Anastasia Volochkova new man?


October 28, in the city of Peterhof, Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova took the relay of the Olympic Fire. She was waiting for her a man, in whose society the dancer was seen two years ago on the "20 successful people of St. Petersburg" award. It is known that Anastasia is surrounded by successful men. As it turned out, the new satellite of Anastasia meets these parameters: he is 38 years old, owns his own business in the field of IT, is not married.

The appearance of Ivan in Peterhof became for a wolf pleasant surprise. .

The appearance of Ivan in Peterhof became for a wolf pleasant surprise. .

"Ivan Alekhin is my good acquaintance," Anastasia laughs. "We met here by chance, Ivan came here to a meeting on business and saw me. A pleasant surprise!"

To the question, whether this meeting can be fateful, Anastasia smiled flirtally.

Before and after the race, the Volochkovas surrounded the fans and asked for an autograph, Nastya patiently signed, but at the same time he did not let down a torch out of the hands.

"It's not heavy, weighing about two kilograms, but it is not very convenient to give autographs, holding it with an armpit," the ballerina shared. "But for me to take part in the relay - a very important honor, so I reacted to my role with all the responsibility and did not entrust anyone to keep the symbol of the Olympics."

Ballerina gladly photographed with an impressive man. .

Ballerina gladly photographed with an impressive man. .

When Ivan's meeting, Ivan handed the Gadget of the last model, and, as an exception, Nastya still handed over a man's torch for a short time so that he could take a picture with him.

"To you the only thing!" - Ballerina stressed strictly.

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