What to do if I got a voice



If you got a voice, then the first thing you need to do is shut up for a while. Your voice bundles need rest and restoration, and if you will strain them even more, then the problem with the voice will be delayed. You can only talk in the most extreme cases, and that whisper. In this regard, of course, it is better to pop up from work: after all, you need to come back to normal, and not talking you are unlikely to be effective in the workplace.

Honey and lemon

One of the most common recipes with the missing voice is a mixture of honey and lemon. But in no case cannot be used in the "live" form! Honey with all his healing qualities will be irritating the already sore throat, the same can be said about the acid contained in Lemon. Therefore, the honey-lemon mixture must be diluted with warm water or add to tea.

Milk and carrots

Perfectly helps with a whisper voice milk-carrot decoction. The average carrot is cut into large pieces, poured milk and brought to a boil. They give cool, flickering through a gauze or sieve and drink small sips or weave the throat.

Singer Lauren

Singer Lauren

Raw potatoes

Potato juice has a soothing and healing effect on the sore throat, but only with proper use. Namely: the juice should be fresh! It can be prepared in the juicer or with a grater. Slightly dilute the resulting liquid with warm water and rinse the throat every three or four hours. And do not forget: a new rinse is a fresh portion of juice.

Raw eggs

Supporters of this method believe that therapeutic effect is achieved by a protein that he lies in small cracks in the inflamed throat and envelops it. It helps the treatment and yolk, which contains useful substances that die during heat treatment. The opponents have one, but weighing arguments: when using raw eggs, you can get infected with salmonellosis or other "bird" diseases.

Sunflower oil

Food film is taken to prepare a compression, cotton wool is put on it, then march. Everything is soaked with heated sunflower unrefined oil. The compress is fixed in the neck area and wrapped with a handkerchief. Making compress is necessary for the night. Before bed, you can drink tea with ginger, honey and lemon.

Garlic with honey

Five to seven garlic heads to crumple with garbling or meat grinder. Add a few tablespoons of honey to the resulting mixture, so that it was twice as much as garlic. To warm up the mixture for 15-20 minutes in a water bath, then remove and cool. Repeat three times. The resulting syrup strain and cool, take one teaspoon every two hours.


It is used as rinsing (1 beets of 1 tbsp. L. 9% acetic acid, or the carrot and beet juices are taken in half), throat compresses (used boiled warm beets, rubbed on the grater), inhalation solution (during The cold is useful to breathe above the saucepan, in which the beets are brewed).

By the way ...

If the voice disappears, you will have to change the diet. Ideally, you need to consume only liquid food. Refuse cold drinks and food, as well as hot and sharp food.

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