As Ovsienko turned out to be connected with Allegrova


"Women's happiness would be cute nearby," Tatyana Ovseyko sang. But few people knew: she is beautiful, popular, with an influential husband-producer - actually cried at night in a pillow from longing and loneliness. Only quite recently, the singer finally met the man with whom she understood what real love was. About her road to the personal happiness, which tied Tatiana with his colleague Irina Allegrova, - in today's investigation.

Singer, and besides popular, Tatiana has become absolutely by chance. She, a provincial girl, went to Moscow after his first love. Her friend of Glory Glory Groodsky got a keyboard player to the "Mirage" group of "Mirage" then throughout the union, it was taken there costumes. Well, then the case was intervened: the former soloist Natalia Vetalitskaya decided to start the solo career, and for the lack of another version, the producers offered Ovsienko to replace the singer. "Thick, of course, but let him try" - with such a fare of it and pushed it for the first time on the scene.

The debut was so successful that Tanya remained in soloists (though, for this she had to lose weight at eighteen kilos). Moreover, it was she who became the face of the group - the first bills "Mirage" came out with her image. But the relationship with the for the sake of which she went to Moscow. - Glory Gulodsky - they went to no. And she got married at all over another man, who could not even imagine next to him ...

Tatyana Ovsienko

Tatyana Ovsienko

Lilia Charlovskaya

Crazy Empress

Producer Vladimir Dubovitsky in musical circles Personality legendary. In those years, he was the head of the fashion group "Electroclub" under the patronage of David Tukhmanov himself. Soloists in the team numbered several: Igor Talkov, Victor Saltykov, Raisa Sad-Shah. But the real star was Irina Allegrova, Vladimir Dubovitsky's spouse. They say it he found her, a young, singer's hoping, and was able to make a real professional. And at the same time and his wife.

See you with Dubovitsky Allegrova, I have already managed to get married twice. The first hike in the registry office happened early, at eighteen years. Although later Irina and recognized that great love for her husband - Basketball player Georgia Tairov - did not experience. Rather, it was "marriage": she was rapidly in love with his teacher Vokal Muslim Magomaeva. But I realized that he did not pay attention to her, decided to take revenge in this way.

The wedding was loud. Parents of Irina - Seraphim Mikhailovna and Alexander Georgievich - riddled in Baku feast to the whole world. In this marriage, the only daughter of Irina - Lala was born. But even the appearance of the baby could not reconcile her with her husband - in general, they are someone else and far away. After the divorce, Irina went to conquer Moscow, leaving the daughter on the care of his parents. She no longer saw the first husband, and Lala never met her native father ...

In the first-hearth Irina soon met with the future second husband. Vladimir Bleker worked as an artistic director of the "Young Voices" ensemble and was one of the first to appreciate the talent of the future star. But here the Soviet authorities intervened in the case: they say that soon after the wedding, Vladimir was arrested for currency frauds. In those days it was fraught not only for the Bleker himself, but also his closest relatives. Career Allegrova, who just started to go to the mountain, was threatened. It was possible or fighting for a beloved, or to move aside. Irina preferred the second option. After the divorce with Bleker on her way and met Vladimir Dubovitsky, who managed to make a real star from a young singer. That's just family life they were difficult. It is rumored that Dubovitsky, a big connoisseur of female beauty, did not always have been racks at meetings with representatives of the opposite sex. Because of this, a quarrel happened in the family. During one of them, he gathered things, moved to live to ... Tatyana Ovsienko.

Wanderer My.

With Vladimir Dubovitsky Tatyana acquainted twice. For the first time - when he was an inaccessible star, metropolitan celebrity. Ovsienko then worked at the Bratislava hotel in Kiev, and there she settled during the Ukrainian tour "Electroclub", where Irina Allegrova was soling. Vladimir Dubovitsky at that time was her husband.

Igor Cabbage with Irina was a wedding marriage

Igor Cabbage with Irina was a wedding marriage

Archive of the Magazine "Atmosphere"

For the second time they met when Tatyana was already sang in the Mirage group. The latter circumstance turned out to be aggravating for Tatiana: according to the laws of the team, no men near the soloist should be attended. When the secret became clear, Ovsienko even had to participate in the gangster disassembly: in those years, where everything was solved on the "arrows", so just take and leave the team bringing millions, it was impossible. Therefore, the "divorce" with the "Mirage" became a serious test for the singer.

Yes, and Vladimir Dubovitsky was not easy for parting and with his native "electroclub" and with his wife Irina Allegrova. It happened, he decided to visit Iru and Lalu, which was raised as his native daughter, "hung" they have indefinitely. Ovsienko, according to her, herself herself was ready to give it back to the family - saw how much tears sheds on both sides, how many nerves spend. They say it was Dubovitsky who, in the end, still decided to divorce, Irina later dedicated to the piercing hits "Wanderer My" and "Photo 9x12".

After the divorce with Dubovitsky, she officially did not get married. She had another wedded (but unregistered) marriage with a dancer Igor Kabepy, who was younger than nine years old. But after six years, the relationship was destroyed, and Allegrova prefers not to remember about this union. According to her, she was generally disappointed at the Institute of Marriage. And all his love singer now gives the grandson Alexander and the scene ...


Becoming people free, Tatiana Ovseynko and Vladimir Dubovitsky have already been trained in the country - money is needed. Vladimir gathered a team of professionals for Tatiana. Of course, with the former glory of "Mirage" a new group was not compared, but Slowly, Oxienko won his place under the pop sun.

Together, the spouses lived a long eighteen years. Fruitful, in their own way happy. There was no big passion between them, but they always treated each other very gently, ready to help at any moment. Dumbleed the existence of the fact that they did not have common children. And then Tatyana accepted a non-trivial solution.

... This is today adoptive children, including disabilities, is a real trend. However, in 1999, take a child from a children's home in the family, and not quite healthy, in the eyes of the public was a step in strange. But Tatiana herself, having seen one day a two-year-old boy with a vice heart, from whom his mother refused and even doctors, understood: she should save him. And after the boy made a complex operation on the heart and he went on amendment, a long adoption process began.

Vladimir Dubovitsky learned about the decision of his wife when she had already started collecting all the documents. But nevertheless, she supported her. True, the boy's upbringing was not particularly deliberate. Immediately said: "By fourteen, he is yours, and then mine." The most amazing thing that was the way it happened ... Tatyana was completely plunged into his maternal duties, enjoying every minute of communicating with her son. And eventually missed the moment when her husband's life changed radically.

As Ovsienko turned out to be connected with Allegrova 13620_3

Former "Miss Russia" Julia Akhonkina became the Third Woman of Dubovitsky


Young wife

In January 2006, when Ovsienko and Dubovitsky were still married, a sensational news was separated on the musical party. Tatiana, surprisingly, reacted to the situation quite calmly. In recent years, her marriage with Dubovitsky was more similar to the relationship between sister and brother. They even lived in different apartments, allowing each other to have connections on the side. The only thing, Tatiana was disappointed that such an important event, like the birth of a child, she said not by Vladimir himself, and foreign people. Therefore, she called her husband, congratulated and offered to finally divorce - to officially dissolve the relationship, which was not long. Immediately after the divorce, Dubovitsky married Yule Akhonkaya, his child's mother. The family emigrated to America.

It was at that moment that the adopted son of Tatiana began a transitional period. Igor almost ceased to learn, began to paint the nails in black and the days later he listened to a heavy rock in her room. Understanding that she does not cope, Tatyana asked for an ex-husband to take the boy to her Miami for the summer. Well, and then the thought arose that Igor should learn a little in America. The young wife of Dubovitsky, she herself was still a great stepmother. She made lessons with Igor, drove it every day to school and back. After graduating from school, Igor ibiya, in America, entered the Higher School of Economics. A year ago, he made his adoptive mother grandmother. Igor very early, at the nineteen years, married, and last summer he had a boy who was named Alexander.

Well, Tatiana, having received a divorce, and with it and long-awaited freedom, froze in indecision. What to do to her with this very freedom? She did not find a response to this question for almost ten years - all this time, Ovsienko spent alone. And already began to perceive him as a given, until I found my future husband ... in my room.

Prison romance

The fact is that Tatiana has a small house in the Crimea, which she owns a couple with an old friend. And so deciding once to escape from the Moscow bustle of the sea, I found out: a friend allowed to live in her room to his friend named Alexander. Interestingly, they have repeatedly met in different companies. But for some reason, those previous meetings in her memory were not postponed.

Tatyana Ovsienko with civil husband Alexander Merkulov

Tatyana Ovsienko with civil husband Alexander Merkulov


But the meeting in the Crimea as if he opened her eyes: But this is he, the same man, whom she, judging by everything, waited so long. But when her personal life began to improve, the story happened, which cost Tatiana nerves, money, moral and physical forces.

... Three years lasted the trial, followed by the whole country. Alexander presented a lot of accusations. This is a fake of documents, and Rider Capture, even an order for killing.

While the press "went on the trail" of the next charge, Tatiana fought for a man's beloved. I believed: everything that they talk about him in the courtroom - only someone's evil intent. After all, Alexander himself convinced it. To prove his innocence, she almost abandoned her career, for payment of lawyers sold an apartment, raised all his connections ...

On June 6, 2014, the judges finally carried out the verdict: innocent. This day Tanya remembers the smallest details. When Alexander came to her towards her, they had long standing for a long time, hugged firmly ... The fear was one: Wouldn't it be possible that, having survived this test, they will not be so close as in these long months? In addition, the joint living of two adult people is always a test for strength. Two years later, Tanya can safely say: they passed the sense check. This fall, when Ovsienko will celebrate his anniversary, they and Alexander are going to legalize their relationships. May you live happily ever after!

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