Regina Todorenko: "I won't be surprised if I will soon marry"


It seems that Regina Todorenko is forces. And travel program, and shows about image and beauty. But if the programs are different, then the TV host in the frame is always equally good: energetic, cheerful, for the word in his pocket does not climb.

- Regina, you probably, one of the most active girls on our television. "Eagle and Rush", "Meicapperes" ...

- ... And another musical project and your own show.

- And where is it easier to work: in the field or in the studio?

- I have long led the studio show and even forgot how it is. And now I understand that it is very difficult. 12-15 hours are standing on the legs, practically not moving. I had cramps, so caviar sicks, as if I ran Cross forty kilometers. At the same time, the perfect makeup, the perfect hairstyle, a dress that sits so tight that you can't even get into. Everyone has its advantages and cons, and now I will notice this much more, because I used to check on the jungle, for illnesses brought from Amazonia. "Eagle and Rushka" is a very good project in order to see the world, learn, strengthen your mentality. And "Makeupperes" is completely different. I used to ask myself: "Regina, why did you go there? What do you know about makeup? You're full profan! "

- It hardly believes in it, you always look great ...

- On the set, I paint professionals. I myself love only a nude meikap and, perhaps, in the evening bright lips. And here I should know what Strobebing, Shading, Drapeing. But I was introduced a little to the case, so now I can say that I know all fashion trends in 2018.

Regina Todorenko:

"I love travel very much, it's for me like a drug! I love Extreme, and everywhere where it is, there and go. And I still draw"

- When you reported that leaving traveling about travels, the audience were shocked. So why did you decide to leave the project?

"I already had a lot of things, and the audience began to notice that the presenter became boring. And I do not like when I point out my shortcomings, and it is difficult for criticism, but I try to hear it. And so I heard the viewer. And understood a lot. For example, an office worker sits in a skyscraper and observes the same look. Of course, he was bored. So I wanted on vacation, which I had no four and a half years. Just go home, break in bed, watch TV shows, hear new music. And I did it. I do not exclude the fact that I will come back in the "eagle and holding", but later. (Laughs.)

- By the way, about travels. What were it for exotic diseases that you brought from your business trips?

- Moskita mosquito in Brazil me, and I was covered with some kind of acne. Not a very interesting story, rather sad: it was so smoked! It was treated with all sorts of injections and droppers. I had everything red, except the face, because it is under makeup. Jungle is such a specific climate, there all the time you need to smear protective equipment. Otherwise you can wake up with malaria. And you can not wake up at all. I remember, brought cockroaches in a suitcase, well, though not rats. And from India brought a big spider - he settled in the bathroom. And when I opened the curtain and saw him ... it seems to me that all the neighbors heard my screams.

Yoga and surfing help the TV host stay in enviable physical form

Yoga and surfing help the TV host stay in enviable physical form


- This does not happen in the studio ...

- And there, too, did not do without interesting stories. For example, once I lost my voice. Just a horror of some. Fifteen shifts in a row for fifteen hours. But then I was so frightened, because for the leading voice to lose is the end. Now I understand: you need to love yourself more and take care.

- How do you like to relax? Apparently, traveling for you is no longer the best way to spend your vacation.

- I love journey very much, it is for me as a drug! I adore extreme and most often go there, where I can surf. And I still draw and play the piano. I now have repairs in a rented apartment: there were white walls, as in the hospital, but I wanted to pochatize. I will have a bed with a canopy, and on the walls, perhaps moss, fern, a lot of greenery, a lot of colors. So that I felt in the jungle - in the usual circumstances. Hang a machete on the wall, which I was presented in Amazonia. And I also knit scarves ...

- How do you develop relationships with sports?

- I am engaged in yoga and surfing. Surfing - twice a year, because there is no longer possible. It is so helpful: in seven days I have turned into a terminator, I was pumped out everything. And yoga - with every opportunity. Even if in the car there is an opportunity to toss the leg and pull it out - I do it. In the train, plane ...

True, the service surfing the TV presenter can work out only twice a year

True, the service surfing the TV presenter can work out only twice a year


- I wanted to talk about your participation in the "Voice" project. What did it gave you?

- Two hundred thousand subscribers in Instagram. (Laughs.) I'm serious. It brought me his own calmness. I came before, but just right in front of me the doors closed - they took the last participant. But I arrived in two years, I took part, put a tick. Just as I wanted to put a tick, stepping in the New York Film Academy. I dreamed of this nine years, I thought everything: Well, when will I have time to go there? And here I went, the six-year course was held. "Voice" is a test for stress resistance. I constantly throw myself into the uncomfortable zones to produce the power of will and stability. So that and in the jungle is not confused, and in the mountains do not go crazy from the cold.

- Your colleague somehow admitted that the permanent connectors do not quite well affect personal life. Do you have the same situation?

- Well, how else: you are all the time in the flight! Just there, from where I come from, you are accustomed that your beloved goes to the flight: girls or boys. One is waiting for the other. But when you travel nine months, being in a relationship with a person, he does not understand how so you can live! It turns out that the girl is, but it is some ephemeral. It seems to me that precisely because of this, we broke up with my previous guy. But now we work together. It sounds wild. Especially for my relatives who do not understand how you can work with whom you met for five years.

In addition to working on television, Regina is interested in music, she also managed to learn in the New York Film Academy

In addition to working on television, Regina is interested in music, she also managed to learn in the New York Film Academy

- At one time, rumors about the novel with the singer Vlad Topalov. What is the truth?

"We, apparently, got so well in our roles, where they portrayed a couple in love, that rumors were separated very quickly. We are friends, we communicate a lot, and now just to debunk these myths, I can say that we work in one project.

- A new chosen one has not appeared?

- appeared. He is a public person, and I will probably act now as an egoist, but I don't want to share with anyone with anyone. Just the experience I now receive is such a serious family building. I won't be surprised if I get married soon.

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