Arina Postnikova: "Diets - a very dubious attempt to become slim"


Arina Postnikov, known to the roles in the "eighties" and "island", is trying to follow his way of life. True, due to the employment, adhere to only a healthy eating, she does not always manage. But it does not prevent her from being slim. Actress told about their secrets.

I try to eat right, but I love sweet : chocolate, cakes, buns - and I can not refuse it yet. Just as from the periodic eating Fastfud. Sometimes I just do not have time to eat, you have to snack on the go. From my childhood I do not drink milk, I do not like bread. It can be said, ahead of modern fashion for lactose and gluten-free products. For me, the perfect diet is a lot of greenery, vegetables, fish, fruit, berries. But it is in dreams. What will be "kinearm", we never know and eat that they bring! Of course, when there is an opportunity, I myself get up to the stove, trying new recipes. But now, unfortunately, I do not have time to cook anything at all, so it's more often feeding me. (Smiles.)

Diet - a very dubious attempt to become slim . In the Theater Institute, several girls were sitting on the Egg Diet Maggi, based on the consumption of the maximum protein and the minimum of carbohydrates. Just one egg contains only 79 calories. But I did not see it brings a long-term result. I heard a lot about the Kremlin diet. But also I do not know how effective it is. But the proper nutrition and physical exertion is an absolutely proven method.

I run a lot : From the airport to the car, from the car to the court, from the site to the airport. Here is my sport. (Laughs.) So more often do at home or at the hotel: squats, "Planck". In the morning I do the "Vacuum for the abdomen" - when the belly is drawn to the maximum exhale. In such a position you need to hold out ten seconds. Strengthens the muscles, makes the waist more subtle, gives a tide of strength. In the spring bought a special wheel for scolding the back and press. Very cool thing. But even I do not always have time to do.

Arina Postnikova:

"We often do at home or at the hotel: squats," Planck "


Hair is a separate pain of all actresses. . I was repainted for a role in the ash blond, after which I almost lost my mane. He treated his hair for a long time, as a result, it was only growing natural color, as they repainted again. Save me and hair master from native Lower Tagil. From my bitter experience, I carried out that it is important to find really "my" cosmetics, follow the skin of the head, nourish the hair with masks and squeeze the sequencing ends. And that the most healthy hair is, of course, unpainted.

I always have patches for eyes, fabric masks . I use moisturizing whey, scrubs, I want to try grinding. But for rehabilitation after the procedure is needed almost a week, and I do not have so much time. Once I tried to prick vitamins into the skin when it was strongly dehydrated. To do this, we made serum from my blood. But now I was very interested in the face massage, Fais fitness. It really works. And behind him the future.

I love Korean cosmetics . The magic effect gives an alginate moisturizing mask. Face - as if you returned from vacation. From home recipes - Aloe mask. We take a piece of plants, remove the skin and thin plates put on the face. Perfectly moisturizes, tones cool, relieves inflammation.

I can give advice to girls: be sure to indulge yourself. Whatever crazy schedule is neither. In the fall, drink vitamins, to sleep more, care for the skin and enjoy life!




Dolls from Arina Postnikova

Avocado-Burger. Creamy cheese, weakly salting fish (it is better to buy fresh and put it on the night in a refrigerator, treating salt), arugula, lemon, avocado. Avocado cut in half, we remove the bone, put cheese and fish in the hole. Pour the lemon juice, put the arugula. Very tasty, simple and nutritious!

Snack with cheese burract. On the plate we put greens, tomatoes, top - cheese of the Burrrat, cutting it to the "juice". Fall by balsamic sauce. Snack ready!

Homemade masks

Oil hair mask. Mix the rapid, coconut and olive oil. Apply on the hair, put on a cap and cover your head with a towel. Ideally go to bed with this mask and how to wash it in the morning. The hair will be literally silk.

Coal face mask. You will need a teaspoon gelatin, a tablet of activated carbon, a tablespoon of milk. Coal crowded into powder, mix everything in a ceramic bowl and put in the microwave. The cream should become warm, but not hot. Apply to the whole face except the area around the eyes. Ten minutes later wash off warm water.

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