Bottle Dream Sleep


Not so long ago I came as a request to consider this dream:

"I am in the city, which is located in the forest. Houses, like summer houses, are located on the trees. It turned out that in this city all people are addicts and constantly drink a drug liquid in 1.5-liter bottles. Externally, liquid is similar to beer. The whole dream was attended by fear for myself, as they picked up to me, trying to put on this drug ... After a long torment and escape from these people, they still caught up with me and pressed to the wall. I spilled all the liquid that they slipped to me and tried to pour into your mouth. Then they got the needles from the syringes and began to poke hands. I remember that I scream: "Well, let's give your fluid, but you do not need to prick with reusable needles, even if one-time syringes gave". And they: "You all spilled it all, now holoim you." And here I wake up. And voltage from sleep so far. "

I confess that it is not easy to decipher such a dream, because for this you need to know the history of the girl who told him. Sleep is replete with images that can be extended directly, but for it they can have some other meaning.

So, for our dreams, it will be useful to pay attention to that sleep describes fear, threat and attempt to fly.

The threat comes from "other" people, drug addicts who drink a drug in bottles. Perhaps there is something threatening for the girl in its real environment. Unfortunately, we cannot directly ask the dreams, at the same time, the associations from the first picture of sleep are alcoholics, in whom it is located. Wednesday, or rather, people are hostile, as they are trying to assume a dream of their drugs. In the development of the scene of sleep, it turns out to be powerless to resist or run.

Thus, the dreaming becomes the same as the people who pursued it.

Of course, this dream about the dependence of some kind, fear of being dependent and impotence. Sleep draws the picture in such a way as if the situation of hopeless: all people-drug addicts, drove into the corner, begin to prick.

It would be very interesting to know about the history of our heroine. Did she have to directly face dependent people? How she herself copes with this topic in his life.

To decipher sleep, this does not apply, but here are some facts about dependence:

- alcoholism and drug addiction are mental illness, and not the weakness of character, as is customary;

- An alcoholic is considered a man who within two weeks can not do without alcoholic beverages;

- Alcoholism is a disease not only one dependent, but also a painful symptom of the whole family as a whole. 90 percent of alcoholics children either spawn themselves, or in the future create relationships with a dependent partner.

Often, the relatives of alcoholics are experiencing impotence, depression, fear and helplessness to change something in their lives. This emotional background was traced in the dream of our heroine.

This is a difficult topic, and sleep-lick one of the ways with it to get in touch and cope, although liberation from dependence requires more detailed and in-depth work.

And what to dream to you? Send your questions on the post: [email protected].

Maria Zemskova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazina

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