Optimist by inheritance: how to raise cheerful children


Your attitude to life is transmitted to the baby

It is often possible to hear that young mothers recommend that less nervous as possible, especially if their child is on breastfeeding. It was at the age of the age of the year that the child is transferred to emotions through feelings: vision, touch, hearing, smell. As a result, the main association with the word "mother" in a child can be the not smiling affectionate woman smelling with milk and comfort, but always upset and with tears in the corners of the eyes. If you dream to see your child with a happy smiling optimist, then first take a look from the side of yourself and relationships in the family between adults. Your positive, kindness and love for the world around the world, respect and mutual understanding will be a good example for a child, and looking at you, he will build a model of his behavior and attitude to life. Show the child only the bright side of the parent relationship: Kiss it, say that you love, hug. Finding out any questions, leave with my husband only for a while you are alone.

Olga Romaniv

Olga Romaniv

The sense of humor is a faithful assistant

One of the best assistants of the parents is a sense of humor. Even if the child hit, he hurts him, no need to regret it too much, show his fright for him. Check the child, go together to search for "hole" in the door jamb or on the feet of the table, which the child hit. Your sincere smile and moderate care will help the baby to learn not to regret yourself because of trifles, laugh at life difficulties.

Do not deprive the child to communicate with peers

The child must have friends. Staying alone in a closed space of the apartment, the baby feels abandoned and unnecessary, and excessive parental careek makes it soft and deprive of independence. In such conditions, only a child may grow, which is always unhappy, and the best thing he can do is to manipulate their parents in their own interests.

Do not deprive the child to communicate with peers

Do not deprive the child to communicate with peers

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Communication with peers will teach independent thinking, the speed of the reaction and the ability to be in the team. Naturally, friendly communication will first lead to having fun.

Errors - not a reason for disorder

Talk with a child easily, do not scold him. Any missions can be understood and work on errors. Everything can be converted to a joke so that the child understands that you are not angry. For example, if you got a "deuce", you can say: "happens! Little ambitiousness, and you will easily correct it! " Feeling your support, the child will smile, and not be afraid of your reaction. He will be honest with you, and most importantly, learned to overcome difficulties, feeling your support. It will form him a positive look at life.

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