She asks to drink: 4 procedures for maximum skin moisturizing


Each resident of the big city faces the problem of dry skin as soon as it becomes pretty cool, and the heating is included at home and in offices. At the same time, it is not so important what kind of skin type you have - even the fattest skin can be periodically tightened, and this is a sure sign that it's time to make an appointment to your cosmetologist. We collected the most effective methods of humidifying the skin in the clinic or salon.

Milk peeling

One of the most soft and useful peels that is suitable for any skin type. Lacton (dairy) acid is absolutely safe for humans, and practically does not cause allergic reactions. Of course, for the salon procedure, an acid produced by an industrial method is used, but in natural form it occurs in our favorite sour-milk products and swarms, and yet the composition of the natural and industrial product is slightly different, so do not try to postpone the sauer cabbage to peeling. Due to the small sizes of the molecule penetrate deeply under the skin and perfectly eliminate black points, and also help update the upper layer. The most important thing is that this peeling can be safely called moisturizing. Moisture does not evaporate instantly, but it is evenly distributed, helping the skin longer remains for a metering.

not all problems can be solved at home

not all problems can be solved at home



Important moment: The procedure should be carried out only in a medical office with the involvement of a professional specialist. The charm of the procedure is that the dermatologist can pick up the perfect composition specifically for your skin, so you should not worry that you can not get the expected effect. One of the most effective moisturizing compositions is a "cocktail" with hyaluronic acid. In addition to the moisturizing effect, along with a specialist, you can choose such a course that will help solve other problems, such as raising the skin tone or solve the problem of inflammation.


The most popular procedure that is in the top of manipulations for women aged 35+. There are several types of biorevitalization - preventive and therapeutic, it all depends on the needs of your skin and age. The specialist introduces the composition on the necessary depth, which ensures the maximum concentration of the necessary skin of substances. Creams and emulsions do not allow to achieve such a result. However, be prepared that a few days after the procedure will have to spend at home, since the face will be a little sweeping.


If we deal with the face, what to do if dry bothering on different parts of the body? Peelings and other procedures designed to care for the face in this case will not be placed. Thalassotherapy is in a hurry to help dehydrated and dry skin - wraps, which contains super-weased algae and clay by type of your skin. The mineral complex helps not only keep moisture in tissues, but also has a beneficial effect on deeper layers, blood circulation is improving, skin restoration processes are much faster.

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