Artists who hardly survived the loss of loved ones


Larisa Guzeeva shared sad thoughts in social networks. A year ago, the actress died mom, in connection with this, Guzeyev published a touching post in a microbloggy, dedicated to the Mother of the Artist: in the photo depicted Rowan twig on the sky.

It is known that Mother's departure has become an incredible tragedy for Larisa, a woman even had to ask for help to psychologists, as the TV presenter could not independently deal with the loss.

Loss of loved one - always big grief for any person. We decided to recall the stars who also experienced the death of a native person and with difficulty cope with the loss.

Celine Dion

The star of the world scene Celine Dion is a mature woman, and therefore her pregnancy in 2010 many perceived very exciting. The artists had twins, everything went more than well, but the fans of the artist shocked the news that Celine was waiting for the triple. The singer honestly admitted that she lost his child early. According to the artist, this loss has become a real blow to her, which she survived only with family support.

Brook Shields

A pretty girl from the Blue Lagoon turned into an incredible woman in beauty, but to build personal happiness turned out to be a rather difficult task for the actress. Now Brooke raises her daughters and lives quite happily only occasionally recalling that terrible year, when after the Eco procedure, Shields had a miscarriage. Couple with difficulty survived this event, but still a personal tragedy of Brooke's personal tragedy with her husband even more.

Brook Shields

Brook Shields

Dmitry Shepelev

Probably one of the most tragic stories in the Russian show business is the loss of Zhanna Friske. The singer learned about his terrible disease, when she was already pregnant, as a result, the woman refused to treat, so as not to harm the baby. After the birth of the baby, Friske was actively fought with the disease, but Cancer won. Now the son of Jeanne brings up his father Dmitry Shepelev alone, who devotes all his free time to the child who is not distracted by a personal life.

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