On the front or spare? Pass the test and find out your lead type


In economic theory, you heard that there are 5-15% of people in the number of people. But isn't it possible to develop quality for successful business doing? Can! Pass the test from Womanhit and find out your weak and strengths. Answer questions, choosing one of the options - A, B or B - and write them down to count on the end, what options it turned out more. Baister!

1. With regard to solutions:

A. Last word for decisions taken in my group, remains for me.

B. I accept the final decision, but I take a great contribution of my team.

V. I allow the members of the group to make their own decisions.

2. I consider the proposals of other participants in the group.

A. Rarely. I am the most knowledgeable member of the group.

B. All the time. Cooperation is the key to success.

V. always. I rely on the group to determine our direction.

3. With regard to orders:

A. I tell member members what to do, how to do it and when I want it to be done.

B. I ask the direction, but also suggest support and accept feedback from the team.

V. I do not really like to give orders. I just let people go to their business.

4. If the participant of the group was wrong:

A. He needs to make a reprimand and punish.

B. He needs supporting feedback and additional instructions.

Q. He can think of how to solve this problem.

5. How do you control the members of your group?

A. I carefully follow the tasks correctly.

B. From time to time I check their actions and inform me that I was opened to the conversation if they need help.

V. I leave them alone. They know more than me.

6. What best describes your approach to the motivation of team members?

A. People motivate clear awards and punishments.

B. People are more motivated when they feel involved and valuable.

B. Group members must motivate themselves alone.

7. Group members need:

A. Safety

B. The need to participate

B. The need for independence

8. Do you accept the opinions of the group members?

A. No. I have no time to worry about the ideas of other people.

B. Of course, but the last word when making important decisions remains for me.

B. All the time! Group members take most solutions on their own.

9. When something goes wrong, I usually:

A. I understand myself.

B. I ask ideas and solutions from others

B. I expect others to solve the problem.

10. I want people in my group to feel:

A. As if they have a clear list of tasks that need to be performed.

B. As if they were involved in the process and could make their additions to the plan.

B. As if they were all kept under control.

11. Leaders can succeed if:

A. Deliver clear orders

B. Help people to reveal their potential

B. Leave people to engage in their business

12. Best Solutions:

A. Made by the leader

B. Include group consensus

V. come from group members

13. With regard to the distribution of responsibilities:

A. I have very clear expectations and a daily list of cases.

B. I allow the team members to do what is relevant to them.

B. I have no special expectations. Everything will happen at one time.

Authoritarian style is good in situations when the decision you need to take spontaneously

Authoritarian style is good in situations when the decision you need to take spontaneously

Photo: unsplash.com.

More A. Authoritarian leadership. Authoritarian leaders inspire the members of a group of clear expectations regarding what should be done when it must be completed and how it must be fulfilled. These leaders make decisions without the participation of members of the Group. Authoritarian leadership is best used in situations when little time to accept group decisions or when the leader is best prepared to solve the problem or specifying the direction. Excessive use of an authoritarian style can be interpreted as power and controlling. The worst examples of this style can be seen when the leaders use intimidation methods, such as a cry, abuse of power or humiliation of group members. Remember that the most effective leaders are inclined to use different styles of leadership depending on the situation.

Try to interact with the team

Try to interact with the team

Photo: unsplash.com.

More B. Democratic leaders. Democratic leaders, also known as collective leaders, take part in one or more members of the group when making decisions and solve problems, but the leader remains the last word when the choice is made. Group members are usually encouraged and motivated by this leadership style. This style of leadership often leads to more efficient and accurate solutions, since no leader can be an expert in all areas. The contribution of the members of the group with special knowledge and experience creates a more complete basis for decision-making. Remember that good leaders use all three styles depending on the situation. For example:

Use authoritarian style if a member of the group does not know a specific procedure.

Use a democratic style with group members who understand the goals and their role in the task.

Use a delegative style if a member of the group knows about the task more than you.

More V. Delegating Leaders. Leaders delegates, also known as the leaders of the "Work Resting" style, allow the members of the Group to make decisions. This style is best used in situations where the manager needs to rely on qualified employees. The leader cannot be an expert in all situations, so it is important to delegate certain tasks to knowing and trustworthy members of the group. Remember that good leaders use all three styles depending on the situation. Great leaders must adapt and vary depending on the purposes, the needs of group members and situational factors. You can find more information about leadership styles in this article.

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