Sorry, but I am unpleasant: why men are "afraid" of women's critical days and how to fix it


Menstruation in a woman is a natural process, indicating her readiness for conception. However, the type of blood is subconsciously associated with us with danger. For this reason, children are often afraid of mom if they accidentally notice the stains on the flow of hygienic accessories on the bed, or are asked about what gaskets are needed. The man's reason in a strange attitude to a month usually lies in the cultural code laid down with the upbringing. Womanhit understands this issue, wanting to change the perception of the natural process.

Women themselves hide

Remember how in school years you were afraid of the flow, and more the fact that others will notice and will laugh at you. With age, fear of his own body passes, but discomfort in this matter remains the same. For example, women will rather prefer to warn a partner about the beginning of menstruation, will try to avoid proximity because of the fear of the unpleasant odor or the same leakage, although modern hygeni products, such as tampons, are quite tightly fixed in the vagina and exclude this opportunity. Typically, your concern is in vain: if everything is in order with health, then the specific perception of the smell of menstrual blood is rather due to the exacerbation of the smell sensitivity for critical days.

During menstruation, smell sensitivity increases

During menstruation, smell sensitivity increases


Education excludes an explanation of physiology

In Russia, sexual education is limited to informing about the types of contraceptive means. At the same time, the study of menstruation and normal for a cycle of manifestations is almost no longer focused. Parents, with rare exceptions, do not speak with children about menstruation until they start. This is a big mistake: Many girls, if you explore the opinions of gynecologists and sex bloggers, are scared during the first menstruation and even be afraid to speak to parents, thinking that something is wrong with them.

Media not in last place

The media form the consciousness of society. When in advertising hygienic agents, menstrual blood shows not red, but a blue or blue, in the subconscious, the idea is assigned that the type of original fluid is shame and uncomfortable for the demonstration. It is good that now many companies are in favor of naturalness and produce educational videos along with advertising. This is cool! It is possible that after 10-15 years, our children will no longer see anything amazing in advertising with original color.

In the media, the color of menstrual blood should be shown in natural color

In the media, the color of menstrual blood should be shown in natural color


Ethnic distinction

The culture of education in different countries can also affect the formation of the opinion of menstruation. In Russia, there are fewer problems with this, since in the country, religion is far from the first place in the life of people. Orientation to Europe and the United States played a role in the adoption of public movements towards openness to conversations for intimate topics. At the same time, in Nest's girls, the girls still have to be secretive in personal hygiene issues. If in Egypt and a number of other countries still know the cases of female circumcision, depriving the girl with the possibility of experiencing orgasm, then what acceptance of critical days can we talk? Hope only for the fact that gradually people will become more educated in the plan of physiology and will learn to perceive natural processes normally.

What do you think? Did you encounter menstruation from men or women? Tell us in the comments as it was expressed.

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