5 cosmetics that should not throw out



The alcohol tonic is useful for disinfection of hands, cleaning contaminated surfaces. For example, it is convenient to wipe the computer keyboard, which is constantly contaminated, and special means are not always at hand.

All that contains alcohol - cleans the surface

All that contains alcohol - cleans the surface


Nail polish remover

This tool perfectly rubs out various traces of stickers and labels with smooth surfaces. If there is acetone in its composition, then you do not need a solvent to remove stains.

Nail polish removal tool is useful not only for nails

Nail polish removal tool is useful not only for nails



Usually the skin color on the face and body is slightly different. Inappropriate, the powder can be used as a talc or dry deodorant.

Swamp fries in front of sports

Swamp fries in front of sports



No one to decide to apply the tool to the face with the shelf life by the end, but this is not a reason to throw it away. The cream will perfectly retain winter shoes, before sending it to the box for the summer. It will help to refresh the look of the leather bag and shoes.

The cream will like shoes

The cream will like shoes



Hair refused to perceive a new shampoo brand? It does not matter, he will have another use. Fold them a wool sweater - it will become soft and fluffy. Lace linen, products requiring delicate passage, silk will only be happy to replace the powder.

Shampoo Excellent Washing Tool

Shampoo Excellent Washing Tool


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