10 ways to become a child closer


10 ways to become a child closer 13758_1

How to enrich the spring relationship with children? And how to become your child closer?

Method number 1.

Get closer ... to yourself. "Who am I?", "Where am I going?", "Why am I going there?", "How can I become cleaner and better?", "What makes me really happy?" And others - questions that (with very honest answers) will allow you to better understand yourself and take a step towards a child.

Method number 2.

Consider every difficult situation in relationships with a child as another opportunity to strengthen your relationship. A child is not a problem, it is always a chance.

Method number 3.

In every way increase the level of child's confidence in you. Deposits on a bank account of confidence bring the highest percentages.

Method number 4.

Realize that your child is yours ... Chief Teacher. Each of us children teach different lessons at different periods of life. But there is one most important lesson taught by children, is patience. Peer in a situation. What else, except patience, can you learn in relationships with your child?

Method number 5.

Find a child time. Especially when it is not at all. Because if you climbed so that there is no time to remember even a child, now is the time ... stay. Give the child (and yourself!) The sip of psychological oxygen. Spend time with him. And when you and your child, think only about him.

Method number 6.

Believe in your child. Even when he is fightingly lying. Because if faith in your child will lose and you, what will happen to him? Faith is able to work wonders. There is no exceptions to this rule.

Method number 7.

Love your child. Love - it means to act, it means to bring love from the level of your knowledge to the level of action. What you love him is your child probably knows but feels Is he love?

Method number 8.

Violate the rules. Sometimes. Occasionally allowed the child a pack of chips, the opportunity to go to bed later than usual or skip the speaker school gives life any incomparable fragrance ... Freedom.

Method number 9.

Do not look at other children. Do not compare behavior, academic performance, your child's manners with strangers. Before your eyes should always stand only one child - yours. Other children have other parents. You have only you. Do not betray it.

Method number 10.

Thank the fate for the fact that you have this child (children). Thousands of people would be happy to tolerate all these unpaid tricks of your son or whims of daughter, but they have no children. You have this child (these children) are. Therefore, right now go and hug it hotly (them).

Ekaterina Alekseeva,

Instructor for harmonization of relations with children

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