Who will win - you or cellaut


Cellulite is a secondary sexual sign in women, so the characteristic relief on the buttocks and legs can be observed even in thin models. If the "lunar landscape" has become more sharp and pronounced, it can talk about the presence of endocrine disorders. Gynecologists bind cellulite with ovarian dysfunction and adnexite, phlebologists - with the development of varicose veins. To cope with cellulite, it is necessary to normalize the metabolism, and first of all - the operation of blood and lymphatic systems, restore the microcirculation.

Drink at least one and a half liters of pure water per day. To stimulate the removal of the fluid, make a sip around every 20-30 minutes during the day.

Limit Consumption Salt and Roasted Food , smoked, canship, sausages, mayonnaise.

Teach yourself often, but small portions . The diet should be rich in low-fat meat, fish, vegetables, fruit.

Throw smoking. In smokers, cellululite develops faster and more often leads to complications.

Start playing sports. It can be hiking, swimming, tennis, bike, running.

Take a contrast shower. But the body should be accessed with caution.

Natalia Gaidash

Natalia Gaidash

Natalia Gaidash, k. M., Dermatologist, cosmetologist:

- When cellulite, blood microcirculation is disturbed and it occurs in the lymphatic system. The affected areas are converted to the "swamp", where an excessive liquid is accumulated saturated with toxins, fat cells are trapped from fibrous tissue. Cellulite is safe only at the initial stages. The following symptoms are alert: the edema of the legs, the pallor of the skin and the change in their temperature, numbness and pain in areas affected by cellulite, the fragility of the vessels. In this case, you need a specialist help. To combat cellulite, all types of massage are used - from manual to hardware methods, such as LPG. A good effect is given RF-lifting with vacuum therapy, ozone therapy.

As soon as you stop the struggle and return to the usual way of life (refuse to sport, eat harmful food, smoke) - "Orange peel" appears again.

If you want to compete with cellulite at home, then making massage, avoid areas where there are vascular "asterisks" and extended veins. Do not use compounds for wraps containing red burning pepper. If after applying any composition you feel burning, the heat, pain - immediately wash away. Such procedures are contraindicated, if you have problems with pressure, cardiovascular diseases, menstruation or you can be pregnant.

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