Nelli Uvarova: "I turned into a lush oriental woman"


- Nelly, in the series "Mommies" you can not know that. You are and suddenly an eastern woman. Did you find such reincarnation?

- It was difficult only at the very beginning - and then decide on a bold experiment. Because when I read the script, I saw myself in a completely different role. It seemed to me that I could play a psychologist Elina (this image on the screen embodied Natalia Red. - Ed.). She is such a breakdown, but at the same time she has a unconnected personal life. And so I called, invited to samples, but on the role ... Madina! I did not believe my ears, said: "So wait a minute ..." Because I didn't even consider this character, believing that I would take an actress with a pronounced eastern appearance. Of course, I had a moment in doubt. But I am gambling, so I said: "Well, I will try." And we tried. It is good that with the director Darya Poltoratskaya, with which we worked on the set of the series "Do not be born beautiful", we already had contact, it turned out to be open for suggestions. At first I did not understand how to approach this character. But here the idea was born. Since Madina is still an Eastern woman, and the mother of three children, I wanted it to be with lush forms. And in our theater just used false parts of the body. Here I brought them. At first glance, it was very funny - all such a big, rounded. But as soon as I tried out all the lining, I understood, I woke up such excitement! Well, then I was not stopped ...

Uvarova grew in Georgia, so there was a lot of women who look like her heroine

Uvarov grew in Georgia, so I knew a lot of women, similar to her heroine from "mammies." Frame from the series.

- depicting accent, gestures, behavior of Madina, did you imitate someone concrete?

- Rather, this is a collective image. I grew up in Georgia and knew many women similar to Madin. And the emphasis, by the way, we did not try to do unequivocally Georgian. Just eastern. Such an eastern woman with magnificent forms ... By the way, these very forms took me a lot of problems. The fact is that they are foam, quite voluminous and dense. And we filmed the film in 2010 - at the very summer, when it was very hot when Moscow was all in smoke. And I have not enough that was in the lining, so many of my costumes were black, I had to wear long skirts. Everyone looked at me with regret. And the shooting shift, by the way, is twelve hours. And to walk twelve hours in all this outfit was oh, it was not easy ... But I myself came up with myself, what to complain about it? (Laughs.) And no seconds do not regret it. If suddenly decide to remove the series - I am pleased!

- You mentioned Georgia, in which they spent childhood. What is the first thing you remember from that life?

- Before arrival in Moscow, I was firmly sure that I had a dark skin. And therefore for me for fourteen years, when we moved to the capital, it was a discovery that I was not dark at all. Solar Georgia, you know, it's not just words ... I had a good childhood. Difficult, because he captured the war, the period when Gamsakhurdia came to power. But despite this - the happiest. My parents tried to create the most comfortable conditions for us with sister. For example, I wanted to do dancing, but it was hard for us to be difficult for us. Yes, and to carry a child was dangerous somewhere. But Mom and Dad arranged at home in the evening - and played on the piano, and the plays put, and danced. That is, life was very saturated.

Nelli Uvarova:

In the TV series, the "ex-wife" Nelli Uvarov turned into a bailiff trying to achieve alimony from her husband. Frame from the series.

"Nelli, your heroine in the series faces problems in kindergarten." But and you yourself will grow up my daughter. Have you managed to feel the joy and grief of kindergarten?

- No, my daughter is still small - she is only two and a half years old, she does not go to the garden. But I would like to give it there, because it grows with us very sociable, she just needs to be in the company of other children. In our yard, our little kindergarten is already a lot of kids, and they are all very friendly. If I, for example, sick, then she is very longing for his friends. She is not the child who can sit in the room and quietly to do something alone. She needs space, communication. But the problem with the garden has already arose. We have long stood in the electronic queue, and a year later, I decided just in case to take a look, how things are there. And this year in the queue for another twenty places, we were one hundred twenties, the hundred forties were. Almost no chance to get into this very garden ... I looked at it and realized that we would have to organize our kindergarten ourselves. For example, in the raise, where I serve, we have such a thought wanders. Because we have a lot of young parents in the theater. Perhaps you need to make this idea somehow.

- Did you go to kindergarten? What memories of it remained?

- I went to Nurserie from eight months. I was very good there, because I, as my daughter, was now a sociable child. We lived in Georgia, and then, twenty years ago, of course, everything was easier, calmer. My garden was right in our yard, and there were cases when I wrote there on my own. True, it reached very late. There already beat the alarm: the child disappeared! I remember how I swore - in kindergarten, and at home. There were proceedings, why is this a child, leaving a kindergarten, has disappeared for two hours? It seemed to me that I was just going to the kindergarten, and myself on the road that was supposed to take five minutes, I had time to meet the cat and go for her; Find new flowers, and in flowerfolds were bugs and so on. So my road to kindergarten stretched for two hours. And for me, in childhood, five minutes and two hours were the same. I did not understand what they scold me, - I went to kindergarten! I still remember that there were many holidays in the garden. Once I was a cigarent fall. And mom's night overtake me sewed suit. I got up in the morning - and a wonderful dress is ready ... all the time there was some kind of magic that my parents created. And now we are trying to create such magic to create such magic.

Nelli Uvarova:

The role of dugushki Kati Pushkareva in "Failed beautiful" became the starting point in the future career of the actress. Frame from the series.

- You are a wizard not only for your daughter, but also for other people. You are the ideological inspirers and the organizer of the project to promote products of guys with severe livelihood restrictions undergoing training skill. Tell me, how are you, successful actress of theater and cinema, young mother, have time to do this project?

- I admit honestly: he dare hard. And over time, everything is harder, because the project grows, develops and requires me more and more time, forces, the need to be "inside". But throw it, naturally, I can not. It all started like that. With one of the girls I know many, many years is the daughter of my friend. She often invited me to his workshops for the holidays. And every time I left there all the salary there, because I could not treat it indifferently, I wanted to buy all the wonderful ceramic things that they made these talented young people. And during the year I all crossed friends familiar. I had a desire to organize a project for a long time, and the time appeared when I went to the decret. So we started something, not understanding what they would get involved, what difficulties await us. But already missed - do not depart, develop. Initially, I really believed in this idea, believed in these guys, in special art. And not in vain. So, we recently participated in the exhibition in the CDH, showed work. And they appreciated them.

- It remains only to wish you success on this field. It seems that you sometimes do not even have a minute free. Do you even relax?

- I rested this summer - in Greece, on the island of Corfu. True, for the first time such a long time in the summer. Typically, this time is dedicated to the shooting process, the theater. But the child made significant and very correct adjustments for the whole family. Now I understand that it is only worth wanting - and everything is in your hands.

Julia Palagina

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