Sofya Ardova: "Sixteen years - no difference, if there is love"


Sofya Ardova, as it is customary to speak, the continuer of the famous creative dynasty. After graduating from College Oleg Tabakov, she was invited to MHT, where she gladly goes to the scene even in the crowd. While your achievements in the profession, our heroine is rather modest, but what her years! Although Sonya from an early age got used to independent life, early began to earn money by removing in the movies. Probably, this is inner adolescence. Her beloved man older than sixteen years old, and the girl does not consider this difference in the age of significant. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

"Sonya, you graduated from Tabakov College, and a year ago you had an independent creative life, you work in MHT. How do you feel in the new status?

- While I do not feel myself a full-fledged actress. And because of the age, and because there was no, in my opinion, still some achievements. So I still actress half (smiles), just learning. But I love theater very much. And, probably, one of my achievements is that I got into the MHT at twenty-one. I am comfortable, there are many of my friends and generally a large number of pleasant people.

- Was the excitement, fear in connection with the transition from college to the theater?

- We were taught in college to be artists, and tickets for the performances in which we played were sold for money. From the very beginning I heard: "For this they will not pay, it will not look." And we are fifteen, and even more so at eighteen nineteen years have understood what we will do next. Unlike the peers who have done in school and did not know anything about their future. But the fracture occurred, because they still enter a big life. I always wanted to immediately start earning earning, especially since I work for six years. Children's shooting is a certain experience and independence both in communicating with people and in money. I was lucky, we have a good salary in the theater. I am now almost not removed, but I can exist normally, despite the fact that it is still in the inverted group. Naturally, I'm waiting for roles. But it began to relate calmer to this so that it hurts yourself.

For Sony, her childhood was very happy. With mom, actress Anna Ardova, and father, actor Alexander Shavorin

For Sony, her childhood was very happy. With mom, actress Anna Ardova, and father, actor Alexander Shavorin

Photo: Personal archive Sophia Ardova

- What do you have with a movie now?

- I go to the sample, but it happens not so often. While not very lucky with roles and projects, I guess I am very serious. (Laughs.) Recently was on samples, and the director's girl is my friend, they asked her: "How is Ardova? She was on your samples. " She replied: "Beautiful Ardova." "What's wrong?" Answer: "No boobs and legs are not long-limited." I fell into shock. Although with my feet I, in my opinion, everything is in order. Recently, it often happens that after some samples of mom (Actress Anna Ardova. - Approx. Aut.) They write that I am super-duper. And what should I have since? Take me then. But I try not to be very upset.

- You said that I began to earn another childhood, but it does not mean that you were on a complete payback by a teenager?

- During study in college, I did not shoot, took money from my parents. But, of course, not large sums, and so ... on the little things. I, like everything, smoked the blue "Java" and saw a terrible wine "Monks". (Laughs.)

- You lived at home. And I did not want to taste a general life?

- No, it's not at all such a hostel, as in the institute, we had educators. My mother respects me and allows more than they. But in college I was fine. The main person is there, of course, Oleg Pavlovich, but Vitaly Egorov spil around the clock around the clock, our favorite master and a wonderful actor. He is an amazing person, with a very subtle soulful organization. He loved us as nobody loved, sat with us until the night, rehearsed, explained something, watched all shows.

- On the eve of the new year in your family, the trouble happened - did not become your father, the actor of the theater. Mayakovsky Alexander Shavrina. Probably, you have this first adult heavy event. How did you experience it?

- I worry it, like everything, I'm just bad, and that's it.

With parents on vacation in which, Montenegro

With parents on vacation in which, Montenegro


- Do you now live with my mother or separately?

- separately. With a cat Charlotte. I began to live myself at the end of the fourth course. But I have a lot of friends, my best girlfriend Nastya Chernyshova, Mom - they are often with me. And in principle, I love and one sit.

- Before the Pope did not, they parted with mom. You lived with her, and my brother with dad. Worried?

- Not. This is not explained, we have nothing changed at all. We are a magic family Adams. And just women with women lived, and men with men. My mom is more comfortable. I always communicated with her more, although the dad loved himself. And they loved each other always.

- But, probably, already another love?

- Probably. But this is such ... spiritual love, spiritual connection. Another life was to begin. Children grew up, they performed their parental debt. But until the very end remained close people.

- What about your personal life? Have you ever managed to seriously fall in love?

"I am generally very in love, but if I start a relationship, it's always serious." For almost a year I meet with Igor Chripunov. He seemed to me by a man to whom it is impossible to approach. There are such love when you can flirt, and there are men, next to which you can only pronounce "Hello" and think that maybe someday you will be friends. (Smiles.) Here Igor, I then invented myself, and he stands on the pedestal.

With your beloved man, actor Igor Chripunov

With your beloved man, actor Igor Chripunov


- He took the first step?

- We had a joint laboratory work "Caramor". I joking a lot and noticed that he draws attention to it. He looked at me all the time, did not miss anything that I said. So it all started. (Laughs.)

- But you have a big difference in the age ...

- There is no difference in age, if it is love. My grandfather with his last wife had a difference of thirty years. And sixteen years have never been considered a big difference, before adult uncle took married fourteenth-year-old young ladies. (Laughs.) It does not mean that I liked the men older, just, probably, I did not glue with my peers. By the way, we are all saying with Igor that we look out. And it seems to me that it is very cool. (Smiles.)

- In general, Sonya, you are already quite an adult. And adult work, and love ... And what are the memories of childhood, the life of the house, in your family, for you the brightest?

- In the morning, we always smelled about coffee in the house - he was cooked in the Turk, and cigarettes, although parents came out to smoke on the staircase. These are my smells of childhood. I remember constant companies and that I was even very small slept perfectly, despite all this. The video is preserved where everything is yelling, it's worth the hum, and I quietly go by myself. Mom says: "You were a wonderful child! I slept, drawing or sang. " And we have always had songs, chastushki, mom - with a guitar, a lot of people, noisy, screened, all drank, laughed ... Sometimes the neighbors even caused the police. Then they resigned. (Smiles.) And I was interested to sit with my parents, and not with other children, and I also poured a little Mother to me. In general, I had a very happy childhood. Our guests had many beautiful talented people. And in childhood I especially loved men. (Laughs.) Mom tells that in five years I came to her and asked to put on me the most beautiful dress, and then got up and said one of our guests: "Why are you, my wife, offended?" But I do not remember who it was. (Laughs.) But already later I remember well my favorite men - Maxim Leonidov, Alexey Kortnev and Andrei Urgant. They were dadget partners in the entrepreneurial spectral "Two others". And from seven to twelve years I traveled a lot with them on tour. Most of all, I was friends with Kortney, which I allowed to do everything. He had a habit to wear glasses back to Lysin. And once on the bus, sitting next to the dad, took them away from Leshi, took out his cosmetic bag and painted his nose on Lysin, eyes with eyelashes and returned glasses to the place. We all laughed. And he was not even angry.

With the best girlfriend Nastya Chernyshova

With the best girlfriend Nastya Chernyshova

Photo: Personal archive Sophia Ardova

- But you grew behind the scenes of the theater. Mayakovsky, where did mom with dad worked?

- Mayakovsky Theater, according to Mom, I knew by heart, everything was treated there, but I remember anything. It seems to me that I especially did not take me to the theater. And when I became older, I didn't really love him as a viewer, although I liked the acting profession. I just was a street girl. Love for the theater returned in the first year of college.

- At six years you started to film. And how did it happen, on your initiative or mom so decided?

- In childhood, I generally shot a lot. At six years, first went to the samples of the series "Torovka". Mom asked: "Do you want?" I replied: "I want!", And she said: "So go." I experienced a buzz and from work, and from what I can buy gifts to parents and friends for your money - unlike your peers, and I still bring earnings to the house. I almost all gave my mother, but it was cool to receive money for what you like to do so. The cinema ended in the ninth grade, because it was necessary to pass the exams - I did not study very well, and I was still a hooligan.

- How did classmates and teachers belonged to your acting activities?

- I had a lot of quarrels with teachers at school. When I went to class and someone said: "Oh! The star came! ", I answered:" Goodbye! ", I left or just went to the desk. In general, I almost did not study. We had a German school, but I don't know the language at all. And the chemistry teacher asked: "Three want? You are theater. And I always thought I would become or actress, or an artist. I love to draw, and was engaged in Ardis's art studio. In chemistry, I did not understand anything, I drew a raven teacher, and she puts me a triple. And then Dad said that there is College Tabakov. I confess, asked: "And who is it?" Oleg Pavlovich, forgive me, please, I knew Jean Gaben, Lawrence Olivier, but not Tabakov. No, of course, I saw him somewhere in the movies, but I did not have any associations related to it. In general, I realized that I don't have to suffer for two more years at school, and it was a chance to start doing business, which is very interesting.

Sofya Ardova:

In the Social Drama "Roof" Sonya played the first major role

- Who helped you prepare for the college?

- I learned the program for the month, myself. Somehow my mother asked to read her, I took a book, although I already knew myself, started, then I closed the book and said: "Mom, I can not do that?" I shone my parents, then I didn't let them out for a long time, I was ashamed. And the mother found his familiar actress and teacher for speech, which I listened twice and helped me very much. Advised to choose the program correctly. I read the poems of Zinaida Hippius and Shukshin's story. I remember at the moment when it was necessary to enter the college, the subconscious suddenly issued: "If I do not do not act, I will not act as an actress." But all, of course, believed that I did in Blat. At least I seemed so. At first it was quite difficult with classmates, but then we found a common language.

- You grew up in an intelligent family. You advised you to read what to see, taught etiquette?

- I did not taught my tongues, but I wanted to keep the plug and spoon. It seemed to me that it was cool. She wanted to tie the laces herself, mastered this case at all with a little crumb. I was never forced to do something specially. I just saw that parents watch or read. Dad could tell me: "Oh! Do you read it? Healthy! I read this book in so many years. " Sometimes mom said: "We listened to the same music." A little mature, I began to ask dad to form me, because he was an incredible intellectual, and just a genius. Dad told me a lot of things, showed the records of Alexander Galich. Once we sat with him in the kitchen, read the "Requiem" Anna Akhmatova and cried together.

- You generally did not raise a strictly or only my mother gave full freedom?

"Dad could sometimes win the poddle forgotten, once my bump remained, because his hand is heavy. And Mom only once screamed at me, or rather, Skeid, when years in eleven and twelve I took it with my youthful maximalism. But in general I was a calm child and remain the same. This mother with his brother could nibble, and my dad always watched them and laughed. Mom has an incredible sense of humor. It happened, we laughed so much that they just fell under the bed. And it happened, together immersed in Melancholy, and then do not touch each other, but support. Dad for me has always been the best. In everything. And he was very bald. As a child, I adored Mickey Maus, and I still love, and one day the dad with the tour in America brought me an incredible amount of macks with a funny mouse. Everything he saw, he bought with the words: "My plot". I am generally spoiled. And so in childhood I even tried my mother to stop in buying clothes to me. But the parents gave pleasure, and I understand it perfectly. I myself am so.

Sofya Ardova:

In the musical performance "Pride and Prejudice" A young actress reincarnated in Miss Lydia Bennet


- Do you like to dress up? What is your style?

"I have no one style in clothes, I just know what comes me." I love everything free and often buy things on size more. I can't stand the jeans in the tightness, I feel my sausage in the dough. I have tight elegant dresses, under the mood. But I do not like open hands at the top, shoulders, I do not wear this type of T-shirts and sundresses. I always have some cardigan on top. I love long free skirts, coats, seats, hats. In general, I hate summer, because it is very hot and stuffy, and I have nothing to wear.

- What do you feel about the costume on the stage?

- I'm on the stage almost everything is comfortable. If there were short shorts and to me on me, I could afford a lot. Most often, it even helps me, such as the Black Charlotte Skirt in the "Cherry Garden". I went to look for a skirt, because we had only one rehearsal. And this found in the college basement. It was broken lightning, a big pocket, and I immediately said that this is exactly the Schellotte skirt, because in such a pocket there will be a card and cucumber. But in it and walk conveniently. Although, of course, you need to keep posture, and immediately appears a desire to change the gait. Even the hands are different. And that is great. In general, I am ready for a lot of profession. For example, if I say: "Full meter, the main role, tomorrow you must become bald", I'm not thinking about: "Yes!"

- You are not behind Mom in the courage of this kind ...

- Yes, I guess I am in mom. She is very bold and young. I remember when I was a teenager, Mint Prikild, like a ninja turtle - a backpack, a hooding sweatshirt with a hood of a strange form, Rastaman type pants. And she had "Ninja-Shuz" with two fingers. She always has a bright coat. Somehow she bought himself a striped, and a couple of years ago - good shoes of gray, and then she said that she was very boring in them. I had paints for clothes, and I offered to paint the shoes under the coat. One shoe made orange, the other - green. My mother and I were happy, it turned out cool!

Sofya Ardova:

"Igor I came up with myself, and he stands on the pedestal. Sixteen years - the difference in the age is not big, if there is love"


- You are not just an intelligent family, but the legendary, shrouded in special halo - ardam, battles, and even Mamina stepfather Igor Starygin ...

- With Alexey Batalov, Mamina Uncle, I never communicated. More precisely, I saw when it was very small, but I don't remember anything. Alexey Vladimirovich did not like when he was publicly talking about him, except professional things. Probably, we can call us a family only conditionally. But about Igor Starygin, my mother's stepfather, she told me a lot. They had a very good relationship. He helped her in every way, gave presents. And although I am not familiar with him, Mom loves him that I love him for it. I saw him only once, at the bottom of birth, when I was nine years old. He was gentle, elegant, intelligent and talented. His daughter, Mine younger sister Nastya, and her son Arseny is very similar to him.

- Did you manage to catch someone from grandparents? And what did the mother tell about their great ancestors?

"I, in fact, there was not grandparents, more precisely, I did not live with them." But I do not worry, I have enough of all my. The grandmother of the world (actress of the world Ardov) with mom was a difficult relationship. And grandfather Boris (Boris Ardov - actor and director) died when I was four years old. I have a feeling that I know them, because they talk a lot about them at home. My great-grandmother - Nina Olshevskaya, actress. Mom really wanted me to be like Nina, when I was pregnant with me. And they say that this is. And my great-grandfather - Victor Ardov, writer. I read his book "Great and Funny." I do not even believe that belongs to such history. And I do not know if I have the right to be in this family. My great-grandmother was incredible people who saved so many that I can only be proud of them. For example, in the famous Ardovy apartment on Ordyanka, when many turned away from her, Anna Akhmatova lived. And I really wanted to be like my ancestors, to be a continuation of them, to go about me legends, how about them and their home.

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