Dakota Johnson: "From the filming of the film I borrowed a whip and underwear"


For Dakota, Johnson turned over everything overnight: it was worth it to play in the provocative film "50 shades of gray," as it instantly began to recognize on the streets and invite to secular clips. Now you will not leave the neighboring coffee shop without making a couple of Selfie with fans and not distributing several autographs. Dakota has long got used to surgery popularity. After all, earlier the daughter of Melani Griffith and Don Johnson, Padderitsa Antonio Banderas and the granddaughter of Tippi Hedren led a very relaxed way of life, shot slowly into the cinema, but did not have explosive popularity. Dakota told in an interview about how the scandalous trilogy influenced her life.

- Dakota, hello! Come on for a start, let's talk a little about your main movie?

- Sure! After all, everyone worries, how many times I spun a whip. (Laughs.)

- In some articles it is said that you are with a partner of "50 shades of gray" Jamie Dornan to endure each other, and in others - that you have a rapid romance. So where is the truth?

- We really sometimes hate each other, and on the screen we have a novel. So there are no errors. But in fact, what did we have to do? Removing erotic scenes, come to some kind of intimacy, learn to understand another person, trust him. And Jamie always behaved in the best way. Although sometimes I think: what would happen if he turned out to be a real asshole? (Laughs.) And he is so cute: the first filed to me the blanket so that I would be bought after the "naked" scenes. In general, we very much began, I even read Jamie in one interview that he perceives me like sister. Some journalists claim that that is why there are so few "chemistry" in our scenes. In my opinion, "chemistry" there are even debt, but they, of course, more visible. However, Jamie is really married, and in their family everything is fine.

- Is it true that the boyfriend threw you precisely because of these filming?

- Yes, everything was so. The picture was not only a gift for fate, but also a big disappointment. Thanks to the film, I learned the whole world about me, but, unfortunately, my then boyfriend, Matthew Hitt musician, could not withstand the excitement and simply left. He said that my life was too crazy, and he does not want to be part of this madhouse. Well, slammed the door. Then I have not met anyone for half a year. The feeling that men feared me. In general, this film became something like a litmus paper. The guy with whom I was to Matthew, Jordan Masterson, persuaded me to throw shooting and join the church of Scientology. And we met for already two years. What I only thought ...

Dakota Johnson:

"Before filming, I was so afraid that Jamie would be a real asshole, but he first filed a blanket after" naked "scenes"

Frame from the film "50 shades of gray"

- What are things going with your new beloved Chris Martin?

- We have been together for several months. At first, I hid my relationship, but now they decided not to hide. Chris sends me to appreciate my new tracks, his friends loved me too. I have already introduced him to my father. By the way, he really liked him. According to him, we have the future. Well, the trilogy ended, so the Chris is not worried about what. For now. Yes, he does not worry, we are just good together.

- Can you say that you are for long-term relationships?

- Yes, random ties are not for me. Until 2014, I met Jordan, and then with Matthew musician. In February 2015, we briefly dispersed, but then they were still rifled, even before the release of the film. Now I am also building plans for a serious relationship.

- Did you get because of the groans of glory in uncomfortable situations?

- I recently sat down in a taxi, and the driver learned me. He said that they and his wife watched "50 shades of gray." And then stated that he hoped to see there more sex. Sometimes people say things that make me feel embarrassed. In general, I was at first it was terribly uncomfortable from what was starred in this film. There is something terrible that now absolutely everyone will learn about who I am. Naturally, I worry and periodically wonder: "What am I, damn, done?". Probably, in taking the role and plot of the film in many ways played my romantic attitude towards all this story. It seems to me that "50 shades of gray" is an amazing fairy tale of love in the scenery of the pain room.

Due to the filming in the provocative trilogy, Dakota threw a favorite

Due to the filming in the provocative trilogy, Dakota threw a favorite

Frame from the film "50 shades of gray"

- You do not miss the time when no one recognized you?

- When could I quietly go to the store for products or in a restaurant? Of course, I miss! Now I am constantly under the sight of the camera. Probably, my last good days I had just before the release of the first movie of the trilogy on the screens. I remember them very well. I was then a blonde, I arrived at the London week of fashion, calmly communicated with friends, Paparazzi hunted for Alex Chang and Poppi Melo, and did not touch me ... And then thundered thunder! I was not Dakota Johnson, but the anasthest styl - the heroine of the trilogy of E. L. James. Probably, someday I want to return to such an unknown: I will buy a small ranch somewhere in Colorado, I will raise children, breed horses ... but not right now! (Laugh.)

- How was the naked scenes with which the trilogy is replete?

- All these sexy scenes in the cinema are far from romance, but solid technical moments. It doesn't even closely resemble a love situation, ease and naturalness there is no and in risen. More this is all similar to the work of engineers or choreography, so it is so important to trust each other. In general, I am quite simple to undress in front of the camera, I do not have a shame. But, of course, we did not work on the site of real sex. This is not porn! Although as for the details, then, perhaps, everything was very accurate. I think it is simply impossible to reliably tell the history of the anastaishi style and Christian Gray without naked scenes, and I wouldn't want to watch myself to look like someone makes love in underwear. Let's be honest: sex in shorts does not happen. By the way, one day I had to simulate sex on the site for seven hours! Oh and difficult it was a job, I tell you. I like to think that "50 shades of gray" had a deafening success. But at that, the first time I experienced a terrible pressure. After the second part, it was already much easier. I can not say that I'm madly tired (although it is bedtop shooting a lot of strength, not only emotional, but also physical: it was necessary that this all did not look like and fake), just want everyone to know: I can do others , more serious things!

Now the actress has a different boyfriend who can not be jealous - because the trilogy is completed

Now the actress has a different boyfriend who can not be jealous - because the trilogy is completed

Frame from the film "50 shades of freedom"

- By the way, how do you rate your appearance?

- I do not think the beauty. Here is my grandmother typi really beauty, not in vain Hitchcock called her my muse. I don't always look perfectly in ordinary life. And it is absolutely normal, so most of all I love honest films, which show the reality of which it is. Including my appearance.

- And after many years, when your breast is no longer so beautiful, will you continue to shoot in the frank scenes?

- Honestly, I do not even know. Probably, simply switching to European cinema - there is not much attention to this, it is possible to play with a breakfast breast. (Laughs.)

- You have tattoos, but we do not see them on your heroine. Where are they going?

- Each shooting day at the site began with a long session of the camouflage makeup to hide them, because they were a modest anastheh. I have six of them. One is right behind the right ear, the second - the image of three birds - on the right shoulder, on the back of the neck, the word "amor" ("love" is dotted, on the right foot - the phrase "Look At The Moon" ("Look at the Moon") Surrounded by stars, on the left biceps - the phrase "Acta Non Verba" ("Acts, not the word"), and on the hand - flower. Tattoos Recently, life is greatly complicated. I went through the period when I liked the process of applying, but now they have to cover them all the time. It is so annoying! On the set I even had a double for shooting the "naked" scenes, because I did not all worked to disguise.

- Did you take anything from the set in memory?

- Discaled! Yes, I borrowed one whip and several pairs of underwear. They were too comfortable to part with them.

Dakota Johnson:

In the tape "Actively searching" Dakota showed his comedy talent

Frame from the movie "Actively Search"

- How does your family feel about what are you moving in such movies?

- For me, the most important thing is that the father does not see them. And then I'm with the shame. But, thank God, films with Rating R are not interested. Well, if you are very honest, I forbid the father and mother to watch them. I really hope that they obey. Although none of my family admits that he watched "50 shades of gray." Or they just shy to me to say about it. In general, I was afraid to talk about what I was going to play in such a film. It would seem, my parents and not on the screen worked. Compared to their films, my exercises are the movement of the kulichiki in the sandbox, except that only with bare booty. But the family's opinion for me was always in the first place.

- Let's remember a little about your childhood ...

- Oh, it was very strange. I was born in Texas, and then where he just did not live. Parents never turned out to be near, and I was granted myself, not counting, of course, heaps of nannies and teachers. Now I can not even count, in many schools I studied, and friends ... it was something from the category of mythical creatures. All the same, they stayed there, from where I was left, so that there were no connections with anyone. At three years I have already walked to a psychologist. And then I had to cope with the divorce of my parents, it was very hard for a tiny child, which I was then, especially since no one could support me. Naturally, I hated to go to school. Just did not understand why to do it. What a school can be if you live in Budapest, and your stepfather is removed in Evita? Now I understand that I suffered insanely, but what could I do? Is I able to grow an ordinary child with such a family life schedule? For a long time I was inspired that something was wrong with me, but now I understand that the reason is in the way of life we ​​led. I was constantly faced with the opposite side of my parents' popularity. Children of celebrities are generally very vulnerable: we grow under climbing attention and can not do anything about it. If you have any problems, you can't tell anyone about them, otherwise all the newspapers will write about it the next day.

- How do you feel about your mother's last husband - Antonio Banderas?

- He married her when I was only four years old. I was then a little baby. Naturally, I perceived it as a very native person. I am sure that he made a significant role in the development of my acting talent. By the way, Antonio is the only one who looked "50 shades of gray." He even said that my game led him to delight. True, it is worth adding a spoonful of the tar. I believe that Antonio is to blame for the current depression. When I came home for the last time, she looked not the best: a little eaten, suffered from insomnia and did not communicate with anyone. I'm trying to make her go to a psychologist, but not yet it turns out. And Antonio is already buying a new house with his next passion ... I will not discuss the fact that all eighteen years in marriage he constantly changed his mother. Let it remain on his conscience. I will just say that a new girl is younger than twenty years. Maybe he wants to survive the second youth? I probably never understand it.

Dakota Johnson:

The actress loves alternate chamber indie films like "big burst" and large commercial projects

Frame from the movie "Big Splash"

- When did your debut in the cinema happen?

- I was only nine years old. Antonio called me to play in the picture "Woman without rules", by the way, Mom and Summer Sister Stella also shot there. As a result, it turned out such a family project, where I played the daughters of our real mother with Stella. After the debut in the movie, the parents did not allow me to be filmed in films until I finish school.

- Star sickness bypasses you?

- Perhaps yes. I learned from childhood to treat everything easier. Yet I grew up in the acting family and such concepts as fame and fame, absorbed with Mother's milk. Dozens of paparazzi with cameras at night could no longer scare me. I perfectly understood that my parents are sex symbols. True, at that time reporters were not hunting for me.

- What did you like in those years?

- Naturally, I watched movies: first Mary Poppins, "One House", "Bittljus", and later Bernardo Berrtolchich's tape and John Cassabitis. Up to sixteen years I studied ballet, but always dreamed of playing movies. It seems to me that it is quite logical if the whole family is doing this. Whether they are lawyers, I would also study the right.

- What was your grandmother tipping?

"It was she who said that acting in our genes." She never forced melanie to play the cinema - it happened by itself. Also, my mother did not drive into cinema, but I wanted to go on parental footsteps and immediately at the end of the school signed a contract with William Morris Agency. In the end, this is the only thing I can do. In general, the grandmother is not the best adviser, and we have never discussed the negative aspects of filming a movie.

Dakota Johnson:

In the series "Ben and Kate" Dakota played one of the main roles

Frame from the series "Ben and Kate"

- What was next?

"I was the model then and earned some money, in the end I decided to go to the JUILLIRD Art Art School. At the receipt even performed the monologues of Shakespeare and Steve Martin. But in the end they did not take me, I had to return to Los Angeles. Then I first started going to real listening and even played a small role in the "social network". It was just a girl who Justin Timberlake's character picked up in the club, but the process went. It turns out that it was in the "social network" a director Sam Taylor-Wood noticed. Sam then said that she wanted to remove something more with me. But I run ahead. At first, I was called in the remake of the religious horror movie Dario Argento "suspension". I generally like these arthow projects: they allow showing some kind of unique features. Still, the characters that are close to me, in large movies are extremely rare. "50 shades of gray" is an exception. Yes, this is a commercial film, but it is based on a piece of something forbidden. With this he attracted me. I am close to the anastheist itself. She is very smart, insanely sexy and open, without fear and disgust study the world of BDSM and understands the secret verge of his beloved, which may not see himself. Thanks to her, he changes from one part to another. I was glad to play it. And since I had to take off nude, I wanted to look perfect. I did a lot, ate healthy food and was subjected to such a number of epilation that did not dream of a single woman.

- You got my first award just like that, only for who you are ...

- Yes, this little comic case occurred in 2006. Then I received the "Miss' Golden Globe" award, which traditionally awarded the daughter or the son of a famous man. Thus, I kind of continued the family tradition: Don Johnson received the "Golden Globe" for the series "Police Miami: Department of Malls", Melanie Griffith - for the Melodrama "Business Woman", and Tippi Hedren was awarded the Globus for the most promising debut in 1964. But they were given these awards for films, and me - only for kinship (laughs.)

- How do you feel about the fact that the age of women in the cinema is very brief?

- I kill me that mom is no longer removed. She is a wonderful actress! I can say the same thing about my grandmother that Hichkok loved so much. This damn industry is cruel. It doesn't matter how cool you are, if you are an actress, you will always have a feeling of unnecessaryness. Whenever I am not busy in projects, I do not leave the thought, will I take again. And every year it feel more and more ...

Melanie Griffith with daughters. When Dakota was four, her mother became his wife Antonio Banderas

Melanie Griffith with daughters. When Dakota was four, her mother became his wife Antonio Banderas

Photo: Instagram.com/melanie_Griffith57.

- How long are you preparing for the role?

- If you take the role of the anasta (while it is, perhaps, my most serious role), then yes, I was preparing very meticulously. After all, it was necessary to read a bunch of everything about BDSM, so as not to hit the face. It turned out that there are so many rules! I even shy at first. But then I decided: it is for business. It was at the same time to read research about sex and found out that in the women's clitoris as much nerve endings, but in men in general penis. That's how!

- The first film was shot by Sam Taylor-Wood, and the second and third part is another director. Did something changed for you?

- Yes, James Fowley has a completely different approach. In the dressing room, he forced me to read the New York Times about the events that occur in the Crimea and the like, and then on the site to portray something completely unimaginable. It was so strange. According to James, I would be the director myself. In general, I even have your own small film company. But, perhaps, I have not played yet, I want to be a actress.

- Do you consider a movie with your vocation or have not yet decided what you want to do in life?

- Honestly, I rather do not understand. Cinema - like obscurity, maybe it will pass me for a long time. But sometimes it seems to me that I lose control of life, and it scares it. I still have a very sensitive person, and if I do not feel the security, I closing in myself. And when everything is in order, I can roll the mountains!

- And if we talk only about the current moment ...

- Now I am in the right place and in the right time. And everything goes exactly how it is necessary. A few years ago, I resembled a hornbeam: Fought something I was looking for something ... so I wanted someone to give me a chance. But now I have this chance, and I will not loose!

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