5 rules of money lats


Rule number 1

It is not necessary to discuss and condemn the waste of other people, even if they seem to you stupid, and you act from the best motives. This is their choice, their money, and not yours. Always talk about financial topics with caution and understanding.

Do not look in someone else's wallet

Do not look in someone else's wallet


Rule number 2.

Take into account the financial position of friends when planning joint entertainment. Do not stand a mother, raising a child alone, call to relax in an expensive restaurant. You put a person in an awkward position. However, you may not know which financial situation is actually your friend, so leave a choice for it.

Everyone has a different wealth

Everyone has a different wealth


Rule number 3.

Swinging for a general gift to a colleague or a friend, complaining the budget in advance with all the participants of the best. Someone 1000 rubles may seem insufficient contribution, and the other and 500 deems unnecessary.

Gift boss - Voluntary business

Gift boss - Voluntary business


Rule number 4.

"Friendly services" - the sharp topic. For some reason, many people think that the buddy must do for them work for free or with a big discount. Although, making something for you, a person spends the same time and resources as for an extraneous customer. Pay for his work worthy.

Pay for work

Pay for work


Rule number 5.

Remember: "Credit spoils relationships." But if I had to take money, then return them to the agreed period. And do not be offended by refusal: friendship friendship, and no one is obliged to sponsor you. It is possible that now a person really can not help you, or does not want - this is his right. It is better to refuse to a friend than subsequently lose it because of problems with the return of money.

Avoid debt

Avoid debt


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