Gone sex after childbirth: what to do and forever it


The birth of a child is always stress for a pair, because now life will not be the same. The appearance of the baby affects all spheres of life, including intimate. According to statistics, approximately 30% of marriages decay after replenishment in the family, since parents are unable to take those changes that the child brings them. Without high-quality sex, it is impossible to maintain a normal relationship in a pair, we decided to figure out why sex leaves after childbirth and what to do about it.

It is impossible to call one single reason for the reduction of libido at a young mother, as a rule, this is a comprehensive problem, but we will try to call the main factors.

The body is not easy to cope with stress

The body is not easy to cope with stress

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Woman is difficult to rebuild

For the young mother, the appearance of a child is a new, completely incomprehensible experience. However, as for the Father. Pare has to apply more effort to maintain the usual standard of living, because now they have become more. A man begins to work more and diligently, and a woman with a head goes into care for child care. Life with the baby incredibly exhausts and causes the body to be in a state of stress for a long time. During this period, it is completely normal that the woman is not before sex.

Hormonal background

It is no secret that during pregnancy there is a colossal restructuring of the body, which affects all systems. The hormones are very sensitive to any changes, namely, the excitation of a woman depends on them. Each case is individual and, perhaps, you simply did not have time to restore both physical and emotional state after such a hard process as pregnancy. Just give yourself time.

Talk to your man

Talk to your man

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Fear of a new pregnancy

After childbirth, especially the first, the woman is under such an impression of what happened, and not always in a positive key that the probability of the onset of a new pregnancy can be horrified. So the lack of sex can be dictated by the subconscious fear to go through all the inconvenience and the discomfort that the woman experienced quite recently.

And what to do?

Do not worry hard. If there is not much time after delivery, and the thought of sex does not attend you absolutely, just wait. But the recovery can be accelerated in the following ways.

spend as much time as possible together

spend as much time as possible together

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Pay attention to your food

Try to eat regularly and avoid low-quality products: first, if you are breastfeeding, some products can cause allergies from the baby, and on the second, your state depends on your nutrition. Pay attention to the number of fresh vegetables in the diet, refuse canned food and drink more water, because its disadvantage provokes the dryness of the vagina.

If the doctor is allowed, you can use natural aphrodisiacs in small quantities: bananas, dark chocolate, ginger and almonds.

Do not silent if there is a problem

A man may not always be clear why you suddenly began to reject it in bed. You do not need to decline to discuss this problem with your man: Tell me what you feel at this point, share the feelings (but not too detailed). Calmly and without screams, explain that you need time to return to the same intimate mode you lived before.

Spend time together

The child takes all the attention to himself. In such a situation, it is difficult to feel like a couple in love again, which you were before. Ask someone from relatives or familiar a few hours to sit with the child, and you and your husband go on a date, spend a romantic evening.

Visit the specialist

If enough time passed, and the sex was still not returned to the sphere of your interests, there is a reason to contact a specialist. It often happens that pregnancy and childbirth provoke the exacerbation of chronic diseases that do not enjoy a full-fledged life. If you notice that they began to feel worse, do not tighten with a visit to the doctor: the sooner you begin treatment, the faster you can please your man and yourself with him.

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