Notes of Thai Mommy: "Andaman's water flooded poisonous jellyfish"


This moment I was looking forward to the last couple of months. When all my households made swims in the sea, we were languishing with Stefanov on the shore, comforting themselves in that we are taking sunbathing. First allowed to swim to me - somewhere a month after childbirth. And about another month later, as a pediatrician promised us, it would be possible to attract water procedures and Stephen.

"Bathing for a child is a great way to protect against many ailments," the children's doctor confirmed my thoughts. - True, at the initial stage it is better to do with ordinary wiping. And only then go to the actual bathing. The main thing is to remember the algorithm. First you need to take sunny baths, then sit in the tank and only to go into the water. "

And finally, Stefan turned two months. Can I open the swimming season? It is this question (one of many interested in me on that day) I asked to our pediatrician. I asked, honestly confess, just in case - because it has already prepared everything you need for the nearest swim. And suddenly…

"No, in the coming month, or even two to swim the child is strictly forbidden," - our doctor who has an unusual tranquility and never insists on his point of view (only tactfully recommends), this time was categorical. What happened?! Stefan have some problems?!

As it turned out, actually to Stephana, more precisely, to the state of his health, this ban did not have a relationship. Simply this month, the Andaman Sea was exposed to the invasion of poisonous jellyfish. Their bite, as the doctor explained to me, does not represent the danger for an adult, the maximum that threatens is an unpleasant burn. But babies from the meeting with these maritime representatives to protect better.

... But after a couple of weeks, he became boring just to meditate in the water. And he was literally demanded to give him more freedom.

... But after a couple of weeks, he became boring just to meditate in the water. And he was literally demanded to give him more freedom.

So we had to wait another month, while the jellyfish did not leave (although I was swimming all this time and nobody, fortunately, did not meet). But as soon as Stefan was attached to swimming, from now on we have a couple of hours on the sea daily. Since the water temperature in the Andaman Sea is rarely lowered below thirty degrees, swimming and in the morning, and in the evening. Well, finally, there are several tips to those who decided to come to Thailand with young children (it is even called "Miss Obvious", but such questions ask for almost all moms that decide on vacation in our territories):

- So, being in the water, it is impossible to release a child from the field of visibility for a minute;

- Be sure to wear a headdress and lubricate open areas of the body with sunscreen (better - special children);

- Even when the sea seems absolutely calm, you should not go deeply - the waves may appear at any time. Specifically, on Phuket, on the Nai Harn beach, there is a beautiful frog for kids, it is still great to swim on the beaches of Kata and Kata Noah, where you usually reign diet and smooth;

- After leaving the sea, you need to rinse with fresh water, wipe dry with a towel and only then to play on the sand - droplets of water and salt act as small lenses, and here it is not far from the burn.

Continued ...

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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