Can not be like being: 5 non-born facts about the uterus


One of the most complex and important female bodies is rarely rarely interested in the woman itself, as a rule, a woman begins to ask the health issues of the reproductive organ when this very body does not understand that something is wrong with him. We decided to rip the curtain of secrecy and directly talk about the uterus - we will tell you several facts that can be a discovery for someone.

Natural block

The cervix has a much greater value than it may seem. As long as a woman does not decide to make a child, the cervix blocks pathogenic bacteria, thereby helping to keep the uterus as much as possible to the "hour x". When the woman is configured to pregnancy, it is through the neck of the sperm "go to search for an egg, and already during the pregnancy itself, the neck helps to" keep "the baby until it is ready to appear.

Indicator infections

We continue to study the cervix and its importance for the entire organ. To track all changes in the uterus itself, it is necessary to carry out quite serious research, like MRI, and irradiation, as we know, almost never benefits. In such a situation, the cervix comes to the rescue again, to which the specialist is much easier to get and explore without the help of devices. In appearance and other concomitant moments, the gynecologist can put the correct diagnosis in time, which will continue to keep the body and avoid serious pathologies.

The uterus is incredibly elastic

The uterus is incredibly elastic


Oncology is not a sentence

According to statistics, women who were diagnosed with a cervical cancer at an early stage, in 95% of cases survive. However, cunning cervical cancer in the fact that the disease can not manifest itself for a very long time, which makes it difficult for subsequent treatment. Do not be lazy to undergo surveys, and take action on time.

The uterus stretches like no other organ

In fact, the size of the uterus in a calm state does not reach the mark above 9 cm. But the situation changes during pregnancy: in about the middle of the uterus, it can stretch to the middle of the belly of women, and closer to childbirth and stretch to the lower ribs. Impressive, right?

Motock does not happen much

In rare cases, a woman can have a few modules, and a woman can not even guess about it. As a rule, such pathologies occur even at the embryo formation stage, when the reproductive system is only formed. Often, the presence of extra uterus does not affect quality of life, but in some cases there may be problems with conception that are solved after individual consultation with a specialist.

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