Sergey Zhukov: "Kids are busy with eight in the morning and up to nine in the evening"


"We are with regime maximists. Perhaps others will consider us crazy parents, but children from eight in the morning and until nine evenings are fully occupied. Nick in his incomplete five years has the first digit on sports gymnastics, won the championship in Moscow among 4-year-old kids. She is engaged in the faith of the sessile, our famous gymnasts, at her school. Going to choir, swimming, preparatory classes, studying vocals, drawing. Many probably will say: "Poor Child." But then, like me, I will understand that it was all necessary. By the way, the younger Angel almost everywhere walks with his sister. Of course, he will not go to rhythmic gymnastics, but for sambo or oriental martial arts. But a little later. We are very pleased that we have small children of X, such adderkindiki. They have something that has ever been in us and there will be no. We look and envy that you are not like that. Nick, for example, goes to the American Garden, speaks English and reads. We understand that she will speak free to school. And I can not learn this English in my 40, "said Sergey Zhukov.

"When Regina was pregnant, we chose a name for a long time. Finally, they came to the conclusion that we both like two or three options. Among them was Nickname. We decided that when a girl is born, then let's look at her and solve what name is suitable. And then wonders began to occur. For example, we came to the cafe, and there on the sugar it was written: "Nika's factory. Or come out of the restaurant, sit down in the car, and a bus goes ahead with the inscription: "School" Nika ". Suddenly they call from dry cleaning Nika. Then we realized that this is a sign. When the name Angel was invented, it was even more difficult. At all could not choose. But in Israel, a priest approached the pregnant Regina and invested her oil in his hand with the words: "And this is your angel." In addition, the Angel is the Christian name Angel, which is in the Bible. And to the question of the consonance of the name and surname, Angev Sergeevich, I can only say one thing: I hope we will come to the abolition of the patronymic. Even all tickets in the aircraft are discharged without patronymic. And in any European society, he will be perceived normally as Angel Zhukov, "the singer explained.

"My older daughter Sasha lives in America with his mother, my ex-wife. In his 12 years, Sasha was able to do so much! She has a belt on oriental martial arts, she plays in American musicals, is engaged in piano, violin and vocals. She sings gorgeous, says in pure English. It can easily become a star singer with her genes. So I absolutely do not worry about it. She is engaged in the morning. Now I went to a serious American school. Of course, I do not have enough personal communication, but we already adapt to what is. She comes on vacation, I fly to her. In general, she is fine. No matter how cool, in America, it is still possible to develop creatively. I am absolutely sure that we will see it on Broadway Snaps and in Serious Calls, "the Zhukov added.

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