Not ulitsa united: unique women who received the Nobel Prize


Bookmakers are made in all the bets - who will become the owner of the scandalous "nobel" in literature and will become famous for the whole world? The leader, according to experts, will be the Canadian poetess Ann Carson. For the victory, Lyudmila Ulitskaya calculate fewer people - rates 9 to 1, but nevertheless most do not write it off with the bills - the writer holds on the average rating positions. "Get to this list is great. This is the recognition of the high quality of my work. I have a lot of all awards. If they give, well, they will not give - too good. Both of these options have their advantages, "noted Lyudmila in an interview with the Moscow region today. Will it turn out to be a laureate or not - we will find out today at 14:00 Moscow time. In the meantime, find out more about prominent women who received Nobel, in a selection.

Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie

Polka Maria Sklodovskaya - truly unique scientist. She is not only the first woman awarded this high award, but also the only competition in the entire history of the competition, which received it twice (!). By the way, the second woman's laureate in history was the Iren's daughter in history. The first discovery of Maria did together with her husband Pierre and the scientist Henri Becquerem - the team opened the property of the radioactivity of some chemical elements and their derivatives. After the unfortunate death of Pierre, shot down by horse wagon, Maria headed his department in Sorbonne and continued the research - in 1911 she was handed over the second award in chemistry. The hardest depression did not let her go, even during the solemn speech, Maria said such words: "First, I would like to remind you that the opening of Radia was made by Pierre Curie together with me. We are also obliged to Pierre Curie for its fundamental experiments in the field of radioactivity. My own work was chemical research on radium allocation. "

Jane Addams

A woman who can learn from the ability to help people. Together with her friend, Emilin Starr Jane organized the first society in the US in order to help the population outside the poverty line. Taking an example from the British Toynbi Hall, they built a whole complex called Hall House in Chicago. It includes a kindergarten, guesthouse, sports center, library, art studio and much more. The Nobel "Prize of the World" nominated her 91 times, just imagine! The woman received a reward only in 1931, it was already time to pass the president of the President of the International Women's League for peace and freedom.

Rita Levi-Montanchini

A reward in the field of physiology and medicine, this woman received absolutely deservedly. In the 50th Rita, this miracle opened a factor of nerve growth, but the reality of research was recognized only 30 years later. Rita received only in 1986 - imagine how old in vain was missed. The growth factor of the nerves indirectly affects the improvement of human mental abilities and an increase in life expectancy - is it not the key to eternal life? Late studies have proven that the peak of this indicator is observed in the first year after a person fell in love for the first time in his life. Interesting, right?

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