What are the rising children of stars


Trey Smith

Will's children and Jada Pinkett Smith Willow and Jayden, despite the young age, have already managed to make himself become famous. About the eldest son Will from the previous marriage - the tray - a little less known. However, the tray does not intend to stay in the shadow of his famous father and under the name DJ Ace conquers the world with their DJ-sets. The actor who has been musitized in the past, very satisfied with the success of the Senior Siblis.

Corinne Bishop.

The eldest daughter Jamie Fox writes in his tweet: "19 years. I live in an amazing life. " This year, the actor helped the Oscar ceremony with his daughter, and all those present noted what kind of beauty it grew. Corin often communicates with Hollywood stars and lays out photos from them on his page. However, while going to the footsteps of the Father is not going to fully devote yourself to study at the University of California.

The leader U2 Bono and his youngest daughter Yves Hewson. Photo: Rex Features / fotodom.ru.

The leader U2 Bono and his youngest daughter Yves Hewson. Photo: Rex Features / fotodom.ru.

Patrick Schwarzenegger and Joseph Baen

The illegitimate son of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Joseph Baen, was 16 years old. As a gift, the actor has a sports room at the boys at home. And no wonder: Joseph is increasingly becoming more like her father and dreams to go on his footsteps. To begin with - to become a bodybuilder, and then, maybe in the cinema to go.

The eldest son of Arnold from marriage with Maria Schriver, 20-year-old Patrick Schwarzenegger, also likes to swing hardware. And already occasionally removed into the movies. However, the main goal of Patrick's classes is the model business. And along with photographs from the gym, he is not without pride shares in his tweet with pictures from professional photo shoots.

Chester Hanks.

The Middle Son of Tom Hanks - and the first with the current wife of the actor Rita Wilson - 22-year-old Chester played in the episode of the film "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull". However, the work in the cinema does not inspire a young man. Under the pseudonym even Haze, so that no one thinks he wants to make a career at the expense of the famous Father, he sees his future in the rap industry and has already recorded several clips on his own money, which attracted the attention of sound recording studios.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and his son Patrick. Photo: Camera Press / Fotodom.ru.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and his son Patrick. Photo: Camera Press / Fotodom.ru.

Yves Houston

The leader U2 Bono and his wife were categorically opposed to their younger daughter Yves Hewson became an actress. However, the girl insisted on his own and in his 22nd years already starred with Sean Penn in the film "Wherever you are" and Clive Owen in the Drama "Bloody Tives". It is impossible to call her role, but Iv hopes to become a famous actress.

Zelda Williams

Robin Williams has three children, but the closest relationship among the actor - with the only daughter, 24-year-old Zelda. Robin's girl called in honor of the video game "Legends of Princess Zelda" and thereby identified her future. She grew up a large fan of computer games. It is not left unnoticed toy developers who are often named Seld to participate in various promotions. Miss Williams and Cinema: Her debut took place in the film "The Secrets of the Past", where she played with his father.

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