Sergey Svetlakov: "Tosya filled out the emptiness with which neither a psychologist or alcohol did not cope


I remember, a few years ago, Comedy Club Parachiki themselves proposed to interview someone from residents. Now the situation is exactly the opposite. To achieve an audience, you must negotiate in advance: the hero should decide whether he can carve time in his insanely tense schedule.

Sergey Svetlakov was born in the family of railway workers, graduated from the Ural State University of Communications, worked at the cost of freight forwarding. The only thing that allocated a guy from the working outskirts among all the others is the excellent sense of humor. He played the team of KVN "Ural Pelmeni", and it is this fact that later became a kind of ticket to a bright future. However, in the distant 2000, leaving from his native Yekaterinburg, Sergey could hardly assume that the project of the TNT channel "Our Russia" will become popularly beloved, and he himself will be among the top TV presenters. Is he happy, proud? Everything is not so definitely. After all, no wonder they talk about three serious tests - fire, water and copper pipes. In the case of Svetlakov, the fee for popularity and glory was considerable.

Sergey, when you went to conquer the capital, knew that ahead was waiting for you ahead?

Sergey Svetlakov: "No, how can I predict such?! I am not the winner of the "battle of psychics". I was driving what is called, nowhere. There was a crazy intra fear and for his family, which he drove from the spaced place, and for himself personally, his ambitions are creative and men. Return back to Yekaterinburg with a tailed tail - this is a psychological trauma for life! To make a similar step once again, there would be enough courage. The first time pressed the lack of money, household unpleasut. Eternal debts, restarting to pay rental apartments in a residential area. I tried that the family did not feel anything. Wife did not devote all problems. Much has been put on the map. No relatives or high patrons who would have guaranteed at least some progress in the career plan was not. Classic scheme: a guy from a five-story building in Yekaterinburg rides with checkered bags to conquer Moscow. "

In childhood, Seryozha was a mischievous child and his anecdota brought to delight the company of the older brother Dima (in the photo it is right). Photo: Personal archive of Sergei Svetlakova.

In childhood, Seryozha was a mischievous child and his anecdota brought to delight the company of the older brother Dima (in the photo it is right). Photo: Personal archive of Sergei Svetlakova.

What kind of she seemed to you?

Sergey: "I can not say that I did not like the city. Rather, I would compare Moscow with a good convenient office. There are many different rooms with different people, everything works. There is a place to relax, creative, entertainment department. This infrastructure for work, and not for stable and healthy family life. It is clear that my personal turned out to be moved to the background. At that time I tried to realize, and it was important that everything turned out. And such chances give this city. Become someone, and not something in Moscow. In any case, there is no possibility for a Russian person. Now, when a certain foundation is laid, I have a rewriting of life. Previously, the day was painted in minutes and the family has highlighted time from eleven in the evening to seven in the morning - when all the homemade has already slept. Of course, a couple of weekends was issued per month, but it was not enough. Now I adhere to the watched method: I work for two weeks, and I try to spend a week with my family. It appeared the opportunity not all the time to be in Moscow, but to leave somewhere resting - there, where fresh air and nature, where you can just enjoy communication with your children, beloved. If I have some shooting in another city, the family lives where I am shooting. Previously, this was not - I was leaving alone. "

Now, in new relationships, do you try to avoid past mistakes?

Sergey: "Sin does not take advantage of your experience. Yes, and someone would not have prevented, but not always enough wisdom to choose people and tips. A person understands what pain is only when he himself takes over the chop. But life goes, everything changes, we are growing up. "

Commenting on the recent divorce, you said that the wife stopped interested in your life, creativity. But did she support you all these years?

Sergey: "Yes. In fact, everything was kindly. In an ordinary family, maybe it would be enough. But the people are creative - abnormal. I understand that Yule lacked attention, her husband near, which would solve some family problems. And I lacked the "abnormality" on her side. " (Sergey and Julia met in the student years. They studied in one university. Daughter Nastya was born in marriage, this year she will be five years old. - Note. Aut.)

Musa needed you?

Sergey: "And the muse too. But in my case, this is not the person I read poems from morning to evening. And the one who understands me is so good that it is not even necessary to explain anything. The one who feels when you need to support when not touching, and when in no case can you go somewhere alone. There is no need to negotiate. Everything happens naturally between people's love. And no matter how much time they are together, - thread, connecting them, tells how to do. With us from Julia, this thread broke off. And without it, we are two self-sufficient individuals who simply exist in one space. I did not think that someday was interpreted. I looked at other men who left the family, and it seemed to me wildness. And now, in his experience, I realized that this can happen with each. It is impossible to spend your life to exist. If you do not care about yourself and who is near. Survive something you can, come up - no. Many dozens of years live in discomfort, but I do not understand. If you have something to take care, you need to do it by any ways. If you have nothing to do, you need to part. "

The former railwayman could hardly assume that he would soon be among the top TV presenters. .

The former railwayman could hardly assume that he would soon be among the top TV presenters. .

Apparently, the acquaintance with Antonina became the very last drop?

Sergey: "No, the bowl has long been full. With Julia, we had enough mind to stop at the right moment so that everything is not shifted through the edge. And the negative emotions did not prevail, which people are very often tested at a divorce. We understood everything on time and managed to negotiate. Of course, it was hard, but we broke up with friends - those who are convened twice a week and find out how things are going. Plus we have a common child, and some questions related to the upbringing of your daughter, we decide together. "

Women are still harder to worry the gap.

Sergey: "Creative people - nature vanity. Believe me, I was not easy too. And I am happy to meet Tosu. It was a gift of fate so that I did not slip somewhere. Half a year "Red" - Enough. Tosya appeared on time and filled out that emptiness inside, with which neither communication with a psychologist or alcohol nor fleeting relationships did not help. This can only make real love. And thank God, the semi-annual crisis was able to overcome. I am joying that now everything is so good - both at home and at work. Light strip goes. "

Probably, a successful man is not easy to figure out how sincere is women believed to him?

Sergey: "Well, I do not know ... I am very clear to me. I will not say that the clock, but a few days is enough to put all the points. And then I just accept the decision: I need it or not. So it was with all my women, it also turned out with Trey. I felt her love and sincerity and clung at once. Of course, you should not make a peacemaker from Tosi, who in someone else's war saved me. Compare it with a vest in which they cry. There were moments of interesting courtship on my part, and in general a lot of wonderful happened (and happening) with both of us. No one considers himself a sanitary engine. "

Sergey and Antonina registered marriage in July of this year at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Riga. Then their son Ivan appeared on the world. Photo: Personal archive of Sergei Svetlakova.

Sergey and Antonina registered marriage in July of this year at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Riga. Then their son Ivan appeared on the world. Photo: Personal archive of Sergei Svetlakova.

I had to make efforts to conquer the heart of beauties?

Sergey: "Yes, this time everything turned out not so simple, as often happened. We and I got acquainted in Krasnodar at the premiere of my film. She was responsible for my arrival. Well, here - as I met, I spent. However, something sank into my soul, and I started writing her and call. Several times invited her to visit me to Moscow, to which Tosya responded with refusal. And even explanations that I already live separately from my wife for half a year (at that time we have not yet issued a divorce), she was not impressed. I said that this visit is not obliged to her, I guarantee personal integrity. (Laughs.) There will be a paid hotel, a separate room. We just spend time together, get closer. What she said: "If you want, come, come." And I, as I was sitting in the car, so straight and drove on it to the airport. And after a few hours already in Krasnodar. We stood against each other and silent. And then she says: "So what will we do now?" I explained everything clearly here. "

Why did she not want to come? Stop the fact that you are a public person?

Sergey: "And indeed:" What, the fool, did not go? Seryoga, the same in Moscow was invited! "Now it surprises someone, but before that behavior would have caused any questions. So it behaves a normal decent woman who has a sense of self-esteem. Yes, maybe if Tosya immediately, in the first call, rushed to me, would not have happened with us. She would just pass through the comma. And so after it is put point. I think this is the right attitude towards life, for men, it is valued. I have a lot of friends - beautiful, spectacular women who are surprised: "Why is I not lucky with men?" I answer: "Yes, because you sleep every night with different things." "And I'm looking for," she explains. Yes, she is looking for a tyk ".

"Do not make a peacekeeper from Tosi, who in someone else's war saved me. There were moments of interesting courtship on my part, and a lot of wonderful happened to both of us. " Photo: Personal archive of Sergei Svetlakova.

"Do not make a peacekeeper from Tosi, who in someone else's war saved me. There were moments of interesting courtship on my part, and a lot of wonderful happened to both of us. " Photo: Personal archive of Sergei Svetlakova.

That is, the rule of five dates is rational grain?

Sergey: "I do not want to condemn anyone: who wants, so lives. But, in my opinion, some period is simply necessary to know each other. It depends on, of course, what a goal is a woman. If it is satisfied with silence, it is not clear with whom and where - what are the claims? And if she still builds plans for a joint future, a big stupidity behave. "

Is your family now in Jurmala? Do you miss?

Sergey: "Yes, very. But soon projects will be completed. Already starred all films, advertising, and from the side of the business everything seemed to be improved. (Sergey opened his own restaurant. - Approx. Auth.) There will be a week of vacation. "

Recently, we often see you on the big screen. Want to check your acting abilities?

Sergey: "Yes, this wave covered me. Cinema is interesting to me. I want to understand if I could create something in this area. Therefore, I am not only removing myself, but I am writing scenarios, I am engaged in producing. Soon there are two paintings with my participation. Both of them - about us, about Russia. And this is not some kind of pathetic gloss, not grimacing. And the movies with thoughts that I put out over the years and recorded on paper. (Laughs.) So this is the possibility of not only people to entertain, but also express. "

In the painting "Gorky!", Which recently went to the rental, you not only play Tamada, but also act as a producer. What did you like the idea?

Sergey: "Gorky!" - This is an absolutely popular story. Once a disc with the issues of the test "Our Russia" was in all cafes, airports, he was transferred to each other in the way the guys truckers. He was a background of life in Russia. I want "bitter!" He became such a folk hit, atmospheric related to our mentality. I hope we will hry all the accurate gets into real life. And sad, and cheerful - who will see what ".

Sergey Svetlakov:

After the release of the film "Jungle" wrote that Svetlakova was an affair with a faith of Brezhnev. .

This is a directorial debut, and the actors are young. You risk money ...

Sergey: "I am in life in life a risk! In fact, I believe in these people. Let it do not stars, but the actors are very talented, promising who want to do something. They are not "sharpened" for commerce. Our promise coincides: it is necessary to work in high quality, and the money will come. Everyone had eyes burned, all this project was sick, all the last was laid out on the shooting. "

You have a small role there ...

Sergey: "Well, yes, not the main one."

And why?

Sergey: "Yes, I don't need there at all. Initially, my role was not on the script. Then specially desumali, they decided to dilute the young acting. Like Eldar Ryazanov - there must be someone sitting near the hippopotamus and sleep the whole movie. The role is small, but, as it seems to me, bright. I think the viewer will have fun from the soul. "

Such an event like a wedding, do you have any emotions?

Sergey: "Mixed. There was a wedding in my life, but I have no romantic memories about this. It was more perceived as a duty, crazy stranded to survive. Debt traditions. It was not an exercise of some kind of dream. I respect the people who understand that the wedding is still a holiday for two, and find the forces to resist public opinion. Also in the film. The main character had its vision, how to arrange a ceremony. She went against the family and secretly planted to celebrate this important event in his life as she wanted her painted in her dreams. Humor is that her celebration coincided with the holiday for relatives, from here the whole Kavardah turned out. "

It is clear why you are simply signed with Antonina ... (Sergey Svetlakov and his beloved registered marriage at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Riga. The only witness of the solemn ceremony was the representative of the embassy. - approx. Auth.)

Sergey: "We still had no wedding. This script is written. We decided to arrange a non-one party, but somewhat, so as not to mix people, emotions, companies. In Latvia, Sabantuy has already been to the guys from Comedy Club. But they did not even know what kind of party. I specifically planted so that people do not bother about gifts. There was a big beautiful holiday on forty man. Everyone had fun, and at the end I announced the birth of our family with Treia. It became a wedding "start".

What are you nemerekantile! Many, on the contrary, make up a list of gifts with which invited go to the store.

Sergey: "Yes, there is such a scheme. But it would not give me pleasure. I want everything to be sincere. Some material things for yourself and your family I can buy it myself, I do not need anything from friends and acquaintances. I think the most important treasure in life is the ability to amaze and wonder. If friends want me to surprise and please, a gift should not be in the convectiveness with money. A pronounced emotion, written quadruses - it is much more pleasant and it means much more for me than stupidly call into some store. "

Sergey Svetlakov:

In the comedy "Gorky!" Sergei Svetlakova Dmitry is also played (in the photo - right). This is his debut. .

Why do you like Ivan Urgant so much?

Sergey: "???"

Even the Son called in His honor!

Sergey: "This press wrote so much. And I just listed all Ivanov, who met in my life, and suggested guessing, in honor of whom I called the child. By the way, all these Ivanas are talented, kind, positive people. This is a kind of collective image where the urgant is and of course. He is my good friend, I respect him very much, I love. We had excellent joint creativity. I hope it will still be possible to work together. So in this name - both Urgant, and Turgenev, and all the largest Ivanas have connected. It is associated in my consciousness with our country, with an immense soul, love, talent and power. "

As for relations with Urgant - is there any rivalry between you?

Sergey: "Fortunately, no. Those who say they do not envy more successful colleagues, lie. Envy is a natural human feeling. It inevitably arises. But it is necessary to choke it in yourself, put in the farthest corner of the soul, in the attic, and close the key. This is such an internal work. And Ivan and I do not sing each other's diffilaments, quite often express criticism, give some tips. And it is perceived normally. As a rule, if a person has a more or less successfully a career, over time he is simply like a moss tree, becomes praising all the time. And through this Corra, he can no longer appreciate the situation. I often watched a picture of how three-five or ten people walk on some artist or TV presenter and make a little king from him. For this reason, neither Vani has no director. We can't trust someone. I read all the scenarios, I decide where to act, where there is no, in which projects to take part. It takes time, but makes it possible to be more honest in front of yourself and in front of the viewer. Large responsibility, but also a great reward, both moral and material. So ... and where did you start? "

Sergey Svetlakov:

"It is impossible to spend your life to exist. Survive something you can, come up - no. If you have something to take care, you need to do it by any ways. If you have nothing to do, you need to part. " Photo: Personal archive of Sergei Svetlakova.

With the fact that you and Urgant are talking to each other all the truth in the eyes.

Sergey: "Yes, and it is very valuable. Trust tone is a big rarity. After all, often people are making an unsightly truth, so as not to spoil relationships, stay friends. "

Sergey, if you compare the period of life to Moscow and the current one when you felt happier?

Sergey: "The first part of life is quite suitable for me, I would not change anything in it. There was a university, friends, KVN classes, professional sports. Memories of the native nest from which I flew out, only the most positive. But in Moscow life there is its charms. I am grateful to people who work with me, the city that accepted me. In fact, I am grateful to everything that is happening. There was no evil that would eate me inside, sent to the other side. All that happened in my life was happening for something, this is a life experience. "

How do you see yourself in old age?

Sergey: "There is one picture, it is more humorous than connected with reality. This is a kind of meditation. When I have a bad mood and want to calm down, I imagine a break: around the high cliffs, the sea is covered at the bottom. On the cliff stands the iron bed with a Soviet sample grid. And I'm lying on this bed. The wind flies my gray beard, and a young nurse in a little bathrobe and with brightly painted lips carefully corrects a blanket on me ... slowly slowly drips a dropper with "Martini" ... I smile and look at the waves. And in this situation it suits me. "

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