Three signs of liver problems


Liver functions. Imagine that our body is our apartment. The liver in it is a housekeeper that makes all the main work. It cleans blood - wash dishes; removes toxins, allergens and poisons - washes the floor; Makes glucose and vitamins for the body - billets for the winter; removes excess hormones from the body - vacuuming; Participates in digestion - prepares food. In general, a large number of vital processes occur in the liver.

Now imagine that you, the owner of the apartment, begin to litter. Alcohol, fatty food, drugs, food dyes and preservatives. The load on the liver increases - she has to be removed more and more, she does not have time to cook, take stocks. But at the same time longly tolerately suffer: because the liver is the most patient organ. But one day this patience comes an end. When the liver collapses 65 percent, it will declare a strike. In the apartment will accumulate trash: toxins, poisons, free fatty acids, amino acids, glycerin, lactic acid. And one day the owner of the apartment literally suffocates in its own toxins and die.

Justice. The jaggility of the skin and the scool eyes. The fact is that with the diseases of the liver in the blood, the pigment of bilirubin is thrown. It has a yellow color. With blood flow, bilirubin is spread throughout the body and stains the skin and sclera into yellow. This may be a symptom of diseases such as biliary disease and hepatitis.

Heavy after meals. In case of damage to the cells of the liver and the development of inflammation, the liver becomes edema, it increases in size. And crushing pain appear in the right side after eating, especially fat. Pains appear 20 minutes after meals and last about an hour until the food is digested. They are given in the chest and in the right blade and often cause numbness in the whole right side of the body to their feet. If you put your hand on the liver area, the beating is heard under it. The pain is intensified from movement, cough, breathing and food and passes when a person falls on his back or right side. Pains are usually accompanied by the lack of appetite, bitter taste in the mouth and vomiting. This occurs during cirrhosis, rarely with hepatitis. It may also be cholecystitis, a biliary disease. Perhaps the appearance of pain in the right hypochondrium under parasitic lesions of the liver.

Vascular "stars". Due to damage to the liver cells, the synthesis of substances responsible for stopping bleeding are reduced, and the fibrinogen synthesis is reduced, which is involved in maintaining the strength of the vascular wall. As a result, the vessels become more broken and point hemorrhages appear on the skin - vascular "stars". This indicates severe lesions of the liver: toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis and cancer.

Tip: These symptoms appear when the liver is already quite seriously amazed. So that this does not happen, at least once a year check the liver - ultrasound and biochemical blood test. This will help reveal the liver disease at an early stage and take action on time.

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