Complain Mom: We teach the child to fight school offenders


Probably, each at school times came across a bulling, and it was not necessary for the victim, but every second was the involuntary viewer. Today, practically nothing has changed, except for the methods of pressure have become more sophisticated, in the spirit of time. Any child can fall into disfavor of their classmates, and parents do not always know about it, although sooner or later the conflict of the child will pop up with the school. What to do parents in such a difficult situation? We tried to figure out.

An important conversation

No, you do not need to teach a child to solve complex issues with peers with strength - this is a pre-losing option. As a rule, children who are subjected to bullying suffer because of a low marks, believing that his offender is better than himself. In your power, explain to the child that all children at school have the same rights, and the pressure is invalid in any form. What is important: it is necessary not only to explain to the child of his rights, but also focus on the fact that all children are equal, and therefore your child has no right to terrorize and without.

Do not allow the use of force

Unfortunately, the overwhelming number of children are confident that it is possible to prove the rightness with the help of fists and exhausted hair offenders. As we said, this approach will not solve the problem, but will seriously aggravate. Unfortunately, many parents support the desire of a child to use power against offenders, but do you need problems with the school administration and the parents of these children? We think, definitely not. If your tactics of solving a difficult situation does not work, boldly go to school on a conversation with a class teacher and, preferably, the parents of children who "dragon" weaker classmates. Any conflict is solved by negotiation.

the child should not be afraid to share with you problems

the child should not be afraid to share with you problems


The child should not be afraid of

Another frequent reason why we will learn about the problems of children too late - their fear report something to parents. Often you can hear how parents are prompted by very little children: "What do you do? Stop! " Or such conversations occur: "You're already an adult, solve your own problems", "So will you complain about old age?" It is not difficult to guess what effect there are similar conversations for a child: it closes and everything that he stays is to accept the situation, because he is not able to solve the problem independently. A completely different situation is in families, where it is customary to discuss all the problems and help each other in difficult moments. Do not allow your child to be afraid to confess to something.

We are looking for a new company

As we have already time to note, children with low self-esteem become the victim of the Bulling in 99% of cases, they usually have almost no friends and hobbies. For any person, and especially so small, it is important to understand that behind his back is a whole team from parents and friends who will give a useful advice and will always support. Children under pressure are deprived of this feeling. Try to find out what your child is interested in, and discuss with him how he wanted to do. Sports section, the club for interests will help you find people with a similar worldview, perhaps it is here that the child will find friends, whom he lacked so much, and a reliable rear from understanding people will help to gain confidence and give a decent contrast to the abuser in the classroom.

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