Secrets of the perfect selfie


It is absolutely normal to have several professional portrait pictures in my collection. For many, this is a need for someone - self-confidence. But spending often professional shooting - invoice; Add the speed of our life, where every minute on the account - all this gave the impetus to the popularity of Selfie. Of course, it is impossible to compare the result of the work of several professionals with amateur autoports, but since not everyone can afford such shooting, you can resort to some photo-stratia to be the best among lovers:

- with any type of selfie (with an elongated arm, from a monopode or a tripod) you need to figure out where The main source of lighting . The best source is a scattered daylight, so you need to turn off the rest of the lighting devices and turn the face towards the light. If the daylight is weak, then artificial lighting can be turned on. The main rule: the less straight bright rays fall into face, the better. In the afternoon it is better to act in the shade, through the curtain or in cloud weather, and in the evening - with the abypt light of the lamp. With bright sun, you can use sunglasses;

One of the secrets of a successful selfie - proper lighting

One of the secrets of a successful selfie - proper lighting


The face must be matte (Make minimal makeup or use special degreasing napkins), with the exception of those cases when shining powder is applied after matting. With makeup, it is better not to zealous, save natural beauty;

- You can do 3-4 options Selfie from different angles and choose among them the best;

- to facial expression was natural At the time of shooting, you need to remember something pleasant, for example, a fun joke or imagine a conversation with an expensive person;

- Ideally, in the frame except the author's close-up face should be chosen Interesting background or event . The monopod for Selfie will come to the rescue. From its distance you can capture more interesting;

- when using tripod , you can shoot portraits in full growth, which will significantly diversify the author's tape;

Lara Bardina advises to treat Selfie with humor

Lara Bardina advises to treat Selfie with humor


- To improve the quality of photography, you can shoot a self-chamber (not on the front), although this, of course, will complicate the process slightly;

- Well, finally: the best photo is a photo that carries an idea. Humor and Creative diversify your pictures.

Smile more often, take pictures with friends and do not forget about safety when choosing a place of shooting and beautiful look.

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