All that can be corrected using an umbrella


The first contempts are honored with umbrellas: for the fact that they need to be eternal with them, for having their hands, for trying to catch the needles for everything ... Moreover, since the umbrella is perceived as a forced obligation, few people pay attention His conscious selection, pleaseing boring, strong, harsh black models. Why limit yourself?

I propose to remember the popular proverb: "If life has slipped a lemon, make a lemonade from it!" Also with an umbrella: If climatic conditions are forced often to have it with you, make it with your "chip"! You can approach this question, traditionally, from different sides: think about color, form, convenience and, finally, with a stylistic direction.

Color. If you have accumulated a decent amount and want to spend it on an expensive umbrella, which you will have one and only, of course, you can buy it in black. It will be strong, classic, indisputable traditional. However, a attentive look appears that you lent it in a boutique, a restaurant or a hotel, so as not to wet: similar cane umbrellas are existing in these establishments in order to provide them with guests for a while. Accordingly, I would advise you to stay on another color: beige, red, dark blue. Ideal if it is the basic color of your wardrobe. When choosing a "system-forming" umbrella, it is better to abandon the motion models: they will clearly be inappropriate in some situations. If you plan to purchase several defenders from the rain, then, on the contrary, it will be great if at least one will be bright, memorable and unusual: it will raise the mood and others, and you yourself, which is especially important in motley days. An interesting output is an umbrella, which has an upper, "external", the surface is one-photon, and the bottom, "internal", - with a color pattern. The only thing that is not exactly should be done is to choose a brilliant, overflowing or gradient "color": it is in 99% of cases it looks inappropriate if you are over 15 years old.



Form and convenience. As you know, umbrellas are two main types: folding and "cane". The first are good for those who move a lot on foot, uses public transport, loves the hands to be free. Such models are usually not only more compact, but also easier by weight. If you prefer them, it is worth considering the mechanism with particular attention: if it is automatic or semi-automatic, the opening / closing key must be comfortable, not "add", to press smoothly. Well, if it is possible to fasten the cover to the handle, so as not to lose it (after all, we are talking about convenience in this case!). It should be remembered that the folding models look often "easier" than "canes", so it is worth it to choose a color: it is better to give preference to either one-photon variants, or knowingly frivolous pattern, like a symmetrical peas. Difficult landscapes, reproductions of famous canvases and so on, not very good on such umbrelors. "Cost" noble, but they are harder and occupying hands. Usually they prefer either those who are not against some inconvenience in the name of beauty, or those who are consistently moving on the car. "Cane" can be both monophonic and applied image. From the angels and the "tourist" species of any city, I would still call out to refuse, because it does not add a class to anyone, but otherwise you can feel free to: buy an umbrella-rainbow, a transparent umbrella, a bright umbrella with a nasty rolling around the edge ...



Style direction. The umbrella can reflect your personal style story: be classic, dramatic, ethnic, romantic ... The umbrella can be additionally decorated with brushes, appliqué (for example, such that is applied with a hot iron), even a small pattern of crystals. The umbrella can also be written, making it truly unique, and you can order a photo on it. However, even without additional effort and needlework, you can get a beautiful, memorable umbrella: their choice is truly huge, it is worth only to show a little fantasy. Go to unusual places: Retro shops, teenage clothing brands, commission, ethno and rock shops. Naturally, interesting umbrellas can also be found in traditional brands. For example, my favorites are from Love Moschino.

So, make the weather with your ally: declare your style with the ideal umbrella!

If you have questions about style and image, waiting for them to mail: [email protected].

Katerina Khokhlova, Image Consultant and Life Coach

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