What dreams of young mommies?


However, the dreams of our young mother are filled far from only maternal concerns. Let's look them.

First dream:

"Problem at work. Not moving without me. Connected, running with a child in his arms. I collected and introduced into the course of the right people, we went to consult, in the process someone passes by, hurts me - Losing a child. Skilled, run to search. The child was transferred from one post of guard to another (several posts running), I carry it out. It turns out that there is not my child at all, but a newborn, all wrinkled. And my "big" already, chubby. Straight the image of my daughter in a dream. I'm horrified and looking for my child. "

And the second dream:

"The image of a successful charismatic man who cares. Temptation to change her husband, tormented doubts, this is a threat to the family. In the backseat - my child, the daughter is smiling. And I still think about, I really want to "kayfood".

Our dreamy most likely lives in a dream the crisis point, which is usually not told. After all, the appearance of a child - joy and happiness, it takes all the attention.

However, the crisis is associated with the fact that in the first months of the life of the baby, a young mother who really wanted and waiting for the appearance of a child, suddenly discovers that he misses his past life. She faces the fact that now she does not belong to himself that for years her life is connected with her child, and that free, it will not be able to feel mild as a lift. Those areas where she was successful, she will have to forget for a while, because she is totally occupied by his baby.

About this different paintings they say both sleep. In the first dream, she remembers their employment, need, professional realization. In the second - attractiveness, flirty, flirt.

In both dreams, she looks at her child, looking for it. This means that maternity occupies an increasing place in her life. And this sphere is gradually fills in all its consciousness, "essay" the entire previous success experience.

Well, it remains only to wish our dreams to truly get involved in the role of mother, enjoy your condition and experience.

And what dreams of you? Send your questions on the post: [email protected].

Maria Zemskova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazina

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