote to me an audio message about love. But this is another. For a couple of years, he has been reading a lecture on love, life, death, death, not quite understandable most often, but very long.

- The boys are worried about him?

- Well, of course, worried. They themselves do not come to contact him. Although the younger madly loved him. But now Orpheus blocked the dad in the phone, he became a shame that Volodya was in Moscow on his birthday, but did not come and did not even call to congratulate. With pride even more complex relationships. Volodya put priorities in such a way that the children do not fit into this system, and, of course, they see it perfectly. Recently, we watched the film, there was the main character - the father of the family. Orpheus sharpened and said: "And our dad was very good before." At these moments it becomes physically hurt for children. You know, it is impossible to survive, with this you need to learn to live on. I explain it to children.

"You broke up because of the lies associated with his relationship with your companion actress, you talked about it in the past interview. I realized that Vladimir had nothing to do with her?

"Judging by the fact that Anna Tsukanova-Cott still lives with his husband Alexander Cott, nothing happened. Volodya was not ready to create a new family and not ready now.

- She was your girlfriend ... By the way, how did you make friends?

- Yes, she was my close friend. The Volodya and I drove somehow with the filming, and he suggested going to the movies. We came to the cinema and by chance, and maybe not, they met Tsukanov with her husband. Volodya introduced us, saying that they told the "cherry garden" together. Then Volodya removed the "Aurum", which never mounted, where I had a role, invited to the project and her. We began to communicate more closely, she was constantly coming to us, sometimes with her husband. Tsukanova helped Volodya in everything. Starting the fact that in the morning he was told on the door, because she decided to bring us breakfast, and went with him to the doctor, and ending with the search for surveys. It was very convenient for him. Such a girl on bliss. At some point I got used to her constant presence. But for a long time, it could not be with her. I could not accurately formulate what exactly I was strained, now I can - False, from beginning to end. I even launched her with my son, when there was a repair in their new apartment, and we were in Madrid and me. I allowed, but herself asked himself a question - why did I do it, because I was already annoying such an obsessive friendship. Then it turned out that they lived in our apartment with the whole family, and with Mom. Every time I wanted to place the border, she hugged me and said: "I love you so much, you can me like a sister," and I stayed myself, I was sorry for me or. As a result, it was the first and only time when my inner voice just screamed, and I did not obey him. Volodya convinced me that I am mistaken and just such a tough and incredulous, I can not understand her love for me. But this love is scared. She began to wear the same as me, wide pants with a waters, painting his lips with a red lipstick. If something went not according to her scenario and I refused to go to her holidays and events, Anya accused me of worry and began to cry, and her mother came to me home and, brewing my tea in my kitchen in my kettle, comforted her I drank Valerian and why I quoted Koran. I am amazed such a directness. All this was very strange.

Suit, sublime Julia Kiseleva; Earrings and Suspension, All - Exclaim

Suit, sublime Julia Kiseleva; Earrings and Suspension, All - Exclaim

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Photographer's assistant: Anna Kaganovich

Then we had a Volodya work on the "silicon", where he was also a director. We shut off the whole script, together casting, went to the expedition together. Tsukanov called play the second female role. Volodya every day had to get up earlier and go to the platform, but lay late, because the material was mounted. I removed myself a separate room at the hotel to get enough sleep. We lived on different floors. Once I was intuitively pulled to come to him and stay out there. I fell, the door is not locked. I was surprised that he still does not sleep. I go - sleeps, I hug him, and then he jumps out: "Nastya, that's you?" - ran to the toilet with the phone. And then I receive a message: "Today I do not come, I have Nastya." Interpreted the addressee of the asked. I ask him: "Who is this sms?" He replied: "Tsukanova," because he was in the middle and began to explain that she was cold and she just goes to spend his night. And later, the driver on the court said: "I am very sorry for me, because you have such dishonest people." It turns out that they traveled with might and main, while I thought Volodya on the set. Once I took it to the airport, he had to fly to work in another city, left, and he, it turns out, he returned back and spent all these "film crews" with her. My brain then refused to understand that it was so impoverished and slyly all to build. I still do not understand why it was necessary to draw me into this dirty game, apparently, so more adrenaline. Naturally, when everything was confirmed, I called Nyan and said that she had one and a half hours to collect all the things and put them out the door. And then we sat with girlfriends behind a bottle of wine, I cried and tried to realize what happened. It was very painful, but life continued.

- Come on good. In the summer you sent children to a filmger, they removed the films that everyone was very praised. It is interesting for them, there are such abilities from both?

- It seems to me that children need to try everything. And there was an unusual atmosphere and many interesting people nearby. And I would not mind if one of them went to the director or in operator art. But not in the actors. In any case, such an experience is interesting, this is the development of personality.

"You say everywhere that Orpheus and Gordes are different." Which of them looks like you more?

- Everything changes. It always seemed to me that the Gordes look like me more about me, and Orpheus on dad. But now, watching how they grow, and in the elder I see a lot from the Father. He has already manifest nihilism until it is critical. If the Gondi is a creative unit, he soars in heaven, comes up with something all the time, the Orpheus is more adapted to life, in the morning can all make breakfast, cook porridge, almost cheesery fry. Volodya, by the way, loved the house very much, adored cooking. Gordes are more conflicted, and the younger cunning. On the one hand, kind, bunny, but inside it is not so simple ... you need to check everything and rewrote everything. If I get sick, I will treat me Orpheus. Not because I am proud to do not care about me, we have a very close connection with him, and because I don't know how, I will not remember how to brew sage, although he did it a thousand times. And Orpheus nallet tea with honey, will bring a scarf, bites ...

"You and Max, such a homemade has become, you get ready for a duck, then something else ..."

- I was always like that, just did not post a photo before. (Laughs.) When he broke up with Volodya, he refused to pay a mortgage, and I lost an apartment in which we lived ten years, for us with children it was a blow. During this period, our nanny Natasha was prepared mainly, I could not force myself to approach the stove on removable apartments. It took me two years to climb from your knees, overcome all this pain, I call it - reincarnation, reborn, accept that now I am alone for everything, and finally buy an apartment on the new Arbat.

- Did you find an apartment in the center of the city?

- Yes. But in the mortgage that I was very difficult to take. Banks denied due to the fact that I have no stable earnings, and my husband (Volodya officially remained officially before this year) a bad credit history. I understood that we would be forced to wander that it was necessary to execute a divorce, Volodya did not want to participate in this participation and to sign paper. I hired a lawyer. On that day, when I was on the deal, I came a message with congratulations on a lawyer. On the same day I became free and acquired our apartment.

Cloak, Sublime Julia Kiseleva

Cloak, Sublime Julia Kiseleva

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Photographer's assistant: Anna Kaganovich

- Do you get alimony?

- I get only when Volodya is removed. And his work is already not enough, but I hope that it will be.

- That is, now everything is in financial plan or Max also participates?

- Max, of course, participates. Well, when he has a job in a movie, but when she is not, he is spinning, plays in performances, show, trying to help. But naturally, I hope only for myself. This is my duty, and pulled all this I myself.

- I know you write scripts. For the soul or are there any serious intentions?

- I want to become a director. I have a few pretty famous movie friends in the world who support me in this desire. And recently sent one of the scenarios to the famous producer Seryazh Chelyacytz, he read, made his edits and was surprised at how many work, at first it did not even believe that I wrote it. We are friends with him, he is an amazing person, very clever and professional. And my friend directed Ruslan Pouus, with whom we worked repeatedly (he, by the way, also removed the "paradise", there were two director on this project), every time I say: "I have a light, sound, camera, everything is there when Will you start shooting?! I'll help you in everything. " When it becomes more comfortable with time, I will definitely rent a movie one of my scenarios. I have long been moving in this direction. With Volodya, we also ruled scenarios together and wrote, and they took off together. I learned a lot from him - and how to build a frame, and how to work with artists. He is an artist. And I am grateful to him for children and for my development in the direction of the director. It is a pity that after the "flint" he did not remove anything.

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