Eduard Radzukevich: "I have never been an alcoholic"


Despite the fact that the actor rarely gives personal interviews, the press does not bypass his name - a lot of unprecedented was written about him. You can say even go legends. One of them says that the ardent courtship of the future star rejected a classmate, and it would simply have just not answered the guy's feelings, but ridiculous him in front of friends. What he exclaimed in the hearts: "I will become famous for me, the crowd of fans, real beauties will run for me! And then you will also regret ... "An amazing thing, but it was worth the emergence of this story, as about two dozen ladies immediately appeared, each of whom argued that it was she who was the fatal beauty that did not appreciate the advantage of the young Eduard. The most remarkable - Radzukevich himself does not confirm this episode from the distant past. But no matter what they say, it is known for certain: with his first wife, Elena Lanskaya, he met in Schukinsky School. True, in marriage they consisted long, and the causes of divorce are called different. One of the versions says that the location began due to the preferences of the husband to alcohol, and if you believe the second one, the novel of Eduard with another fellowboard - Nonaya Grishava. Allegedly a young man did not decrease for a long time, whether to leave a spouse for the sake of another woman, or to break with his mistress in order to save the family. While he was thinking, he threw both. By the way, Elena subsequently married another Russian celebrity - Alexey Kortnev. Where is the truth, and where is a lie, it is very difficult to figure out, because our hero himself does not mention the first marriage, and as for Nonna Grishayeva, they are still friends and often work together. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine that the romantic feelings once were associated. Although who knows, it is quite possible, it is just "high relationships." In general, mysteries in his biography are many. Even in the questionnaires as a native city, three: Moscow, St. Petersburg and Petrozavodsk are indicated at once.

Edward Radzjukhevich: "So it happened. I was born in Petrozavodsk. And when I was nine months, we moved to Leningrad. The first of my conscious years passed in the city on the Neva, the first tragedy in my life happened. I remember your fifth birthday. My father and I came to my mother in the hospital, and I asked her to go home. I missed her very much. And two days later, the thirteenth of July - it was not. So many years have passed, but now it is a huge loss for me. Despite the fact that I lived an adult and most of my life without a mother, every year I miss her more and more. For me, the concept of "mother" is something sacred. I even stopped communicating with one of my friends, seeing how he disgustingly belongs to his mother. I can not understand this, I can not accept this. But back in orphanage. My father, the border guard officer, remained with two children. I am still quite small, and the older brother, who was at that time fourteen years old. It was clear that I was simply impossible to go with the two boys. Therefore, brothers have defined the boarding school (just do not confuse, please, with a kindergarten or institution for orphans), and I took me Pope's parents to Moscow, where they lived. So I became Muscovite at five years old. On holidays went to the mother in St. Petersburg, who knows no worse than the capital and love almost the same way. But in Petrozavodsk, I again turned out to be adults. I was shown by the clinic, where I made up my first cry, a house where my family lived. That's what happened that I have three native cities. "

In the series "Unreal History", Radzukevich tried to the Mundir and thus executed a children's dream ruined on the root of the military registration and enlistment office. .

In the series "Unreal History", Radzukevich tried to the Mundir and thus executed a children's dream ruined on the root of the military registration and enlistment office. .

Pierre Rishar in an interview to our magazine said that he had a sense of humor in childhood as a protective reaction to peer ridicule. I heard that the peers were offended ...

Eduard: "Yeah, at first I got from the guys. I suffered a single operation, after which the metabolic disorder began. And as a result - fullness. Above it was fucked, we managed. Simply put, the Rukre I am in full program. Nothing, suffered. And in order to deal with overweight, began to play sports - athletics. And there is little that he lost, so the success of certain achieved. That's how. By the way, now I have similar problems ... In March, it turned out to be in the hospital and suddenly quit smoking. And it turned out in itself. On the fifth day of staying in the hospital, I suddenly caught myself thinking that I had never even been tightened with a cigarette. And I considered myself an avid smokers with thirty years old! The main thing is that there is no desire, the body does not require nicotine. So I broke up with my bad habit. Although I do not chase anyone if you want - smoke. But tied with smoking, I rapidly scored the weight, with which I'm fighting. And I am sure that I can lose weight, still not forward! And the sense of humor, I think this is a congenital quality: either it is, or it is not. I often asked: "How did you experience a star disease?" And I do not know what it is. And not because of the fact that my person is some kind of special, I just treat myself ironically, sometimes even satirically. And I do not suffer from low self-esteem, I know my own capabilities, not exaggerating and without incline. Also with its shortcomings - I do not deny their presence and struggle with them if they strain me. "

That is, in the orphanage, you were a modest quiet boy, whom everyone took off?

Eduard: "Nothing like that! When I brought myself in a proper form with the help of sports, everything changed. And I became a real hooligan. What I just did not work! Since one time was afraid of height, actively tried to overcome this phobia as a kind of way: jumped with everything that only came across. From the bridges, with the running commodity compositions (not far from our house, the railway branch ran), with roofs of garages. And without fighting did not do. In other words, I was not an approximate guy. And even registered in the police consisted. I had to dump energy somewhere, so I was indulgeted by the potsaniy.

As a rule, such guys and attract girls.

Eduard: "I do not know. Perhaps, if you rely on the experience of my friends. They had constant, and temporary girls. I had no novels. In personal relationship, I was some kind of compacon, or ".

Maybe therefore went to the actors to get rid of timidity?

Eduard: "No. In general, I dreamed of continuing the tradition and become a border guard, like Dad and the elder brother, who at that time had already followed the father's footsteps. I could not imagine a different future. Therefore, after school, she filed documents to the Higher Border Command School named after the Mossoveta. And suddenly I was a commissioner ... The reason for this that no one explains to me is still a mystery. Before the military registration and enlistment office, they were recognized by the servant for service, with health I have a full order, with the exception of diathesis, plus I am an athlete-arrester ... in a word, for me, all this has become a complete surprise. And I am not just a commissioner, and also the stamp corresponding to the passport was set that even in the case of the war I am not subject to call. Naturally, I was slightly confused. How so? And now what i can do? After thinking, I entered the Radio Engineering Institute for the Evening Department and went to work at the factory. I must say that because of this I had to argue with my grandparents. They insisted that I studied at the daytime. But I was already a rather adult guy, and I wanted to invest my share in the family budget, take care of people relatives to me. We lived modestly, without delight, although I have always been dressed and fed. Father helped, supported materially. True, at that time he already had a new family, and he was not easy to keep me, as well as grandfather with her grandmother. Therefore, I wanted to earn money - to help everyone and feel independent. "

Eduard Radzukevich:

The team gathered in the "6 frames", it became so pleasant that its participants caught the same composition from the project to the project. .

At the father were not offended because of the second marriage? How did they take his spouse?

Edward: "I reacted normally to his marriage. He widowed, being another young man, not a century to go to him! He has a wonderful wife with whom we found a common language, and as for my younger sister, which they gave me, then I do not have tea in her. We have a difference of fourteen years old, but at the same time we understand and feel each other perfectly. Tatiana, like my older brother, now lives in St. Petersburg, so we see us not as often as I would like, but be called up. Even at a distance, if she sterns, I feel when she has something not very good in life or, on the contrary, a joyful event is coming. Although we have different moms, we are even outwardly similar and both on the horoscope cancer. So we understand each other without words. "

And how can you from the factory, can be said from the machine, found themselves on stage?

Eduard: "Let's start with the fact that the creative start in me, apparently, was always. In childhood, I was engaged in a music school in the Bayana class. He played in amateur. And when he began to work, studies at the institute took only four days a week, there were still three free. And one of my friends, who studied in the veterinary academy, invited me to the vocal-instrumental ensemble of their faculty, where I sang and played the rhythm guitar. We were so good that they performed at various contests and festivals. To take part in such events, I was even enrolled - purely nominally, fictitiously in students of this university. And after one of these speeches, I posted my friend, they say, how do I still tired of radio engineering and what I would like to become an actor, play on performances, film. My buddy, instead of laughing at these dreams, said: "And you go to any amateur theater studio, there are now many of them in Moscow. Then you will understand your own skin that this is for the profession and do you have the ability. And then suddenly you and the talent is not there. " I followed his advice, and I was delayed. I literally fell in love not only in the work of the artist, but also in the skill of the director. Therefore, without saying any word, I threw the institute and tried to enter the MCAT Studio School. The creative contest passed, passed the exams, but ... that year, an experimental course was gained, in which instead of nineteen students left only fifteen. Four dropped through the scored points, and I, not blossoming, got into this black list. True, not in my character to retreat, and the next summer I stormed the Schukinskaya school, which was safely entered. By the way, this year was exactly twenty-five years since the grandiose, in any case personally for me, events. "

It is hard to believe that Radzukevich fell on the stage directly from the plant, from the machine. Meanwhile, this is a fact. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

It is hard to believe that Radzukevich fell on the stage directly from the plant, from the machine. Meanwhile, this is a fact. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

But the fame came to you still late ...

Eduard: "And I knew that the popularity would not come to me soon. Moreover, I was sure that I will not shoot in the movie to thirty five years. I am inherited from my mother, the strongest intuition went - because of this quality it was even called good sordunya. She could predict much of what happened later. And with age, by the way, I learned to listen to this sixth feeling and follow him. So for me initially it was clear that the path to success would be long and difficult. And if someone's awareness comes after some bright role in the promoted film, in my case, I brought my voice in my case. I, as well as Fedor Dobronravov, twelve voiced the plots of the program "Himself director". And often, barely hearing my speech, I was asked: "And this is not you talking for the framing of amateur video?" By the way, I played our first sketches with Fedor in this program, for which a special heading "Theater of the Monkey Scientist" was invented. And only after a long time was born "6 frames", which not only by their appearance, but also that they survived, they are obliged to Alexander Murugov. He did everything possible so that this story was not closed, and believe me, they wanted to say goodbye to it more than once and not two before we proved that this is a separate phenomenon that does not just have the right to exist, but also very popular. "

And this is true that the ensemble "6 frames" consists of the counterpart, which one team came to work on TV?

Eduard: "Absolute not true. We were gained through the castings, and the fact that we became common as in creative terms and in personal (and we are all real friends), just great. It helps us to develop further, invent something new, not to stop there. "

And why still in the movies did you start to remove late? Does the reason for the problem with alcohol?

Edward: "Well, you can say so, as if I was a disobedy drunkard, from which the director and producers shared. I admit, there was a time when I drank. And who in our country does not drink?! I have not laid out for the collar every day from morning to evening ... because of me, I never broke the shooting of the TV program or rehearsal in the theater. Sometimes accepted, as they say, on the chest, when the emotional state required or was a reason. But I will not say that I drank more than the other men allowed. I have never been an alcoholic. It is a myth. And they did not take into the cinema, because I have an externally type, I have a specific, not under all suitable. "

Few people know that you are not just an actor, but also a director.

Eduard: "Yes, and meanwhile the projects that I shot, know everything. For example, the Sitter "My Lovely Nanny", several series "matchmaking" and the film "All Inclusive, or all inclusive!", Where I also played one of the roles. By the way, in the continuation of this tape, I made a debut as a producer. And it was something! After such filming, nothing is scary to me. Judge for yourself: two weeks before the start of the picture on the picture we broke up with the executive producer, and it turned out that neither the actors had no agreement, and Fedor Dobronravov, who had to be filmed in Turkey, is busy on performances in Moscow. I arrived at the art of the theater - Alexander Shirvindt (for my happiness, he knows me well). Please let go of an artist for thirteen days. And I hear in response: "Only five!" I continue to persuade, then Shirvindt says: "And so from a good relationship I give five days, and go won until I changed my mind." I had to repaint the scenario and in the avral mode to prepare episodes with Dobronravov to meet the allotted period. Yes, a lot of things happened on these filming! But the film turned out good. He begins with the preparation of one wedding, and ends with several. It is noteworthy that Marina Alexandrova came to us on the site with an infant child, because only gave birth, and Actress Olga was playing, being in an interesting position, and gave birth after the end of the filming. "

Eduard Radzukevich:

"I was sure that I would not get to the movies to the movie until thirty-five years." Photo: Gennady Cherkasov.

All your colleagues in one voice claim that you have a beautiful family. How did you meet my wife?

Eduard: "I taught in guitis acting skills, and Elena was a student. Honestly, for two years I did not dare to approach and get acquainted, just looked after. You can say, ripened because I did not believe: does it happen - I saw and immediately fell in love? Then he helped the case. We found themselves in the same company, talked. I volunteered to hold it to the house ... So I am accompanied so far in life, and our house is now common. "

Do you have a rather stressful schedule, is there a time to raise the child?

Eduard: "Of course! For me, the most important thing is my family. Although, definitely, I can not devote so much time as I would like. But I try! And I worry no less wife and son, and maybe even more when you have to give work free days or a watch that planned to spend at home. I am engaged in raising a child, but it is impossible to say that I am a good dad. In fact, probably I am a disgusting father. I try to be Gosh friend. I want him to always come to me to consult, talk about what bothers him. He is nine years old, he already has his own opinion on many things, there is his own opinion, and it is very difficult to convince him. But we sang together, we are talking on male, try to understand each other. "

So you are good dad?

Edward: "I? Not! I am strict, but reasonably fair. And what I never do, so it's not a child. I know that we have many parents are trying to teach the mind. Never of the son is not a break and in the future I do not consider it possible. In addition to the feeling of humiliation, it will not give anything. For all nine years, I slapped Gosh once, and then myself briefly and worried. The reason was serious - he Hamil Mother in my presence, so I could not restrain. What I still regret. Fortunately, George understood himself that he was wrong and what the happiness is that he has a mother. Since then, there were no such cases in our family. Starting from the young age I try to raise a respectful attitude in it not only to the mother, but in general to the weak floor. All that is global and beautiful in this world - it is the female kind: Earth, love, nature ... Of course, there are such negative words as "war", "catastrophe", but all the bad always arrange men. "

Son in artists is not going?

Edward: "I felt on myself, which means this profession, and would not want my child such a harsh future. Acting is a terrible bread, consisting for more of sweat, blood, suffering. True, now he was interested in a hypocrite, and he is engaged in the studio of the children's musical. But by whom he wants to become in the future - his personal matter. I once told him: "Gosh, you can get involved than you want, I demand three things from you: the first one is to finish a music school, the second is perfectly known the Russian language (both oral and written) and the third is a man in the house. So that he himself could score a nail with his own hands and engage in the economy. I confess, I was very pleased when he chose the bayan as a musical instrument. Not knowing that his father once played on it. "

Why do you need a guy music? Usually dads give boys in the sport ...

Eduard: "First, he himself was engaged in sports until he broke out. As for the strength, courage and ability to stand up for themselves and a beloved woman, I can teach him himself. And I am doing with him this life science. I am not from those dads who hold the child under a crystal dome, protecting it from all the negatives of our life. Of course, I want him to avoid any mistakes, unpleasant situations, pain. But, you see, it is alas! - It is impossible. Therefore, my concern as a father is expressed in prepare it to those moments that are possible in the future. And secondly, the music is necessary to any person, it contributes to the recovery (both moral and physical), helps to feel, love, splash out emotions. And most importantly - such a person knows how to listen and hear. Therefore, I advise all parents and boys and girls to give music school. I, in any case, she really helped in life. "

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