I batt down by your horizons: how to become erudite in a short time


"I do not have time," - the favorite excuse of any person who has, than to justify its lazyness - work or care for children. Believe me, self-development does not occupy 3-4 hours a day - often enough insignificant × 15-30 minutes so that in the calculation for a couple of months to master the new skill or move into language learning. We present a developed plan for the development of erudition - try and write about the results.


New week is worth starting with useful habits. If you all the time postpone the purchase of a subscription to the gym, give you a sign over! Regular training helps to become disciplined and stubborn in fulfilling their plans. The habit of breaking a big task to small "approaches" over time smoothly smooth out the training process into your everyday life. And in order at first it was not bored. Check the book in the audio format or subscribe to the podcast - time on the treadmill will fly imperceptibly, tested on personal experience!

Do not comprehend an hour of training

Do not comprehend an hour of training

Photo: unsplash.com.


Today it is time to visit books and acquire several interesting benefits. Buy books on psychology, sexology and biology - is always helpful to learn a little more about the principle of work of your body. Believe me, a new world from the facts that you hear for the first time will open for you. If you can shine with knowledge before girlfriends or your loved one. We hope that then you will understand why nails do not need to "breathe", and the sexual system of the female body is not limited to external organs. Do not forget to mark on the fields and allocate interesting moments with a marker - so the brain will better attack fresh information in memory.


Start learning the language, which have long been dreaming. If you are afraid that English and French from scratch you do not die, look at the group of Slavic languages. Croatian, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Belorussky - all of them are akin to our language. At the same time, raise yourself a mood when you will pronounce "teacher" or "herachka" - "teacher" and "actress" in Czech language.

Learn languages ​​using applications and courses

Learn languages ​​using applications and courses

Photo: unsplash.com.


Recall what was fond of childhood. Macrame, Beading, Drawing - Who said it is classes for children? Buy beads and wire, look at the rollers on Yutubee and glow your first butterfly. Order a picture of the numbers in the online store and paint it under soothing music - also an excellent hobby. Evening lessons in a measured pace will help to relax and release the problems of the past day - you will sleep like a baby!


And now our favorite part. Open the browser and you are looking for ... Travel tickets! There are no people indifferent to interesting stories from different parts of the world. It is only worth starting how you get tightened and you can no longer live without a purchased ticket at the uncharted or cardiovarious countries. Travels - an excellent way to solve weekends and learn the culture of the alien people.

Enjoy life and transform it every day. You have only one chance to live it as you dream. Dare and not be afraid!

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